Ch. 19 ⚠️

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Jules POV
"Taken care of"
C: mmk
Charli crawled back over to me on the bed and attached our lips as she straddled me as we continued to make out I ran my hand over her stomach with hers in my hair. She pulled away for air when I flipped us over
"Don't think we need this anymore"
I slowly slide off the towel as her eyes roamed my Body
"Eyes up here damelio"
She started blushing as I kissed her again and I went to her chest to take off the towel and looked at her for consent and she quickly nodded her head. I undid her towel and threw it on the ground and attached my lips to her neck while straddling her now and she alid her hand farther up but not all the way to my ass although I knew she wanted to so I gided them farther up for her and giggled and went back to what I was doing. I eventually made my way down to her chest kissing her breast taking one in my mouth while rubbing the other and then switched.
C: we don't have enough time hurry plsss
"Ok damelio"
I slide my hand down to her heat and rubbed her and she gasped
"U said to hurry up so that's what you'll get my luv"
C: mhmm
I kissed her again and then lowered my head down to her center and licked all the way up her slit
C: oh my god
I sucked on her sensitive nub and slid my index finger in and out slowly and she held my wrist.
C: I- Jules oh my fuck me
"I am"
I then instantly inserted my middle finger as well knowing that's what she wanted and she threw her head back in pleasure letting out a soft quite moan . I sped up the pace of my hand curling my fingers now every time for a while, I pulled my head back up to her and kissed her as inserted my third finger
C: jeezusss julesss
Her legs started to shake
C: I'm abt to
I took my hand out
C: what r u d-
I then latched my lips to her center sliding my tounge into her and she arched her back as she came into my mouth and I licked her clean bringing her down from her high and she looked restless laying down
C: how r u so good at that
" cuz I'm me"
C: oh shut it wait till it's my turn we don't have enough time tho
"It's ok"
C: I love u
"I luv u too bubby"
C: carry meee
"Back to the showerrr"
I picked charli up and we went back IN the shower and I cleaned us both up and I picked her up again and we got out and went to the closet
C: as good as u are would of appreciated if u didn't make me crippled
C: can u pick an outfit for me I don't wanna go home to change
C: can I pick yours tho?
"Yeah I don't mind
C: I'm dressing u too
We went through my closet we kinda have the same style for the most part so it's not that hard my stylist comes and brings new shoes and clothes every other week for me which makes it easy too but once we were done we put on our own undergarments and then dressed each other

 I sped up the pace of my hand curling my fingers now every time for a while, I pulled my head back up to her and kissed her as inserted my third finger C: jeezusss julesss Her legs started to shake C: I'm abt toI took my hand outC: what r u d-I t...

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 "So u wanted a tough fit today"C: I like when your tattoos are noticeable "Do u?"C: mhmm "I found a kink damelioooo I should get more tattoos don't you think"C: uh- yeah u should whatever u want tho "I'll think abt it idk what I would get tho" C:...

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"So u wanted a tough fit today"
C: I like when your tattoos are noticeable
"Do u?"
C: mhmm
"I found a kink damelioooo I should get more tattoos don't you think"
C: uh- yeah u should whatever u want tho
"I'll think abt it idk what I would get tho"
C: just no neck or face
"Yeah I wouldn't do that but maybe under my jawline or behind my ear or neck?"
C: I like all three ideas
"Of course u do"
C: haha
" what time did your parents want us there"
C: well it's 12:45 and they said 2ish
"Ok U wanna watch tv downstairs until dix and Addison get here"
C: yes but carry me I'm unable to
"Okkk" I threw her over my shoulder and started walking downstairs "what are you gonna say when you parents ask why I'm carrying you or that your walking weird"
C: leg dayyyy
"Good excuse"
C: very good excuse
I threw her down on the couch and grabbed a blanket and the remote  then took off our shoes
"Here I'm gonna get something to drink u want anything?"
C: apple juiceee
I came back with redbull and apple juice and payed down on her chest
"Can we watch the kardashians"
C: sure
We watched about 15 minutes of it before Addison and Dixie barged in
A: aww y'all r so cute I can't
"Thx addi"
C: Dixie there's a thing called knocking
D: why would I do that if I have a key dumbass
C: shut up
D: I'm right, Jules do I have to knock
"it be nice if u did but I'm used to it"
C: does nessa knock
"most of the time "
C : at least ONE of your friends has manners
D: I do have manners
A: most of the time
D: heyyy
A: u can work on it
D: uh-
"I agree"
D: y'all r mean
She came over and sat down on the other end of the couch and addi layed down with her head on Dixie's lap
A: hey my besties on tv
"Your besties is in her 40's "
A: yeah what's wrong with that
C: feel like she's more of a mentor
D: she's like both
A: yeah a bestie mentor
D: what ever u say bub
"What do u wanna do until we leave in an hour"
D: nap
"U always nap"
D: and
C: we can just do what we're doing now I'm kind tired too tho so I'd be down for a nap
A: whatever I'm not rlly tired tho
D: so Jules
"What's up"
D: I was thinking abt getting a tattoo
"Cool cool what would you get "
D: idk but I don't want it wear it hurts
"Well I'll go with you I just said I wanted more tattoos actually we could have my guys come here"
D: u have a tattoo guy?
"Yeah technically jadens tattoo guy"
D: oh I know who
A: put one behind your neck or on your fingers or something
D: like Hailey Bieber your other bestie
A: yeah her tattoos are cute
D: idk I like it though I'll think abt it
C: I say behind your neck Jules and right below your boobs
"Why so specific"
C: I saw it on Pinterest
D: yeah I've seen that too
A: I'd do one right there
"Why don't we all get tattoos except char unless u wanna but you have to ask your parents to sign papers and stuff
C: idk I'm not into the needles repeatedly poking me
"Yeah I know whatever u want tho
C: I'll think abt it
D: just get one don't be a crybaby
A: let her choose if she wants one or not jeez
C: thankyou
"What would U get dix"
D: something behind my neck
"Yeah I'll prob do that too I don't wanna tattoo my other arm
D: I like your tattoos but idk if I'd be able to do that I don't think it'll suite me
A: Jules how old were u when u got your first tattoo
"Uhhh id say 16"
A: what u get
C: a smiley face on her middle finger
A: rlly
D: and u got one in your lip hugh
"Yeah I got three tattoos that day
A: what the third
C: she put the word art in between her collar bone
D: of course u would know
A:aww I like that spot imma copy u idk if I want art or something else tho
"That suites you"
A: yeah imma do that
D: so charli if u did decide to get one where would you like to get a tattoo
C: anywhere unnoticeable
"So like behind your ear maybe cuz u can still show it kinda"
C: yeah probably
D: what would u get
C: idk u haven't thought abt it idk if I even want one fs yet
D: jeez ok calm down Jamal
"Can u not fight for like a second "
A: yeah we can't hang out without so sort of remark being made... Dixie"
D: ugh can we just nap we only have like 30 min
C: I agree
A: for once u guys agree
"Ya just nap me and addi will me fine
Me and Addison talked while we held our girlfriends and we talked abt everything music as well and then we woke them up and we headed to our cars to go get lunch at crossroads

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