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Nikki POV

"I bet when we walk in they're cuddling"
Jxdn: babe your tripping no way she just broke up with Nessa
"U wanna bet"
Jxdn: fine what r we betting
"Loser pays for dinner tomorrow"
Jxdn: ok I bet that the closest they are is holding hands or charli's on the couch
"I bet there laying down on the bed together"
Jxdn: ok, boa or sattle ranch
"Boa, duh"
Jxdn: alr bet

We walked in the hospital again and went to the front desk
FD: I see you two r back, visiting hours are closed tho what can I help you with
Nikki: we got some clothes for my sister and his best friends girlfriend *points at jxdn* for the night if you don't mind us saying goodnight and giving these to them
FD: alright you can't take too long tho I'm not trying to get in trouble I just need y'all's autograph for my daughter and pictures tho if I let u in
Jxdn: ofc
"We'd love to mam"
FD: Thankyou I'm gonna be the cool mom now

We walked to Coops room first and he was asleep and sab was next to him
"Hey how's he doing"
Sab: better I'm glade there was no memory loss tho
Jxdn: how's is he when he wakes up
Sab: he's ok he's not awake too long because of the headaches but the doctor gave him medicine
Jxdn: dang ok well Nikki packed your bag and here's your key back for the apartment
Sab: Thankyou for doing that for me
Nikki : ofc bae anyways the lady at front desk let us come in when we we're not even supposed to be here so we got a time limit and we stilll gotta give the other bag to charli
Sab: ooo keep me updated on them
Nikki: will do  *Jxdn rolls eyes* will be back in the morning tho
Sab: k goodnight
Nikki & Jxdn: night

We then went to Jules and charli's room and Jules was knocked out on charli's chest while char was on her phone taking pictures
Char: finally I'm tired mom said you weren't gonna take long but u took forever

I looked over at Jxdn knowing I won the bet

C: why r u looking at each other like that
"No reason I just won a bet that's all, anyways here's your bag will be back tomorrow"
C: wait what the bet
"Nothing I'll text u"
she made annoyed smirking face looking at us and I laughed
C: bro what was the bet
Jxdn: I thought that this *points back and forth in-between Jules and charli* wasn't gonna happen yet
C: whatever and what Nikki thought otherwise
"Yes mam"
C: sounds about right
"Haha anyways we're gonna get going, don't forget you were supposed to have dinner with us tomorrow let me know if your still up for it
C: ok
C: bye

Charli POV
After Nikki left with Jxdn I got up to change but Jules held on to me talking half asleep
Jules: don't leave me please
"I'm just gonna change bubby nikki brought me clothes"
Jules: oh ok
I got up and changed coming out of the bathroom minutes later Jules still asleep and I turned off the lights and sat on the couch getting a blanket Jules: what r u doing
"Sleeping on the couch?"
Jules: why
"Cuz u should be comfortable I'm literally 2 feet away from you"
Jules: I prefer 2 centimeters
"Ugh ofcourse"
Jules: just come back on the bedddd
"I'm going I'm going"
Jules: haha
I layed on the bed and went on my phone answer some ppl who responded to my Instagram story
Jules: what r doing
"Oh just answering some ppl worried abt u"
Jules: oh wait how do they know
"It was on the news I thought you knew"
Jules: no I didn't
"What happened anyways, like how did the accident happen"
Jules: honestly happens really fast, we were literally just driving I assumed the car thought it the light would turn green on time or something cuz we ran a yellow and then they hit us on my side of the car, actually they couldn't open my door they pulled me out"
"dang I'm just grateful your safe"
Jules: yeah it still sucks tho with the whole leg thing

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