ch. 12

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Jules POV

C: of course ill be your girlfriend

I put the ring on her finger and picked her up and she decided to wrap her legs around my waist so I held her by her thighs as her face was still hidden

"I love you Charli , always have and always will"

C: I love you too Jules

I smiled and char pulled me in for another kiss this time it was soft and I pulled away

"what about the papar-"

c: "I don't care anymore, im happy "

"ok Bub "

Brian was snapping picture the whole Time

B: alright guys im happy for u two and really think you'll love the pictures, enjoy the rest of your night bye

c & Jules: bye Brian

I looked at her and laughed as I put her down and we sat down again in silence enjoying each others presence

C : hey Jules

"yes my love"

c: can we go talk to the paparazzi

"if u want to "

c: ok lets go

we walked over to dixie still talking to the same dud but there were more of them now and we had their attention as we got closer

Pap 1: hey Charli hey Jules

c: hi


Pap2 : are u guys a couple

Pap 3: we saw u kiss

Pap 4: nice ring Charli

Pap 1: so what happened to chase r u cheating

Pap 3: Jules was that song you released a couple months back for Charli

d: HEY!

dixie looked pissed it was kinda funny tbh

d: let them speak please before u bombard them with questions

I grabbed chars hand and gave her a smile

C: so for all of the paparazzi I understand this is your job and I won't stop u guys or pay you out to not post these videos because we are going to tell the fans anyways but we would like our privacy and all I ask politely is that you wait to post these until we announce our relationship because I would like us to be the first to tell the internet

I went behind char and wrapped my arms around her neck placing my head on her shoulders

pap 2: "100% respect privacy "

pap 4 : " I don't want to be rude but can we have a date maybe so we can have our videos ready "

"I totally get it not rude at all don't worry abt it , Bub what doo u think"

c: its a Friday night so weekends people don't have school so maybe one week on Saturday

"ok then one week on Saturday then and for the wait we can answer some questions for more content for you guys tonight"

pap4: thank you I wouldn't have minded the wait anyways its your privacy

"thank you all for be so nice and respectful "

pap2: we get it no hard feelings can I get some pics of the fits Charli and Jules"

c: ofc

we did some poses and answered so questions

pap 3 :Jules r u and Valeria still friends

"uh no were not but I still luv her "

pap 1: what abt sab and cynthia

"sabs my bae I luv all the girls from nach "

pap 4: the fans ship u with Anna r u a thing

"haha no she's like my little sister I luv her tho"

pap 3: Charli what do u think abt Anna

"she so kind hearted luv her "

pap2: Charli why do u have the same ring as chase

"when we went to rodeo I saw a ring in Gucci that I really wanted but didn't pull the trigger to buy it but he got it for me for Christmas and a friend got one for him so coincidence "

Pap4: Jules some fans asked how old were you when u came out as bi and how did u know

"I kind of knew my whole life I found attraction to both genders but I figured it out freshman year and came out late sophomore year"

pap 1:charli what do u think abt the teaser Jules released to her new single

c: I already heard the whole song and know its a bop but Jules is very talented and I can't wait to see where music takes her and excited for everyone to hear it

pap4: Charli what else will u be doing other than tiktok and yourmakeupline with morphe and Hollister collab?

c: I have a podcast with dixie but other than that there are a lot of things in the works so wait for that

Pap 3- hey Charli I saw some questions asking why you got so mad at Jules for taking your plushies in a a tiktok or something

"mh- haha"

c: "shut up- so Jules decided it would be a good idea to take all the plushies I BOUGHT which weren't cheep by the way and pretended she burn them but buying cheap ones and burning one real one all for a dumb YouTube video."

"hey now- it was funny "

pap 2- hey Jules can I ask a serious question about your struggle with your mental health for the fans who struggle as well I know your not super vocal about it but no worries if you don't want to talk about it."

"uh yeah so I still struggle with a lot of things to this day and I've never been good with expressing my feelings so thats why my music is so personal and I sing somewhat about anxiety and depression and I just want people to know that its ok the feel the things you feel and that your feelings are validated but talk about it to someone because then you feel like your aren't doing it alone and its a lot harder on yourself keeping everything in because everyone comes to a breaking point so yeah there's me little bit of advice."

Charli grabbed my hand in the middle of me speaking

Pap 1- alr last question from me who's someone you would love to work with in the future as far as collabs go"

c: "u can go first Jules"

"alr well as far as music id love to work with my friends like nessa maybe something soon just wait... but I love Madison beers voice and I've meet her once or twice she dating our friend nick Austin "

c: "yeah for me I think the collab ive always wanted was dunkin so that was cool but fs JLO again because she was so nice and has always been and itol for me orrr Megan the stallion my queen"

pap 3- have you meet Megan the stallion Charli

"no but she sent me a pr package for her Merch which was super cool

pap 4- "I didn't know you were friend with nick or nessa Jules

"oh yeah um so I meet nick when hype invited me over for the first time when I was with Charli and dixie and he's literally like the guy version of me in a way personality wise so we clicked and we go to the skate park together and stuff but yeah I meet nessa through avani cuz she's super close with her cuz of there boyfriends and ive always followed her on social media but she super nice as well we hang out a lot we are both Leo's so makes sense

pap 2- alr Im the last one so last question for both of you guys the fans want to know who your favorite female and male tiktokers are

c: " alr mine r brad schemmel zoifishh she's just amazes me when she dances"

"mine would be Anna cuz she's hella funny and Markell"

Pap 2- alr thx guys have a good rest of your night

me and char:"byeee"

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