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"I'm gonna shower"
C: ok well I'm always nice talking to u guys I'm gonn end the live now bye

She got up following me to her restroom as I started the shower
"Wanted to join me"
C: duh

Jules POV
Char and I got ready and we ended up leaving the house pretty early so we went to grab some coffee before heading over th Justin's and these were the fits

We pulled up to his gate and security let me in and we were greeting by the one and only Mrs Hailey Bieber herself
H: hi guyssss it's nice to see u again charli, hi Jules Justin is in the back already
"Alr cool, nice seeing u too, u guys have funnn"
C: we will"
"Mmk luv u"
C: luv u

I walked to the back towards the courts since I've been here one to many times already and saw JB shooting with some ppl already

JB: there's my team mateeeee we're playing duos
"Alr cool we playing, laroi?"
L: u know it
"Damn Alr he's confident"
JB: he knows he lost already we're chillen
L: let's see then I ain't ever seen her play
JB: bro don't underestimate shes hella good under that pretty face my guy

L: damn ok I know he ain't capping cuz the way he told me
"Haha who's your partner"
L: my homie over there on the phone with his girl
"Alr Alr"
JB: take a couple shots yeah
"Alr lemme see"


Charli pov
I watched as Jules walked to the back and looked back at Hailey looking as well
H: she's too nice
H: like Fr
"Well her and Dixie fight all the time but to me and everyone she's just so polite and nice"
H: keep her Damelio
"I know"
H: anyways I don't have any plans for us, we can just cook and talk is what u was thinking tho
"I'm good with that"
H: ok let's go to the kitchen

We walked over and she pulled it all this food from the fridge and we started cooking salmon, burgers for the guys, veggies and sweet potatoe fries

H: so how r things with Jules???
"They're good, her home town best friend moved in"
H: oh I saw thatttt I didn't know who she was tho
"Yeah it's complicated"
H: good complicated or bad
"Well.... Bad ig not for me or Jules tho"
H: elaborate please
"So Jules best friend used to date jxdn's best friend and u know Jules and Jxdn r like siblings literally"
H: her home town best friend
"No ness"
H: oh ok ok what's his name again i k so his face ive seen them before
H: yeah
"Yeah so they dating and he was rlly... abusive like verbally and physically and when she finally told Jules and Jxdn they hated his guts"
H: damn
"Yeah but back to the point josh was pretty close with Jules, being Jxdn and Jules r close so as a way of apologizing he brought her home town best friend"
H: that's smart did it work
"Kinda, I think idk but yeah that's how she's here"

H: is she nice u grew up with her too hugh
"Yeah well more Dixie cuz they're all the same age but yeah"
H: I find it fascinating how u and Jules got to together all the time
"Haha really"
H: yeah it's like a movie story
"Thx ig?"
H: ofc haha

"Your coming to her album party tomm right"
H: yes ofc wouldn't miss it for the world, Justin already canceled other things to go anyways he said anything for his lil sister
"Awwww that's cute he calls her that"
H: yeah idk if she knows tho
"Why not"
H: not sure tbh

"That's cute tho"
H: it is, swear to go I love the relationship they have
"Yeah, I've never seen them together
H: yeah I think Justin has always had a hard time being vulnerable ya know and he see alot of himself in Jules in the aspect of struggling early on with metal health and stuff so their honest with each other all the time
"Really? I love thattt"
H: I knowww

~time skip~

Jules: 45 - 39
Justin: 50 to win
L: bet
Troy: easy money

Charli and Hailey had finished cooking their meal as they walked outside watching their luvrs finishing they're game. Jules had taken off her shirt already leaving her in a sports bra, her abs noticeably their compared to the others without shirts, being the three other boys.
Hailey smiled and charli looking at her girlfriend

Hailey : I know that look very well Damelio
Charli: what?
Hailey: haha exactly
Charli: what face?!?
Hailey: your in love
Charli: oh shut up
Hailey: haha Fr tho your girl is ripped
Charli: aye my eyes only
Hailey: she's the one without a shirt
Charli: true

Jules received a pass from Justin going for the three, making it in perfectly leaving the score at 48-39
Jules starting with the ball later off as Justin gore wife and passed giving him the perfect lay up ending the game. The four of them sweating still unaware of the girls presence, dabbed each other up getting water

Laroi: nice game Dunn I thought u were only good for soccer
"Nah bro"

Hailey: YOU!

Jules POV
I turned my head seeing Charli as Justin yelled And i looked at her smiling. She's gorgeous, I just its something abt her that's never gonna away and I get butterflies as she meets my eyes and we hold eye contact until u smile and look at my feet grabbing my phone and water walking over to her

Justin: yo your shirt

We walked up to the girls as the guys headed out and we said but to them

J: u got plans today
"Yeah I gotta photo shoot in like three hours"
J: oh nice
H: what for
H: oh that's cool
"Yeah it was put together last minute by my management so"

Charli grabbed my hand as I spoke and traced the back of my hand with her thumb
H: well we made food u wanna eat before u guys head out
J: yeas pleaseeee
H: babe our guests
J: she's here all the time anyways
"Haha yeah I'm starving"

Charlie as a little quite so as we walked in as whispered to her
"U good"
C; yea why
"Ur quite"
C: oh it's nothing I just zoned out
C: idk
"U do know"
C:Shut up

I pulled her chair at the table as I sat in my seat Justin across from me and Hailey next to him, the food was laid out and we just talked and ate a little

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