ch. 9

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charli pov

i brought the chiptle up to the room and we all ate, watched tv and talked until around 4

madi: hey char what times your date?

"she said 6"

avani: girl why didn't you tell us , you gotta start getting ready now, i can do your makeup if you want?

"it doesn't take me that long to get ready to  be honest but i usaually always go natural but let me go ask if i should go casual or dressy."

avani: ok

i walked over to dixies room and i can hear them talking to each other but i walk in and go lift Jules's arms up then  sit on her lap cuz why not i miss her touch i miss being in her arms idk but as soon as i did she started rubbing my back and i layed my head on her shoulder leaving pecks her and there onto her neck until she started talking to me

J: where r the girls?

"in my room"
J:oh then why are you with me, not that i dont want you here but

" i just had a question for you plus i just wanted to be in your arms for a little bit"
J: aww you miss me ?
"how could i not"
J: k stop being cute, what your question bubs?

" i wanted to know what i should where like casual, dressy or dressy casual?"

J: i'd say dressy casual but comfortable.
"ok , this is why being gay is so much better."

J: hugh-?

"if i asked a guy that they wouldv'e been like 'idk' or 'whatever you want' , like im asking for and answer?"

she just giggled at me
J: "ya ok "

" i mean thats just one benefit ."

J: "ok go get ready now dork."
" no i want to stay a little longer."

J: "ok thats fine, do you know what time it is ?"
i pulled out my phone from my back pocket and read her the time

J: "ok thx."
"mhmm imma text the girls so they can pick ourfits for me."
J: oh is there anthing in particular u want me to wear?

"no, why?"

J: "cuz bryant wanted to do take some photos before we go i was thinking you'd want to match or something idk ."

"good idea we can use the pictures when we come out to our fans"

J: "you mean your fans?"
" sis you have 73million followers what do you mean 'your fans'?"

J: "you have 95million."

" ok and?"
J: "most of my fans came from you so imma just call them yours."
" but they follow you so there actually yo- , you know what nevermind just you do you" then of course my dumb ass sister has to interup as always

D: "haha Jules! you lost cuz your to busy with charli"
J: "ya ok"

K: "yall aren'y even dating yet and you guys look like your been in a relationship for like 7 months

D: "because they acted like a couple before they confessed feelings it just now it's more obvious and in front of ppl plus charli is a touchy person."
" Addison! come get your girlfriend."

D:"when did addi get here."
"3 hours ago you would've know if you payed attetion dixie."then addsion walked in and i giggled

A: "what she do?"
D: " why do you asume i did something?"
A : "because you always do i mean luv you babe."
D: "rude-"

A: "no but really why did you call me ."
"your girlfriend is i being mean to me."

D: "i did nothing ."

"but talk ."

A: " i talk all the time, doesn't mean that im mean"
D: "thankyou"

"uh " of course they got each others back

A: " k imma go now come on char we picked some outfits. hey Jules"
J: "hey"

"ill let you know a color to go off of"
J: "ok"

i gave her one last peck before leaving and the girls showed me the options for outfits but we decided on a black dress with i white short sleeve under and me and J wore matching jordans

y/n pov

charli was almost ready to go so that gave me a good 5 min to ask dixe for her help,


D: "yeah?"
"im taking charli to my spot after the shoot but i need you to pick up the food is that ok?"
D: " yeah no problem from where?"
"i ordered for pickup from boa at 7:30"
D: " when and how'd you do that?"
" i texted my manager and he figured it out but were gonna post about it and were two of the most followed ppl on tiktok so they took it as promo oppurtunity anyways just pickup the food, i texted vani already and shes setting it up so just meet her there"
D: " if you post it the fans are going to know it's a date"
" ya so if char is fine with it will tease it if not will wait to post it"
D: " oh ok, what about kate"
"shes getting the dunkin"
D: "of course "

"yeah but thankyou i rlly appreciate it"
D: "yeah id do anything to help this ship sail"
" oh my "
we both laughed

D: " but rlly your my bestie and i know your values and your heart, you won't hurt charli and charli wont even hurt a fly so she'd never hurt you but my point being im happy for both of you but i rlly just want u to be my sisterinlaw tbh."
"sweetest dixie thing ive heard."
D: " hugh?"
" you couldn't make it simple you had to make it weird somehow but that what you do so- you know what nvm."
D: " ok"
we both headed downstairs and charli was sitting with the girls


C: "yup"

I extended my hand for her to take and we walked out of the house

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