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Dixie POV
I got in my car an called Nessa

Hey have u talked to Jules
No she won't answer
Why what's going on
I'll let her tell you ok? I just need to find her
We share locations I'll send u hers rn
Ok thank god
Alr keep me updated
I will bye

Ness sent me her location jot to long after and if looks like a hiking trail or something like that weird  but not rlly it's Jules. I pulled up 15 min later and I see her car as well as someone else's and I get walked up the little path and see Jules and Landon
J: omg hiiuuu duxiew stickfss
"R u drunk"
J: maybe just a Littlw not rlly just a little i promiseeee
"Yeah ok your coming with me"
L: no I got her no worries
"No you've done enough trying to get her drunk and use her for whatever psychotic plan u have we know your schemes already you psychopath"
L: she was already drunk when she got here
"I'm jo talking to you come one Jules"
J: okkkkk

I helped her up while she was limping  and I remember what charli told me
So I carried her in the car and went to the drivers side leaving back  calling Nessa again

Hey did u find her?
J: find who meeeee I'm in a car driving rlly fastttttt oooo your pretty pixie
So you didddd....
Yeah she is pretty hammered but her car is still here so can I pick you up so can drive her car back?
Yeah ofc
Ok I'll be there in 5
Ok thankyou again
Of course we both care about her let's just get her car back and then we can talk yeah?
Alr bye
J: u guys care aabouttt meee*cries*
"Of course we do but hey please don't cry"
J: that's all I know how to doooo *crying*
"*sighs* don't say that"
J: why notttt hugh! My eyes r peeinggggggg
"Julesss your eyes r not peeing *giggles a little* but you know how to do so much more than cry
J: like sleep yeah I'm gonna sleep right now nighty nightttttt
"Goodnight Jules"

Jeez this girl drunk is not it for me, i eventually got to nessa's with jules asleep in the passenger seat and then we all went back to the hill where her car was
Ness: u have the keys
We looked at each other and then I tapped jules
"Where r your car keys"
J: in my pocketytt
"Can u give them to me"
J:mhmm don't hurt my baby if you scratchhh it I'll hurt you
Ness: I won't scratch your precious Audi
J: Audi R8
Ness: ok Audi R8 jeez
J: okeyyyy
Ness: Thankyou
"See what I've been dealing with"
Ness: I've never experienced her this drunk but ya know
Ness: ok will go back to mine?

We drove back to nessas and parked the cars and Nessa helped me get her upstairs to her apartment and layed her on the couch
Ness: I can watch her until she sobers up while u go with charli
"Yeah but I'll come back tomm to talk to her cuz I have no fucken clue what happened at that hill but she relapsed by the way that's why she's wearing sweats and limping"
Ness: *sigh* I talked to her too
"Don't blame yourself but I'm gonna go take care of my sister"
Ness: ok see u tomm

I walked out the door letting out a sigh going to my car and driving back to hype to take care of my sister I walked in to be greeted with cameras and then they point at me
Alex: so this is Dixie which everyone knows is charli's sister and we need you to be blindfolded
"Alex I don't have time for this where's charli"
Alex: fine after?
"Yes I'll do your stupid bit after"
Alex: she's with chase outside
I made my way out back and saw them making out
"Charli fucking Damelio"
C: Dixie
"Chase can u go please"
Chase: sorry yeah
He left I stared at charli
C: she cheated on me first
"Charli she didn't fucken cheat on you but now you did"
C: she didn't?
"No, your so stupid charli you didn't even know the truth yet"
C: is she ok
C: why what else happened
"Idk everything yet but she's drunk at nessas house"
C: *sighs* I shouldn't have left her it's all my fault and now I'm the stupid ass who cheated on my girlfriend well we kissed I didn't fuck him but
"Charli I get it ok let's just go home"
C: but I want to see her
"U can't right now"
C: why not
"Because she's hurting and whatever your gonna tell her won't even process in her head how drunk she is knowing her she probably got high at some point to so we will go tomorrow"
C: no I need to go now, I love her Dixie you don't get it
"Don tell me what I do and don't get ok I love her too she's my fucken best friend don't you think it hurts me too to see her like that charli it's hurts that's she promised me she would never hurt herself again and she broke it, it hurts me that she hurt you and that u hurt her ok?! You are the one who doesn't understand so I'm leaving I see you tomm"
C: Dixie I didn't mean it
"I know you didn't"
I walked back inside leaving crying charli outside by the pool and balcony and I went inside
Alex: so you'll do the bit now
"Yes Alex I'll do the bit now, what do u need"
Alex: put on a blind fold and sit here

I did what he said and then I felt hands on my thighs

"Yo no ones allowed to touch me like th-"
And then someone kissed me and I took the blind fold off Meeting Addison and I pulled her down sitting her on my lap
"So you surprised me with my girlsfriend "
Alex: mhmm
"That's it"
Alex: yeah I just wanted you two kissing for clickbait
"Ok course ok I'm leaving now"
Addison: can I go with you
Addison: I ubered Anyways
We walked out meeting the paparazzi again as we held hands and walked to my car and the i opened her door going back to mine and leaving telling her about the whole situation today....

Nessa POV
After Dixie left I cleaned up a little and then Jules woke up from her nap
J: Nessaaaa
J: my head hurtss
"Figured ok I'll bring you some medicine right now"
I got some medicine from the cabinet and water and walked over to her
Giving it to her
"are you a little sober now"
J: Mhmm
"Ok let me turn on the tv and then I'll order us Chinese food"
J: yayyy my favorite
"I know it is"
J: you do? how
"You told me"
J: u know I love sushi too
"I know that as well"
J: wow
J: your really pretty
"Am I ?"
J: mhmm
I was sitting next to her and she was touching my face gently
J: I think I'm a little too honest when I'm tipsy
"I think so but also think your way more than tipsy"
J: your lips are tempting tho
J: is it bad that I really want to kiss you
Wait yeah you have a girlfriend but I'm in love with you
J: so can I
"I- i- don't know"
J:I want too nessa
"It's your choice"
She leaned in connect our lips hers tasted like strawberries and alcohol and she went in for more again and again until she slid her hand up my thigh and I pulled away
"We can't"
J:why not
"You have a girlfriend"
J: she left me
"She what?"
J: she left when I was in pain even tho I asked her to leave
"Jules your drunk and as much as I love you more than a friend we can't it's not fair to charli"
J: ok
"Let's just watch a movie until you feel better ok?"
J: ok but I want cuddles
"I- ok"
J: I-I'm sorry
"For what Jules"
J: For kissing u? Holy shit I really kissed uuuuu wowww
"Jules your still drunk i said we'll talk tomorrow"
J: b-b-but
"No buts"
J: what do you mean I got a nice ass
"Jules nooo"
J: heyyy your mean
"I mean you do, no you don't wait you do but just shut up ok go to sleep"
J: okayyyy
J: wait I'm not comfy it's hot
"We'll do you wanna go upstairs"
J: mhmm
"Ok common"
I stood up holding out my hand to help her up
J: carry meeee
"Jules can U just walk"
J: no it fucken hurts to walk but when I'm not drunk I pretend like it's totallyyyt fine buttt in fact it not look
She pulled her pants down in front of me and I let a tear slip seeing all her cuts
J: why r u cryinggggffffj
"I I'm not crying you are"
J: okayyyy I'm crying now
"No don't cry"
J: u just t told me tooo
"No let me just carry you upstairs pull your sweatpants back up I'll get you pain killers and I'll clean your cuts
J: mmk
I wrapped her arms around my neck carrying her bridle style up my stairs and put her on my bed
"Have you been eating
J: haha your funny
J: I don't eattt
"Jules your supposed to eat
J: I knowww but I throw it up anywayssssss
"Jules I thought u we're over that"
J: ooo look at the veiwwwww
"Never mind"
I grabbed her some clothes to change into of mine and then grabbed the first aid kit and pain killers going back to the girl laying on the bed playing with her hands
J: hiiii againbbb bestieee
"Hey I'm gonna clean these for you ok it might sting but I need you to take these pills first
J: how do I know you're not druging meeee
"You don't"
J: why should I trust you
"Cuz you kissed me 10 min ago..."
J: righttt, ok thennn
She took the pills I gave her with water
J: hugh! This is my friends waterrrr
"The brand?"
J: yEAH!! Jadennn
"Yeah he gave me some"
J: same he's so niceeee righttttr
I giggled at the cute girl staring at the water bottle
"Ok lay down on the bed and pull down your sweatpants
J: that's what charli saidddd
"Shush Jules"

I eventually got the girl to cooperate and I cleaned her cuts and she changed and we went to sleep the girl latched onto me as I stared into the dark ceiling recalling the kiss that meant so much to me, the girl I've been in love with yet she's gonna  have no clue tomm, she was that blackout drunk
And it hurts but she's my bestfriend first and I have to respect her happiness and decisions

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