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Charli POV
I made eye contact with my sister as she hugged our mom letting go seconds later to hug me. As my mom ran to the front desk
Nikki: she's ok
Nikki: ya know it should be you with her right now
"No nikki just let it be as long as she's ok, uh what about you"
Nikki: sprained ankle, gashed my forehead nothing much
"I'm sorry"
Nikki: don't be I'm really surprised none of us died if I'm being honest makes you appreciate your life really, it can be taken in a second
"Yeah, just glade your ok"
Nikki: yeah, I'm mom looks a bit heated and your more patient with her than me..
"Jeez alright I'm going in going"
Nikki: haha

I walked over to my mom at the front desk

?: listen mam I can't let you in if your related
Heidi: pull up her birth certificate I'm her adopted mother as of 4 years ago!
?:and the biological parents, mam?
Heidi: mother's dead, father lives in New York
?: ok let me pull that up, I'm Suzie by the way if you need any help with any of the other passengers im your person and let me take you to her room
"Can u see her"
Suzie: how are you rela-
Heidi: my daughter, biological
Suzie: ok

She took us to the room and Nessa was sitting on her phone in the corner , I tried to avoid her until she said hi
Nessa: hi Mrs. Damelio, hey charli
Heidi: hi honey

I just nodded at her looking back at Jules laying on the bed

Suzie: ok to update you two, her chart saysss, severe leg fracture which she had surgery right away for and a concussion
Heidi: ok thankyou
Suzie: of course she's sleeping cuz of the medication she she be up any minute now doctor will be in shortly

The nurse closed the door leaving the three of us in awkward silence as my mom walked to the side of Jules bed grabbing her hand, I didn't even know she was legally her adopted mother.
Nessa: not to be rude at all mrs.Damelio but I thought only relatives or significant others were aloud
Heidi: oh I forget know one knows, I'm im her adopted mother hun
Ness: oh she never told me
Heidi: she didn't tell anyone I think
"I didn't know either don't sweat it"
Ness: alr um charli
Ness: can we have a word in private for a sec
"Umm not right now please if you don't mind"
Ness: of course yeah no problem

I nodded looking at Jules as she stirred awake suddenly

Heidi:hey hunny how r u feeling
Jules: fine ig
She covered her face with her hands and started to cry, which was odd since she usually not a emotional person
Heidi: what wrong, talk to me
Jules: sorry can u guys just giving me a sec
Heidi: sure will go tell the others you awake now
Jules: ok

She made eye contact with me and then Nessa walked out after my mom and I turned around following
Jules: wait char, I mean charli
I giggled
"u can still call me that Jules"
Jules: oh ok cool
"What's up"
Jules: can I stay with me
"Yeah of course"

I closed the door pulling a char next to her and sat down in silence for a bit  until I saw tears roll down her face
"Hey,hey  what's wrong"
Jules: I don't like her
"I don't understand ?"
Jules: I don't like Nessa, I never did
"What are you saying"
Jules: I'm saying I only ever loved you and I messed up by pushing you away, Nessa was a copping mechanism
Jules: you don't have to say anything char I just wanted you to know the truth
"So what r u gonna do?"
Jules: I'm gonna tell her that we were better as besties, cus we were and that's the honest truth
"Ok, where does that leave us?"
Jules: where ever you want it to

She smiled as i took her hand into mine and kissed the back of it
"I'm happy your ok, let's talk about it later"

Then there was a knock on the door and Dixie peaked her her head in

Dixie: it's just me right now, mom said to take turns

She closed the door pulling a chair noticing our hand and she smirked

D: is my power couple together again?!?!
"Dixie shut up"
Jules: It's complicated
D: mmk, that's means yes in My book anyways mom said to text her when Nikki can come in Jules
C: you knew?!
Dixie: knew what?
"You said mom not 'my mom' or 'our mom' so u knew that she's her adopted mom"
Dixie: yeah you didn't
"no "
We both looked at Jules
Jules: hey in my defense I only told dixie and besides her the only ones that knew were your parents and my dad
"why dixie ?"
Jules: It was four years ago idk"
D: I'm offended
Jules: anyways text her yeah Nikki and Jxdn can come in now
D: ok
" so what did they say about your leg"
Jules: oh they said since I was closest to the collision I got the heat of the accident and the way my leg was positioned against the door it was a perfect, clean break
" so what does that mean?"
Jules: it means no more UCLA & long recovery
D:dang how do u feel abt it
Jules: i think everything happens for a reason it wasn't  meant to be ig
D: Jules Nessa asked Nikki why she can't come
Jules: just tell her I want to talk to her privately after everyone
D: okayyy

Next thing you know Nikki and Jxdn came in and asked the basic questions, they told us coop was ok and his concussion was pretty bad but he's alright, we chilled for a while and then we all left and Nessa went in with Jules and I have no clue what she was gonna say or what conversation it was gonna be but I hope it goes well...
Work count: 1012

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