Ch. 43

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Jules POV
Everyone left me so I could talk to ness, as she walked in

Ness: hey

She sat in a one of the chairs next me
Ness: so
Ness: just say it Jules
"Say what"
Ness: you still love her
Ness: I get it really I do I think we're better as friends anyways
"I'm sorry"
Ness: for what Jules you did nothing wrong, I knew what I was doing getting into this with you, risking our friendship for my feelings
"Don't say it like that please"
Ness: sorry yeah but besties 4 lifers still
"Always ness"
Ness: haha thx
Ness: well I'm gonna go my little brothers flying in remember
"Oh yeah I forgot"
Ness: yeah well my assistant picked him up cuz well this happened but he's and my house if you want to meet him feel free if u feel up to it he's here for a month
"I'd love to meet him"
Ness: ok uh well I'll talk to charli

Ness POV

I walked out of the room letting out a sigh walking back to the waiting room
"Hey charli can I speak to you now?"
Charli: sure

She got up and we walked into a empty hallway
Charli: what's up
"Nothing nothing I just wanted to tell u Jules I were better as friends which we both came to terms with and agreed on, I really don't want any bad blood between us cuz my best friend is still madly in love with soo if not for me for her"
Charli: haha yeah of course no bad blood ness
"Ok cool, well I gotta get going my little brother is visiting and this happened while he was landing so I gotta run"
Charli: oh ok thx for talking ness I appreciate it rlly
"Ofc take care of her"
Charli: I will

We hugged and I ran out of the hospital waiting for my Uber

Jules POV
I mean that went a lot better than I thought it was gonna turn out to be. After ness left I was thinking for a bit, I'm really not gonna be able to play soccer anymore or at least not at the level I was going to be at or was. I can't say I'm happy about it but I'm not devastated to be honest. I don't have my phone so I can't call anyone or text so I dozed off to sleep

Charli POV
After talking with ness I sat with Nikki.
N: what she say
"She said she doesn't want any bad blood and her and jules had a mutual agreement that they were better as friends"
N: Fr
"Yeah, why would I lie?"
N: idk it sounds unbelievably true ig
"That doesn't even make sense"
N: shut up charli"
"Whatever I'm gonna go back with Jules"
N: mmk lover girl

I walked to the front desk again
"Hi I was wondering when one of your patients was going to be released?"
FD: name pls
"Jules Bree Dunn"
FD: oo the singer I love her music by the way
"Idk right she's beyond talented"
FD: aren't you the girlfriend
"Uh something like that"
FD: very nice well my chart says she should be good to go tomorrow doctors just want to see how she does with the pain thru the night for her prescription and u guys should be good after that
"Ok thankyou"

I left going back to Jules's room and walked in to see her asleep and I smiled at the sight of the sleeping pretty girl. I closed the door softly not realizing the girl noticed my presence as I went to sit down
Jules: nooo lay down with me please
"Haha ok"
"your hospital bed isn't as small as I thought "
Jules: ik right

I took off my shoes sitting on the side of the bed then laying down with Jules

I took off my shoes sitting on the side of the bed then laying down with Jules

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"Can I post a picture luv?"
Jules: mhmm

Jules: can I see "Yeah look"Jules: wtf am I so pale compared to u "It's called a fake tan luv"Jules: shut up "Haha, the 28 is new hugh? On your fingers?"Jules: oh yeah it is"What's the meaning for that one"Jules: cooper um you know his story with ...

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Jules: can I see
"Yeah look"
Jules: wtf am I so pale compared to u
"It's called a fake tan luv"
Jules: shut up
"Haha, the 28 is new hugh? On your fingers?"
Jules: oh yeah it is
"What's the meaning for that one"
Jules: cooper um you know his story with his addiction and all anyways there's obviously the '27 club' which stand for death but he wanted to make something that stood for life and that 28 is the sign to keep going and your life is just starting ya know so me, Jxdn,coop, ness,and Quinton got the number 28 tattooed all in different spots but coop is gonna start the club thing on Instagram and wants to do a whole brand with it
"That's amazing proud of him"
Jules: yeah me too
I turned my head to looked at her as she stared at the ceiling and she felt my eyes on her as she turned making eye contact with me
Jules: so
Jules: Hmm

She looked at my lips looking back up to my eyes
"Just kiss me"
She smiled cupping my face with her left hand without the HIV needle and pulled us closer together as she locked our lips together as those same butterflies I had weeks ago came back the moment she touched me and I kissed her back passionately pushing back, until she pulled away first.
Jules: haha did you not here the knock look
I turned my head seeing my mom all smiley they the window
And I gasped putting my head in Jules's shoulder smiling

Jules POV
"Come in"
Heidi walked in squealing like she was as our age
H: are my girls back together or what
"Something like that I think"

Charli kissed my neck as I said that and sat up

Charli: yes mom it's something like that
H: Aww as long as you girls are happy anyways I just came to tell you we're gonna head out and I'll be back tomorrow to pick u girls up, charli Nikki went home and packed you a bag for the night and there's only one visitor per night so we voted u char
C: thx mom
H: ofc hunny what would u like me to bring in the morning? Dunkin? Philz? Starbucks? And then food wise?
C: I'll let Jules decide
"Dang my dunkin queen is letting me decide"
C: shut up just choose what you want
"Haha ok ig Philz and then food I don't rlly car whatever"
C: Jules you need to eat
H: don't worry I'll just do chick1fil-a or something like easy I'll call tomorrow, alr have a goodnight. Nikki is on her way back with jxdn they'll be here soon
"Alrighty by Mrs. Damelio"
H: Jules your literally my daughter legally just call me whatever you want beside Mrs.Damelio
"Ok Heidi"
C: haha Alr bye mom I love you
"Love you too bye"

Jarli is backkkk
But soccer scholarship is goneeee

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