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Charli POV
Jules: shit
"I uh that- that's a lot of blood wait "
I look her up down seeing her cuts the fresh ones and old ones which just stabbed me in the heart I walked over to her closet seeing a rag in her hand, alcohol in the opened cabinet and pills
Jules: just don't say anything
"Jules" I let a tear sleep and looked at her fighting the urge to cry
Jules: I think you should go, ok
Jules: charli I'm already hurting you just go
"No I said no ok"
She walked closer to me limping a little and then grabbed my hands looking at them kissing the back of my hand and kissed me backing me out of the restroom locking the door and I was frozen not rlly processing anything I just saw until reality hit

"Please don't do anything my Jules I love you , I love you so much your gonna hurt me more by pushing me away just open the door please... please open the door"
I slide down the wall not hearing anything for a while
"Jules let me in" *sniffles
Jules: I can't u need to leave
"I'm not gonna le-
" I I-"
Jules: just go I don't wanna hurt you
"U already fucken did"
I stood up walking downstairs slowly still in my head not processing what is happening but I left the apartment, I should've stayed but I left idk I wen to my car driving not even realizing how much I was crying as paparazzi shot me coming out of her apartments... great. I got in my car I drove somewhere anywhere but home. I found myself at the hype house I don't even know why j cried in my car as I hit the stirring wheel I should of fucken stayed and now she's alone in pain I called her no answer, again now answer and agin until she picked up
"Jules r u ok I shouldn't have left you I'm sorry I rlly am now I don't know what to do"
?: uh hey charli thx for leaving your girlfriend alone to call me
"Who tf"
?: oh right it's Landon
L: told you she'd come running back Well it was nice taking to u I should get back to her now so bye now
End of call

No fucking way, she wouldn't, but he picked up her phone. I continue crying in my car until someone knocked on the door and I looked up seeing chase , he opened the door hugging me as I friend in his arms
Chase: hey hey what's wrong breath ok breath
"She cheated on me"
Chase: I'm gonna beat her ass
Chase : but she
"NO ok no don't do anything to her"
Chase: I don't understand
"Can we just got inside I don't like them taking picture me"
Chase: sorry yeah I was gonna go get food but I saw you idk why I'm talking come on
I cover my face with my hand as he held my other hand and we walked I. The four story la hype house a sgreeted by music and we went upstairs to chase room
Chase: sooo what happens exactly
"I don't wanna talk about it"
Chase: ok well I'm here if you wanna talk
Chase: here your shirt is full of tears
*hands me a hoodie*
I took it sliding it over my t-shirt
"Thank you"
Chase: mhmm, well I'm gonna still get the food since I ordered for pick up I'll bring you back some
"Ok thankyou chase"
Chase: yeah of course
He kissed my four head walking out as I dozed off to sleep in his bed

Jules POV
I was left in the restroom after charli left I punched the walls I fucked up bu making her leave but a Jules thing to do is fuck up cuz I am fucked up I break everything I touch everything good that ever happens to me I destroyed my bathroom literally . I cleaned my cuts and put on sweats since it was sensitive I threw on a hoodie and put my hair up and quickly walked out of the apartment

 I cleaned my cuts and put on sweats since it was sensitive I threw on a hoodie and put my hair up and quickly walked out of the apartment

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going to my car to be greeted by paparazzi as I was crying and got in my car and left.. great right now that's on the internet I went to the liquor store buying alcohol and then to my spot up a hill where u can see la

In pulled up taking a bottle of whiskey with me and redbull to reach the top seeing a figure sitting there
?: I figured you'd come here
"Who r u I'm hot in the mood"
The figure turned around
?: sorry that sounded creepy I just wanted to talk to you and I knew this was your spot I saw all the paparazzi picture on the internet Already
"Oh umm hi Landon"
Landon: hey well I hate to say I was right but uh u wanna sit
"I was going to anyways, here want some"
Landon: nah I'm alright
"Suite yourself"
I took a long sip of whiskey making no reaction to the taste as I date there and watched busy la
Landon: so I don't wanna be nosy but uh what happened you don't have to tell me
"Nah it's fine I fucked up as usual ya know I had a record for doing that"
Landon: oh
"Mhmm ya know you display yourself as a jerk and you rlly aren't"
Landon: Thankyou?
"Mhmm" I took another long swig of the alcoholic beverage
Landon: hey hey slow down
"Don't tell me what to do"
Landon: fine then
"So what did you wanna talk about mr. barker"
Landon: I wanted to tell you that I still like you and I'll wait until your ready and if charli's your person right then that's ok but I need to tell you I'm not gonna harass you like I did cuz that's as me being a little to head over heels which my dads told me but I'm gonna shut up now"
"Landon I-?"
Landon: you don't have say anything your hurting right now I'm here to be a friend before anything else
"T-thankyou landsonn I think imma a little tipsy now"
Landon: yeah I can see that
"Well this bottle is done I'm gonna get more Red Bull, u want a Red Bull I'll get you a Red Bull form my car and beer I'll be back yeah I'll willl be back!👆"
Landon: haha ok

Landon POV
Jules walked to her car limping I don't know why probably just the alcohol but her phone rang twice charli's name popping up and Jules still wasn't back by the third call I answered for her

Charli: Jules r u ok, I shouldn't have left you I'm sorry I rlly am now I don't know what to do"
"uh hey charli thx for leaving your girlfriend alone to call me
Charli: "Who tf"
"oh right it's Landon
Charli: "....."
"told you she'd come running back Well it was nice taking to u I should get back to her now so bye now
End of call

Great that's taken care of Jules is gonna think I'm being nice being here friend when we hook up again and out relationship starts from there

Chase POV
Poor charli I know I cheated on her too and so did her ex before that that has to hurt a lot I picked up food for us and then went to target getting her favorite snacks and slime, legos stufffi know she likes but paparazzi kept asking about so I ignored them going back home greeted by Dixie
Dixie: chase where is she
"Uh in my room chill"
Dice: I'm not gonna chill my sister and best friend are balling there eyes out over each other and it's all over social media I'm not gonna chill let me see my sister
"Ok come on then I just got her food and snacks she feel asleep as soon as she got here"
Dixie: ok I didn't mean to yell a second ago i just don't wann loose either of them
"No worried I get it but now I know to never be on the other side of an argument with you"
Dixie: yeah charli didn't let that happen when y'all broke up
"Of ok we are here "
I put my door pin in and charli was sitting up hugging a pillow staring at the wall crying
Charli: hey
"Hey um Dixies here and I brought you back food and snacks as well as slime and legos"
She gave me a weak smile as she hugged me and then hugged Dixie
Charli: Thankyou chase you didn't have to
"No worries I'm jot an expert at the girl thing but I tried I'll let you guys talk tho"

Dixie POV
"That was nice of him"
Charli: yeah..
"What happened charli"
Charli: I don't wanna talk about it
"Charli im your sister you can tell me anything"
Charli: have you talked to her
"No she won't answer me Nessa or Jaden"
Charli: Hmm she answered me or she didn't he did
"Who's he?"
Charli: Landon
"Landon answered her phone?!"
Charli: yeah
"I-I she wouldn't but then she did"
Charli: yeah
"So from the start what happened"
Charli: well we were fine this morning I took her food and her favorite coffee since she got back form New York
Charli: and then she said she was gonna unpack and she wasn't hungry but you know about her eating disorder"
Charli: I chilled downstairs for a while until I decided she needed to eat ya know so I took her food upstairs and she was in the restroom and I opened the door and
"And what"
Charli looked down at her hand fighting with them letting tears fall as I pulled her i for a hug
"And then what char"
Charli: I saw a huge cut on her thigh and I  froze, she freaked out I saw pills in the restroom, alcohol all this blood on the floor She told me to leave I wanted to help her but I didn't know what to do and then I left I don't know why I left her because she needed me and then i drove here and I called her a couple times until she answered but it was Landon"

Dixie: I-I charli she relapsed
"I know and I left her"
Dixie: no don't blame yourself ok I'll find her and I don't think she called Landon I just have a gut feeling so trust me ok
Dixie: I know it still hurts but don't blame her yet ok stay with chase I'll be back

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