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J: if Nessa is going I'll go
"Bruh u can't do that "
J: just did
"That's different that's her actual ex
J: ok that's my ex bestie
"Your about to be my ex bestie
J: wow
J: fine I'll go only cuz Nikki is going and she's been bugging me too go
"Thx well I'm right here where's your car?"
J: like three cars down
"Alr bye see u there hossler"
J: seee u there dunndunn

I flipped him off as I got in my car cuz he knows I hate that nickname

Charli POV

Jules picked me up and we're on the way to madis.
J: so who's gonna be there
"I'm not sure tbh"
J: ok
"U sound upset"
J: well I'm upset but like not for myself....
J: haha cuz I have a feeling josh is gonna be there, and Nessa and Jaden are coming with their baes so I don't want him to ruin anything
"Damn they're actually coming"
J: yeah Nessas friends with madi and Nikkis gonna be there so Jaden gotta be a good boyfriend
"Not that I want anything to happen but if it does promise u won't get in a fight"
J: charli
"Please for me"
J: fine but if someone comes at me first
"Thats fine "
J: alr
"U know it's cuz I care right I just hate to see u get hurt like that"
J: yeah I know , I love u for that tho
*I smiled at her*
"So the albums coming out Friday"
J: yeah crazy hugh
"How do u feel abt it"
J:idk it all feels surreal but it feels like the best album I've made compared to my other labels
"Why is that"
J: I feel like trav pushed my creative limits in a good way ya know
"Yeah I get that"
J: kinda like dance each new choreograph has something challenging in it
"Speaking my language now"
J: u already know
"Yeah I get that so who's going to the release party"
J: well fs ness, Jxdn & Nikki, coop, Dixie, and then there plus ones, Justin said he wanted to come so him and Hailey, mgk, trav and kourt, Jaden smith, ari, uhhh"
"No way she's coming"
J: yeah we meet at a red carpet event and been good friends since
"And I didn't know, wow"
J: whatever up I think that's it tho unless u wanna invite any of your friends
"Prob madi and Avani"
J: sounds good

~time skip~

Jules POV
We pulled up to madis and just walked in but they were all in the backyard so we walked out seeing them trying to start the fire pit
"What's up losers the party has arrived"
Jxdn: shut up and come help me with this stupid ass fire pit
Coop: this bitch can't do it
Jxdn: I don't see u trying
"Y'all r fucken dumb it's not even that hard"
I grabbed a lighter from my my pocket an lit a paper and threw it in with som lighter fluid on the wood

Nikki: babe she rlly did u like that
Jxdn: I get it
"Next time bud"
Jxdn: next time bud 🙄
Nikki: so juless
Jxdn: Imma head out before I'm interrogated too
*she just stared at me with a smirk*
"Nikki stop doing that what do I want"
N:u and charli are official again?
"Oh that"
N: yes thatttt
"Yeah we are why did u make such a big deal"
N: uh cuz it is
"So u weren't suprised"
N: true but it was about time u asked
"Yeah uh I didn't ask her"
N: omg she grew the balls to ask u?!?"
N: where the fuck is charli

She ran off the charli as i laughed and went back inside to use the restroom. The front door opened and it was josh

"Oh it's u"
Josh: u sound so excited
?: don't be a bitch already

I whipped my head as I recognize md the voice

"What the fuck"
Josh: oh u yeah I brought Sara
"No fucken way"

I ran to her as I jumped in her arms
And she held me
"Oh my god I missed u so much"
S:I missed u too now get off me where's this ms. Damelio that makes u so happy
"Yeah she outside but let me use the restroom that's what I came inside for anyways"

Sara was my other best friend besides Dixie and Kate. Her mom was my moms best friend so we were destined to be besties too but yeah i can't even remember the last time I saw her it's been so long

After I used the restroom josh was outside waiting like a creep
"U need something"
J: I was hoping that apology gift was enough
"Bringing Sara ?"
J: yeah

So rewind 2 years ago before Jaden and josh hated each other and used to live together at sway. Me and Jaden me were close but so were josh and I kinda and that's how he knew abt Sara but yeah why they hate each other cuz of the way he treated ness and we saw that he had no respect for women and Nessa as my sister my bestie 4lifers and he hurt her so of course I hated his guts 😒. Jaden was in our little squad with coop ofc and Quinton but yeah.

"Josh I can't forgive you just like that"
J: yeah I understand, I'd like u to know that I've grown so much and it was so wrong and fucked up the way I treated ness and she deserves happiness
"Well that's good hear and Thankyou josh for bringing her"
J: ofc

I walked back outside jumping on sara's back as she held my legs
S: what do u have separation anxiety or something
"Shut up before I push You in the pool"
S: u won't
"I will"
As: like to see u try
Jxdn: Sara she's buffed up over the past 3 years don't let the baggy clothing fool u
S: I'd like to see this for myself then
Charli: "Not sure if u want to"
S: now I rlly want to take off the hoodie
"Mmk if u say so"

I took it off
S: damn y'all were kidding
C: she's mine btw anyone who was unaware
Madi: charli we all know and we r all jealous of u
S: I'm not jealous-

I picked her up and threw her in the pool

She came up from under the water
S: bitch
"Haha suck it Sara "
S: Bru ask your gf to
"Haha so fun-

I suddenly felt water as I went into the pool coming up for air seeing a laughing Dixie
"Fuck u"
D: losers
"Shut up and help us out"

I put my hand out and she shook her head laughing and she grabbed my hand and I pulled her in

D: julesss
"Haha u had I coming"
S: miss girl what Did u think she was gonna do

D: eww
"Shut up pixie"
S: I miss u two arguing
D: oh don't you Sara
Madi: she went to get u towels!!


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