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Charli POV
We finished the podcast and Dixie drove us to my parents house and I was greeted by all my dogs and a full crew for the Hulu show we've been filming

Mom: long time no see
Dad: gotta tell Jules you still live here ya know we're gonna have to send the care over with u
"I missed u guys too"
D: you guys weren't that sad when I left dang
Mom: oh be quite We missed you too
Dad: she just leaves for days and then shows up, Dixie actually visits more and she doesn't live with us anymore

"In my defense.... I've been busy"
M: I saw that, was madis party busy? was it fun
"It was mom have u seen Sara"
M: NOOOO I texted Jules I want her over it's been so long
"I know she freaked out when she got here"
M: who brought her
Dixie: Joshhh
Dad: josh did?
M: why josh I thought Jules wasn't on good terms with him anymore
"She still isn't I think.... idk point being that was his apology"

M: oh ok how long is she here for
D: a week
"No actually she talked to Jules this morning and yk they always wanted to be models together so Sara asked if she could crash with Jules until her career takes off so she's gonna be here permanently"
M: oh how excitinggg, how's my girl hanging in tho she's gotta a lot on her plate rn no breakdowns again
Dixie: I feel like she's been better at talking abt it and she isn't stressed or she doesn't show it
"I think she's more excited rn it's not even comprehended as stress"
Dad: good for her, I can't wait to see that music video

Dixie: don't watch it dad
Dad: why not
M: what pda? Which song is it"
"Lust to love"
Dad: yeah not watching it
M: markkk, I'll watch it anyways
"I'd prefer you not to"
D:mom that's like watching your daughters have sex
" Eww Dixie we have different parents"
M: Dixie don't say that, now we gotta bleep it out
Dixie: Srry
" you should be Srry"
M: anyways speaking of Jules where is she
"She's should be finishing her meeting  in like 20"
M: is she gonna come here?
"She has a meeting after then she'll come"
M: alr well you want to come with me to pick up some stuff from the mall
Dixie:  is there any food
"Should be leftovers"
Dixie: alr sounds good

We all walked to the kitchen and my mom picked up one of the dog balls and threw it as Dixie ran to the kitchen and she tripped on the dog.....

She Fr Supermaned across the floorrrrr

Mark: why are you laughing
"Cuz it was funny"

We all went in the kitchen and just talked
Mom: so how have u been charli mentally Ik everything Jules went there was a lot for you on top of all the stress of your own Life I can't imagine
"Idk I think I handled it rlly well when It happened I mean ofc I freaked out panicked, like I was an idiot for running to chase idk why I did that"
Mom: well we all make decisions on temporary feelings and that's how we're gonna learn honey

Dixie: yeah been there
"Idk I guess now that we're ok, work has been speeding up with all the publicity so it's been kinda crazy, but is it wrong of me to keep thinking about Landon being with Jules on the hill when she was intoxicated?"

Dixie: I told you he was sus, he was being all nice it was weird
Mom: well people can change

Mark: they're still filming guys
"That's fine"
Dixie: mom I know ppl change but not him, i don't even know how he's related to Travis cuz he's so nice

"I know Travis is so nice to me whenever I go to the studio to visit and Landon hates my guts"
Mom: he doesn't hate you

Charli  |   I Love You Forever & AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now