Ch. 3

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charlis pov

i woke up and Jules wasn't next to me anymore so i got up took and shower then got ready for the day and filmed a get ready with me for tiktok. I was heading down stairs but i noticed dixie's door was open so i looked to see if Jules was with dix but they weren't there so i continued to head downstairs.No one was home so i decided to look for some tiktoks to film so i could post throughout the day. in the middle of the tiktok i heard Jules and dix come in but i continued until it was over and saw them with dunkin.

"so thats were you guys went"

D: "ya also all the drinks are the same so just grab one"

"all right thx pixie"

dix headed up stairs and Jules sat down in front of me so i post the tiktok then put my phone down and grabbed my coffee

"hey Jules"

she just contiuned to be on her phone and ignored me,
"Thx for my coffee"
No response
oh no what did i do , maybe i made her uncomfortable asking her to sleep with me and cuddle

"Jules......... did i do something wrong I'm sorry if asking you to stay with me last night was too much you could have just told me."

i saw her look up at me and maybe she zoned out and didn't hear me the first time but i was wrong. Jules looked at me straight in the eyes , i could get lost in her hazel green eyes for hours but she just looked at me grabbed her coffee and went upstairs with dix like i didn't exist. i can't explain how much i hate being ignored but i don't want this to ruin the rest of my day so i invited bar and liane to go to target with me to get snacks for a video.

time skip after target to when they are trying snacks/ also go watch the actual video if you haven't charli's faces are priceless

i was really having fun with the girls and i even found my MINI GOLDFISHHHH that bar and liane told me didn't exist and i beileved them and just thought it wasn't a thing in california buttt i was right they are real so we got some but in the middle of the vid y/n came downstairs

Jules : "hey bar, hi liane"

B & L: " hey"

B: " we got snacks from target want any?"

Jules: " no I'm good thank you though bar."

B: "ya no problem"

" hey Jules do you want to try my smores dip i made?"

she just side eyed me and now it was really annoying me now

"Jules you've been ignoring me since this morning and i haven't done anything to you and all im doing is offering you something i made or any of these snacks in general so can you pls just acknowledge me ."

she gave me disgusted look and quicky grabbed a water and went upstairs

L: "what was that about?"

"Idk she's been ignoring me since this morning "

L: " oh there has to be a reason what do you think it is?"

" thats thing i don't exactly know but last night we were watching movies and i asked her to stay with me so we cuddled and went to sleep, i woke up ans she was gone and since her and dix came home from dunkin and she just been like that."

B: " ouch, that must hurt you alright?"

"ya lets just finish the video."

L: "charli as much as i want to finish the video with you i want to make sure your good first like really and don't lie to us we know how much you care for her as more than a friend."

B: " i agree, you can tell us anything you know that right."

" guys im fine really its not like she even likes me back and if she did know she would probably hate mee... shit."

B:" you don't think dixie"

L:" nope she totally told her"

"oh my god that makes so mcuh more sence nowww"

B: " you alright?"

"nope i'm gonna kill dixie."

bar and lianne just laughed

" thanks for coming to film with me i think i have enough footage but i don't think i can film anymore but i'm gonna talk to dixie."

B: " it okay i totally get it let us know if you need us will be here."
L: "ya text us luv you char byeee."
"bye guys thx for understanding"

We said our goodbyes and they helped me cleanup before they left and then i called dixie to my room


i heard quick footsteps and the saw dixie with messy bun,sweatshirt and sweatshorts.

D: "what do you want charli."

"did you tell her?"

D: "tell who what?"

"don't act clueless you know who and what im talking about."

D: " i don't so tell me"

"i said don't act clueless did you tell tell Jules, and don't lie dixie."

D: " tell Jules what?!?!"

" dixie pls you know this is something i trusted you with and i didn't want to tell Jules because it would ruin my friendship with her so if you told her pls just tell me "

D: "you think i told her ?"

" yes shes ignoring me all of a sudden dixie."

D:" well why is that my problem"

"its not im just asking you a question that might have to do with it so stop being a bitch about about it dixie."

D: "look idk what you think i told Jules but im not being a bitch about it you are just getting on my nerves."

"Dixie i just want to know if you told Jules that i like her as more than a friend."

D: " why would that bother you if i did? i mean i didn't but still"

" because i've been in love with her since we were 13, because i like her as more than a friend and don't want to risk our friendship that we have had since we were 8 ,Because i don't want to loose her because it will break me, because im scared of what she will say when she knows how i feel and when she finds out i love her.... is that what you wanted me to say dixie?!?!"

"so answer the Question did you tell her or not?!?!"
dixie just smirked and me while i was on verge of tears

"whats so fucken funny dixie."

and the suddenly the door opened and my heart dropped

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