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Charli POV
I woke up with Jules on top of me and she was still asleep I'm surprised she didn't move. I didn't want to disturb her sleep since she never gets much of it anyways so I leaned over and grabbed my phone and it's was only 7:45 kinda early ig we did go to bed early tho. I saw my notifications I got a text back from Landon...

Btw if u don't know what he looks like this is him⬇️

 I know Jules would never cheat on me but I'm just overthinking now cuz that's her type I mean she's bi but she kinda had a type not rlly now that I think about it it was rlly anyone, there were skater boys the most and then musically inclined guy...

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I know Jules would never cheat on me but I'm just overthinking now cuz that's her type I mean she's bi but she kinda had a type not rlly now that I think about it it was rlly anyone, there were skater boys the most and then musically inclined guys or athletic then there's me she's fs been with more Guys than girls idk something inside me second guesses why she choose me when you have Travis Barkers son wanting you? idk anyways he texted me back

Landon 😒_________________
Hey Landon so this is Jules's Girlfriend if you didn't know she has a girlfriend now you do

if you don't know who I am I'm charli like as in Charli D'Amelio and she's mine and as you can see I obviously mark territory so if you would kindly fuck off she's mine thx 😘We'll see how long that lasts until she realizes u can't please her the ...

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if you don't know who I am I'm charli like as in Charli D'Amelio and she's mine and as you can see I obviously mark territory so if you would kindly fuck off she's mine thx 😘
We'll see how long that lasts until she realizes u can't please her the way I can, I have before and I could easily do it again if I wanted to but I won't be a home wrecker or at least for now I won't be , we'll see but thx for the regards D'amelio  nice picture by the way I did better last time I was with her
Fucking douche... ugh why is he so annoying he's like an expert at getting Under ppls skin
J: "who's a douche"
"Oh your awake now" I put the phone down I rubbed her back with one hand and stroked her hair with the other
J: "I am awake and you are thinking out loud my luv"
"What I say"
J: "u said 'fucking douche' sooo"
"Yeah your little simp texted me back"
J: "ooo can I see"
I grabbed the phone and angled it so she could see now and she read it in her head
J: "Remember why I dropped the guy"
"Thought it was a one time thing"
J: "it was but we talked for like a week after and I dropped him "
J: "his personality was absolutely not it, to say the least idk why tho his dads chill he's actually dating kourtney kardasian Addisons new bestie but idk he prob got it from his mom or something"
"Makes sense anyways what shall I say"
J: " uhhh idk prob nothing u said what u wanted don't engage more he will just try to annoy you and manipulate you I mean he already tried to get in your head right there and that's the definition of toxic"
"He did get in my head tho"
J: well you shouldn't let him get to your head he's jealous
"Right I would be too I wasn't dating u"
J: " well I was jealous of everyone u dated char so same here"
" ookk"
J: what time is it ?
"It isss 8:14"
J:k common let's get ready
" nooo we have like 45 min still"
J: fine but I get to pick what we wear but u only get 20 mor min to cuddle
J: ok then
I flipped us over so that I was straddling her now and I payed my head on her chest and she played with my hair as I drifted

Jules POV
"Ok common it's 8:35 and it'll take us a good 10 min to get thereee"
C: ughhh I'll get up once u give me something to wear
"Ok then"
She was still on me so I carried her as I got up and then threw her over mud shoulder
C: where r u taking me
"To the restroom"
I put her down on the sink and I brushed my teeth I she so did she see with the toothbrush she has here and we did our facial routine and I picke her back up
C: "uhh where now"
"closet u can lay down on the couch in there"
C: fine
I put her down and then picked out my outfit and it took me a whilebut I picked something or char to so I threw the clothes at her
"Here u can change now"
C: how about I watch u change and then Vice versa"
She sat up and watched as I stripped down to just my underwear and a bra and then I walked over to my draw picked out a sports bra and new underwear and undid my bra facing away from her
C: heyyy how fair
" u can wait until later to see all of me"
C: but I don't wanna wait
"Too bad it wasn't and option"
C: ugh ok u got a nice ass tho
C: I mean I'm not wrong
I finder putting on my under garments and threw the others in the hamper and then put on my outfit

Jules POV "Ok common it's 8:35 and it'll take us a good 10 min to get thereee"C: ughhh I'll get up once u give me something to wear "Ok then"She was still on me so I carried her as I got up and then threw her over mud shoulder C: where r u taking ...

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"K your turn bubba"
C: how abt u change me since I'm to lazy
"Your undergarments too?"
C: yeah I trust u
"Ok" I kissed her and gently pulled her hoodie over her head and I kissed her neck and her chest lingering there for a second her eyes were closed but I heard her breathing hitch and smile against her bare skin I trailed my hand down to her sweats and I pulled them off. I grabbed some undergarments that she had in my closet don't even know how there here but I walked back over and kissed her again but she held the back of neck not letting me go so I moved my hand from her waist line to her back and undid her bra and putting on a sports bra since were working out. I didn't look or stare although I wanted too and every part of her is absolutely perfect and beautiful but then I pulled of her under wear sliding on new ones and then slid the leggings around her ankles and had her stand up to slide them all the way up to her waist I then gently pulled a crop top over her head and she already had already put socks on while I looked for her top so I slid on her shoes and tied them

 "All done"C: I love u "I luv u too now let's gooo I'm picking up ginger shots at Jamba Juice so let's gooo"I picked her up my her thighs and she just clung onto me like a kuala and I ran down the stairs carefully so I wouldn't drop her a grabbed ...

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"All done"
C: I love u
"I luv u too now let's gooo I'm picking up ginger shots at Jamba Juice so let's gooo"
I picked her up my her thighs and she just clung onto me like a kuala and I ran down the stairs carefully so I wouldn't drop her a grabbed our phones my wallet and keys and left and we went down to the parking structure and got to my car and I opened her door and put her down in the passenger seat them ran to my side and drove off to Jamba Juice. Char had aux and put my hand on her thigh and she was on her phone and then I pulled up and parked
"I'll be back won't take long"
C: ok
I got out of the car and I bought those ginger shot thingies they make your throughly feel like hell but it's for the body beauty is pain but I also got 2 small strawberry protein smoothies and I waited after I ordered and payed and went on my phone and I saw charli's Instagram story

 Char had aux and put my hand on her thigh and she was on her phone and then I pulled up and parked "I'll be back won't take long"C: okI got out of the car and I bought those ginger shot thingies they make your throughly feel like hell but it's fo...

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I didn't realize how masculine my hands looked but I didn't have my rings on or bracelets so made sense well pulled up to dog pound and we got out and charli hopped on my back so held her and I started to pay for the parking meeter right when yet again paparazzi... great

Charli  |   I Love You Forever & AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now