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Jules POV
Char and I ordered the coffees and food for all of us and we're leaving the cafe as paparazzi was taking pictures. I held her hand and she kept her head down walking and paparazzi is not rlly her cup of tea they make her anxious and all that but as we approached the car I opened her door and she got in as I handed her the coffees and walked around getting in the drivers seat and we left

"U good bubba"
C: yeah I'm fine

She smiled as she connected her phone to the aux cord to play music and we drove back to the hotel
When Dixie called me

Pixie 🙄
D: Jules
"Yeah what's up"
D: uh do you got some special deliveries the the hotel
D: flowers, a lot of flowers
"Uhhhh what why?"
D: idk there's a card but I'm not gonna read it
"Well who delivered them"
D: idk this company employees no one familiar
"Uhh ok well Ill read the card when I get there we're down the street"
D: ok see u here
"K bye


Char: who do u think it is
"I have no clue we will find out tho"
Char: yup well
"I talked to Nikki the other day"
Char: hmmm she's ignoring me
"Since when"
Char: since her and Dixie argued and I took Dixie's side and she wasn't happy so
"Arguing even abt what
Char: something dumb i don't even remember
"Uh well doesn't help that Jxdn and I r supposed to have dinner tonight with u guys and I wasn't supposed to tell u but"
Char: but I'm kinda ima dispute with my sister
Char: it's fine we can still go me and nikki will figure it out
"U sure"
Char: yeah we're sisters anyways we always make up
Char: oh shut up


We got back to the hotel and walked into the room seeing a lot of white flowers we walked into the suite kitchen putting the food and coffees and the table
"U weren't kidding"
D:I knowwwww now open the card I want to know you sent them cuz it's a literally obsessive if u ask me

Char looked a little upset and was quite and she walked upstairs

D: what's her deal aren't u guys fine
"Yeah we are but I think I know who they're from and so does she "
D: who?
Noah: babe ur not that stupid common just think who's obsessive
D: my sister....
Noah: other than her

Dixie sat in thought as I grabbed the card

D: hugh- no way actually u think it was him? Open it u have to confirm

I was already opening the card as it said

"Been thinking a lot about that day on the hill and I know what happened wasn't a mistake we're ment to be and I'll wait for u as long is takes - Landon barker 🤍"

"Well yeah it was him"

I ripped the card tossing it in the trash

"It's so cringe makes me wanna vomit and die how desperate he is"
D: uh he's literally a sociopath
"Tell me about it"

D: u gonna talk to char
"Yeah after I burn and demolish all of these flowers and how the creep knew where I was staying and all that"
N: uh that might be my fault
N: is he friends with chase bye and chance cuz he was asking me where I was staying I thought he was just making conversation
"Yeah they r friends"

*knock*knock *knock*

I walked to the door opening it seeing nikkie Jxdn and Nessa

"Uh- shut the fuck up"

I ran into nessa's arms and she hugged me back
J: why was she the first hug
"Don't he jealous loser"
I then hugged Jxdn but he tackled me into the hotel suite onto the couch
"You idiot"
J: missed u too idiot

Dixie: why tf r you guys hereeeee
Nikkie: you guys act your age for once please and Jules I'm am offended I'm the last one to get a hug
"Sorry sorry your boyfriend decided to throw me in a couch"
Nikki: mhmm where Charlie
Dixie: she's upstairs she mad a Jules
Noah: babe-
Jules: Jeez she's not mad at me

Nikki gave me a look

"Ok maybe she is"
Nikki: what did u do
Nessa: yeah why is she even mad and why r all these flowers here
"Cuz of all these flowers"
Jxdn: omg do u have like a secret admirer
"Well this person is no secret just a sicko
Nessa: who?
"Mmm guess who"

Dixie: she threw away his note already
Jxdn: his?
Noah: yup "his"
Nessa: Landon
Noah: ding ding ding
Nikki: Fr?
"Yeah I'm gonna go talk to her"
Nikki: yeah u probably should

I walked up the stairs of the suite into the room we shared and charli was laying on the bed on her phone
"Hey bubba"
C: hey

She put her phone down as she sat up on the bed and opened her arms for me. I walked up to her as i threw one leg over her and sat on her lap and she held my waist.
"Your not mad r u?"
C: no why would I be
"Flowers downstairs"
C: no but it is annoying
"Yeah tell me about it they r not even roses"
C: haha shut up
"Haha I'm serious"
C: I know you are
"Well I'm gonna burn them because the sight of them makes me want to puke and die i a hole
C: that's a bit graphic
"That explains my hate towards him"
C: him?
C: so it is landon
"That would be correct"

She looked down breaking out eye contact
"Hey hey.....look at me"
I grabbed her chin cupping her face as I rubbed her check with my thumb

"You known I only love you"
C: I know... and I luv u more"
"Hmmm that's not possible
C: well it is
"Well no matter what gift other ppl try to give to win me over nothing compares to you Charli Damelio"

I've always known that charli loved reassurance. Since we were kids Heidi always reassured her of things she doubted and I've learned that was one of the best form of communication for us

"Well guess who here"
C: Uhh idk
"Jxdn Nessa and Nikki"
C: Nikkis here? And her and Dixie talked?"
"Uh not really not directly to each other but in the same conversation with me just not each other

C: oh so fun they r both so stubborn it a Damelio thing
"Ig not rlly u tho"
C: rlly well shall we go downstairs
"Sure do u wanna carry me"
C: I guess

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