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I pulled her chair at the table as I sat in my seat Justin across from me and Hailey next to him, the food was laid out and we just talked and ate a little

~time skip~

Charli POV
Jules dropped me off at my house and got down to say hi to my parents for a bit but she just left to her photo shoot so I went upstairs to my bedroom unwinding cleaning up a bit until I was interrupted by a knock on the door

"Come in"
H: hey
"Hey mom what's up"
H: nothing nothing u just, when Jules was downstairs u seemed quite
"She told me the same thing at Justin's"

H: u good
"Yeah I'm just tired I've literally been zoning out all day"
H: well maybe u should get some rest
"Yeah my sleep schedule is not good"
H: I promise I'll call the team abt your schedule ok?
"Ok, thx mom"
H: ofc luv u hunny
"Luv u too"

H: oh before I go I forgot to tell u Avani is coming over she wanted to surprise u but I don't want u to fall asleep
"Oh ok good to know"
H: yeah don't tell her I spoiled it
"Haha yeah I won't mom"

I cleaned up around my room changing out of my clothes into sweats and Jules's t-shirt and layed in bed on my phone it's only 3 and I'm in bed. I put my phone down sighing as I started to daydream. Jules is gonna go on tour, and I have major separation anxiety so idk what I'm gonna do it's not like I can go with her I have my work schedule to deal with.not that I have to worry abt it now the album isn't even out yet but she's already had meeting for it, they've already booked venues and confirmed who's opening her shows and all that......

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing so I picked it up seeing a texts from

My wife 🤍 x2
Avani 🤡 x8
Madi x2
Hailey 👑 x3

Yeah last one surprised me too, Im usually bad at texting ppl back who aren't ppl I see everyday which would be like Jules,Avani, Madi, my parents & Dixie or Noah sometimes but yeah. I'm rlly not in the mood to put up with his shit rn so he can stay on delivered..... i was responding to who I need to or wanted to until my door bust open and I Avani I squealing


Jules POV
I pulled up to this studio in la not the music studio but one for the photo shoot, the photographer was cool and he told me the idea for the shoot and showed me who was in charge of my outfits and she was rlly nice too they gave me the first fit and we started shooting

While I was changing again like halfway threw the shoot I got a call from

Kaila babe 😮‍💨
I answered the FaceTime
"Oh my god I miss you"
K:gurl u don't call me everrrrr
"Ik Ik I'm sorryyyy I've been rlly busy"
K: Ik I figured don't sweat it
"Sorry again"
K: don't be life ain't easy being a superstar
"Shut up, your coming tomm right"
K: duh wouldn't miss it for the world
"Aawww I love you"
K: luv u too where r u
"Well I'm at a shoot rn for billboards"
K: oh just call me later then i bet u wanna go home already it's like 5
" damn it's been like and hour and a half"
K; damn I could never
"Haha k well text me u should come over tomm or whatever works for"
K: alr cool sounds good
"Alr bye"
K: bye

I finished the shoot and then I headed out driving back to my place listening to the album that the world is about the hear. I'm excited but scared at the same time cuz this album is like my everything, it has all my writing all my person control in what I wanted it to be. I didn't make songs to be billboard 100 and be like everyone else I made them because I love them. Music has always been my outlet so this album in particular is special to me especially because of who I wrote most of it about. Damn she had me around her finger it's crazy. You never think u can love someone with your whole heart until you do, it's like you can't imagine life without them.

Charli POV
I was watching movie with the girls when my phone lit up. I picked up seeing a text from Jules

My wife 🤍
Hey bby I just got home, I talked Avani earlier, so have fun with your friends text me before you go to bed

I smiled at my phone as I texted she r back sending a picture

M: u rlly love her hugh
M: u heard me
"Ha I-"
A: common u do, we've already know you do
"Fine yeah I do I rlly love her"
M: awwww that's so cute I can't
"Shut up"
A: what's is it like for you, like for me with Anthony it's like if I try to imagine living the rest of my life with someone else I can't cuz it's no one else but him I want for the rest of my life ya know.
"For me i think of how soulmates find each other later in life or as teenagers but we found each other with out realizing we were soulmates yet and even then I think it happened that way for a reason, because I still get butterflies when I'm with her like when I was little"

M: awww guys stop reminding me I'm singleeeee
C: I'm sorry

Charli  |   I Love You Forever & AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now