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I sang it with emotion not even knowing ness came in I smiled at her and jumped on drums playing a steady beat while recording and put it together with some electric guitar I found a rift, and it was done
Ness: that's rlly good
Ness: when did u write it
Ness: wow
Ness: your beyond talented it amazes me
"Why thankyou *giggles *
"Uhh u wanna see the other ones"
Ness: u wrote more than one
"Yeah I wrote four"
Ness: dang okk
I handed her the lyrics to the other three songs
Ness: I think I like 'it's not your fault' the best
"Same I want Travis to drum that tho he will prob redo the one I just did to make it better"
Ness: why don't u do 'would I' with piano
"Ok let me see what I come up with"
I jumped on the piano and ness sat next to me and helped we figured out chords and put it to the lyrics she played the piano in the background while I added guitar

"We did ittt"
Ness : I love it
Jxdn: goalssss
"When did u come in"
Jxdn: like halfway though that song
Jxdn: it's rlly good btw
Jxdn: np but coop wants to order food what do y'all want
Ness: get her like Chinese food or Thai food that her favorite
Jxdn: alr Thai food then I love Thai food
I got up and went into the apartment living room
"Whats up"
Coop: I have an idea
Coop: get a dog
Coop: they are good companions
"Maybe..... what dog what I even get"
Jxdn: Doberman
"What is that"
Ness: no get like a Australian Shepard
Coop: shut up let her get whatever dog she wants personally tho I think u should get a Labradoodle
"Ok show me pictures and I'll choose which I like best"
The all pulled out there phones and showed me pictures

 what dog what I even get"Jxdn: Doberman "What is that"Ness: no get like a Australian Shepard Coop: shut up let her get whatever dog she wants personally tho I think u should get a Labradoodle"Ok show me pictures and I'll choose which I like best"...

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Jxdn. Ness. Coop.

"I like all of themm"
Jxdn: nah u gotta choose one
Nessa: mineee bub
Coop: nah don't guilt trip her
"No hurt feelings?"
Nessa: no
Coop: nope all u were just here to help
Jxdn: what coop said
"Alr I'm vibing with Jxdn's"
Jxdn: ha yeahhh
"I want to meet the three breeds first tho before it's final"
Ness: fair enough
Jxdn: alr y'all I found a Thai place do u wanna order in or go and eat there?

They all looked at me

"You know what let's go"
Ness: yayyyy
"Haha I need clothes tho"
Ness: np come on
Jxdn: will be waiting until y'all r ready
Coop: but I'm starving so hurry tf up
" chill"
Ness pulled me to her room and she chose an outfit from her closet for herself and then me

"You know what let's go"Ness: yayyyy "Haha I need clothes tho"Ness: np come onJxdn: will be waiting until y'all r ready Coop: but I'm starving so hurry tf up " chill"Ness pulled  me to her room and she chose an outfit from her closet for herself a...

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Ness: yeah we're matchinggg ok let's go now

We all left the apartments going down to jxdn's car since he was driving and coop was in the passenger seat while me and ness were in the back and her hand rested on my thighs my hand on top playing with all her rings

We got to the restaurant and got out seeing paparazzi running to us I got a little nervous and then ness grabbed my hand and smiled at me and we walked down the street and I ignored all the questions while ness and the Boys answered and we got inside and they waitress took us to our table

Charli POV
After my fight with Jules I drove back home and ran up to my room crying confused and upset and Dixie called me
D: hey r u there yet
"No I left
D: why
"I walked on her and nessa's kissing
D: r u sure
"I think I'm lying
D: no no I just don't think she would do that
"Well she did ok bye Dixie"
D: charli w-
I hang up and layed down staring at the ceiling and my phone rang again and I answered with out looking at the caller I'd assuming it was my sister

"I said bye already what do u want"
Madi: damn okkk
"Oh my I'm sorry I thought it was Dixie I didn't check who was calling"
Madi: Your good but I'm outside let me In I brought u some stuff
I ran downstairs trying to whip my tears about to open the door for my bestie
Madi: oh my bubby
She wrapped me in a hug and I hugged her tightly silently crying in her shirt and then pulled away
"Come in"
She can in and we went up to my room and she brought my favorite snacks and we watched movies and I talked to her about hat happened
Madi: dang that's a lot im sorry
"It's alright"
Madi: so who side is Dixie even on
"No clue probably Jules"
Madi: well doesn't matter im team charli %100
Heidi: charlii *yells from downstairs*
"I'll be back"
Madi: alr np take your time

I rand downstairs to my mom and she engulfed me with a hug
Heidi: ohh hunny I'm sorry

She rubbed my back while I held on to her just enjoying the presence of my mother
"Mom I still love her"
Heidi: I know you do it'll take time
"She's the one tho and I feel like it's my fault"
Heidi: everything happens for a reason but u gotta keep moving forward with your life and career ok if you guys were rlly meant to be you'll find your way back to each ok?
"Ok.... Mom?"
Heidi: yes
"Promise me something"
Heidi: anything charli
"Don't stop being her mother figure she needs u as much as I do"
Heidi: ok

We heard the door open
: mommm I'm home I got a new phone since Jxdn threw me in the pool and my phone broke

I see nikki and she looks at me red eyes and puts her things down and hug me
Nikki: what's happening r u ok, was it Jules I'll beat her ass up even if Jxdn kills me
"No don't I mean yes it's Jules but I was in the wrong first so if there's anyone you should be mad at it's me"
Nikki: what u do
Heidi: I'll let u have your sister Time

My mom left and I talked to Nikki into Madi cam down
Madi: I know I said take your time but it's been forever, oh hi Nikki
Nikki: hey
Madi: are you telling her
Nikki: bro my phone broke I had no clue what was happening
Madi: dang tiktok room put them on blast and Hollywood fix they recorded the whole fight like so much for privacy
Nikki: I mean it doesn't even exist if your famous
"Unfortunately sometimes I wish I never blew up feels like the the downs over rule the highs"
Nikki: don't say that I know u mean it but in 5 years you'll be thankful for the opportunities it came with
"Yeah I guess"
Nikki: u know what fuck Jules for choosing Nessa
Madi: period gorlll
Nikki: common we are doing girls night, madi call the gang togetherrrrr
"U guys I just want to eat ice cream and cry"
Madi: you can do that with company then

Jules POV
We were all eating now and the stupid as paparazzi were trying to film
"I swear to god if they don't stop recording us I'm gonna go off"
Jxdn: damn I'll be back then

Jxdn got up walking sober to them and I sighed
Coop: hey don't let it ruin the day we were chillin let's just have fun
Ness: we can do whatever u want to after this
"Hmmm can we rent an air B&B someone for the weekend"
Coop: I'm down where?
"Palm Springs, big bear, Huntington Beach, Malibu, idk somewhere"
Ness: So swimming or skiing
Coop: I got skiing ive never been
"More like snowboarding prob"
Coop: but I skate it's like the same thing
Ness: we go to the beach all the time let's go to big bear
"I'm actually excited ngl"
Ness: great let me look up some houses
Jxdn walked back sitting down
J: idk if they listened but what did I miss
"We're going to big bear for the weekend ness is looking at air B&B's"
Insta Pictionary the snow for Jessa
Jules and Nessa

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