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Monica- never have I ever been married

H: you've been married?!?
"Wait no wait I'm not married or even ingaged to .*dies laughing*
H: that not even alcohol ladies and gentlemen

Monica- never have I ever been in love

H: what she said

Jules POV
I'm at lunch with Jxdn and trav right now and we just been talking about music
"Hey trav u know that song I didn't want on the album but I really liked"
T: which one u like every song
"Funny... uh the miserable until your dead"
J: oooo the one about-
"Shut up"
T: about who
J: that girl who broke her heart, whats her name again
T: ain't that the girl Landon is dating"
J: your lying
T: idk he brought her to the house yesterday she's like 5'1 green eyes light skinned curly hair
"Yeah that's her"
J: I feel like your messing around but u didn't even know her
T: idk is that who u wrote it abt. Cuz that's harsh
T: anyways what about the song
" I want to give it to ness"
T: I mean I'm not a control freak producer so sure
"Alr cool"
J:why to ness
"Idk she rlly liked it when I showed it to her we literally had payed it on repeat and she sang her heart out"
J:ohhhh makes sense
T: Im lost
"K so u now how she dated josh
T: there's too many tiktok kids for me remember
J: my ex bestie
T:Oh the Canadian?
"Yesss ok so they dated and he was a douch but this dude didn't believe her , obviously I did she's my bae"
J: yeah turns out she was right he's fake and is two faced
T: damn that sucks, yeah give it to her
"That's why I asked haha"
T: I feel like your ppl would think it's charli
"Exactly Jxdn said they thought that about crash and burn"
J: it does tho kinda like you were singing it to 2 ppl ya know
T: and what your breakup songs aren't about Nikki but you've been dating for like a year
"Oooooo tell him trav"
T: same to u
J: oooo tel her
T: u guys rlly act like your my kids
"Cuz we are duh"
J: I mean I've been an amazing father figure guiding us in the industry
"Yeah like telling me my songs shitty even tho I wanted to release it and realized U were right a month later"
J: haha Fr bro
T: yeah it wasn't shitty tho it just wasn't her best, I knew she could've done better and she did she showed up on the album
J: damn better
"Shut up"
T: but that's what I'm here for to help u guys grow as artists and help u fulfill the potential I know u have thats why I signed u two Dumbasses anyways plus
"And u would do it to for a check"
J: I was an employee
T: I can't with u two
"U love us"
T: isn't that what the Damelio r for
J: wow dad
"Dang trav love y too"

Time skip

Charli POV
I left Hailey house and justin gave me a bunch of the drew merch For Jules cuz he lost a bet or something I'dk I know he doesn't like to loose Tho
I was driving and stopped at a red light so I called Jules

Bubby 🥺❤️
J: "Hey baby"
"Hey bub I'm just leaving Hailey's r u almost done?"
J: yeah we just got the check
" ok u wanna meet at yours or just drive separately to madis?"
J: no meet me at the house so we can together
"Alright luv u"
J: love u too bye"

Jules POV
"Alr I'm gonna dip I'd luv to keep on talking but the lady is waiting"
T: alr see u Saturday for the launch party
J: oooo I'm so hyped for uuuuu
"Bru ikkk r u going to madis rn?"
T: alr well I'm parked this way
J: bye

*travis walks to his car*

"So r u going?"
J: nah Joshua is gonna be there
"Your kidding"
J: yeah idk but I'm not gonna risk another fight
"Just come for me I want my bestie there when my girlfriend is with her besties"
J: where's I park the paparazzi is following to the right
"I parked to the left"
J: lucky dayyyy
"Your avoiding the question"
J: if Nessa is going I'll go
"Bruh u can't do that "
J: just did
"That's different that's her actual ex
J: ok that's my ex bestie
"Your about to be my ex bestie
J: wow
J: fine I'll go only cuz Millie is going and she's been bugging me too
"Thx well I'm right here where's your car?"
J: like three cars down
"Alr bye see u there hossler"

Sorry for the short chapter 😪

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