Ch. 49

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Jewlz POV
With that I didn't realize I let a tear slip in the car and charli whipped them away holding my face with her hand
Charli: u ok
"Mhmm fine"
Charli: Jules
"It's ok rlly"
Charli: ok

She held my hand as we drove back to my place listening to music and hearing the others talk


~month and 1/2 later~

Jules POV
Music has been going really good for me and I'm almost done with the album which is good. Charli and I have been good for the most part I guess... well after the whole thing with jordyn, my ex things got I guess difficult not rlly, She's basically obessive and is a bitch to charli sooo. Anyways me and ness started talking again a while ago it was a little weird at first but we're chill now, josh is back in the picture I guess idk and charli and I still aren't officially dating. Anyways rn I'm driving back to my apartment from the studio since the doctor said it was ok for me to drive now.

Incoming call from char🤍

hey luv
Hey I just pulled up
Oh alr I'm like 10 min away
Alr see u rn
Alr bye

.... Shes acting weird but I mean shes been like that for the past couple weeks Ig I'll finally talk to her

Charli POV
"Ok everyone Jules is 10 min away so thankyou all for helping me but u need to get the fuck out

Nessa: damn charli get you boo ig
Dixie: this is why is my favorite y'all gang up on me all the time
Jxdn: shut up let's just leave
Coop: good luck hope she says yes I mean she probably will
Nikki: there basically dating already
Addison: be nice you guys
Dixie: babe it took her 2 months to ask her ex girlfriend to be her girlfriend again when they are together like everyday
Sab: true that... anyways r we gonna leave or???
Jxdn: right, ok we're out good luck charchar get the girl who wrote a whole album about you already

They all left and I paced back and forth fiddling with my hands. She'll say yes idk why I'm worried I have her favorite food, snacks and our matching necklaces Sound corny but they just say our names and then dinner before, is it too much tho.... chill charli damn this girl got me in my feels or something 😪 we've  known that ok breath in & o-


I ran and opened the door
J: hey I think I left my keys in the car but I swear I just saw Jxdn in the parking garage or som- why r u looking at me like that
"Sorry no reas-"
J: I love these candies
"Yeah I know"
J: what r u up too Damelio
J: sure mmk
"Haha we're going to dinner babe"
J: can I go up and change
"No u look fine"
J: but
"No hits what car do u wanna take"
J: depends if you wanna be flashy or not
"Mmmm why not we're usually casual anyways"
J: yeah so let me change to dress up more
" use your fancy closet downstairs then"
J: I see your hiding something fine then I use my closet down here
J: on one condition

She walked up to me playing with my shirt
J: you have to change as well and i choose what you where
J: mmk

She kissed me and we went into her closet and got dressed



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"Uh so the urus?"J: yeah"Alr I'll drive"J: k that works for me cuz this cast doesn't make it easy to drive

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"Uh so the urus?"
J: yeah
"Alr I'll drive"
J: k that works for me cuz this cast doesn't make it easy to drive

"Uh so the urus?"J: yeah"Alr I'll drive"J: k that works for me cuz this cast doesn't make it easy to drive

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We got in the car and I drove to boa

J: so where r we eating
J: mmm crowded Restaurant
"That's why security is gonna be there and our table is closed off out of sight to other customers .."
J: very nice
"So how was the studio sesh did you decide what genre you were gonna do"
J: yeah all of them
"Your doing what?"
J: haha it'll have some slow, upbeat pop, pop punk, alternative, indie pop a little everything and then from there albums can be just pop or just alternative ya know
"You amaze me"

Jules POV
"Thanks luv"
C: mhmm
"You wanna hear the song we named the album after"
C: ofc
"Mmk here"

My phone was on Bluetooth so I just pressed play while char drove

"Sooo what do u think"
C: I love it
C: yeah ofc
I smiled
C: I see it Big house bigger than the White House babe

I hit her shoulder as she repeated my lyric

C: ok we are here and security is right there

"Alr don't get out yet"

I got out and ran to her said of the car with all the flashes taking pictures
C: your opening my door on the date night i planned
"Yeah always"

She rolled her eyes and pecked my lips as I grabbed her hand closing the car door going to the side walk

Valet: key?
C: here
Valet: Thankyou

Pap 1: hey Jules and charli it's been a while how are you guys
Pap 2: Jules is saw you put out your album release date and album cover
"Yeah I did"
Pap 4: whats it called again
"It's called doyouseeit"
Pap1: cool charli have you heard the album yet
C: yeah I have you guys are gonna be blown away

She squeezed my hand and I smiled

Pap4: hey charli we saw on tiktokroom a girl named jordyn talking abt u and Jules and that your relationship is fake any words?

C: no comment
Pap4: Jules?
"Ppl shouldn't speak on topics if they don't have the facts"
Pap1: can we get some shots

We stopped walking and they took a bunch of pictures And then we walked into the restaurant


Miss me?
Haha Srry I've been busy

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