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Jules POV
We were walking out of the restraunt hand and hand being bombarded with questions and cameras and I put my hand over my face but charli was responding.I took some pictures but I was overwhelmed I'm still not rlly used to it but I opened the door for charli and ran around getting in on the drivers side
"Jeez they give me anxiety Fr"
C: ik
"Alright what do u wanna do now"
C: uhhh can we got to Malibu
"Sure what for tho"
C: to talk and hang out , get a icy or something
"Mmk down what about a bomb fire?"
C: with friends?!?
"Well yeah later tonight tho"
C: ahhh yes that like a high school dream we never did that back home
"I know ig we could've but never did u wanna text the group chat while I drive"
C: ok

We pulled out of the parking spot and headed to Malibu bumping some music

Charli POV

- Group Chat -
Charli💅: bomb fire in Malibu tonight?
Avani 🤡: YESSS!!!!
Bryce💪: down why not
JXDN 🎸: yooo down
AddisonRae☀️: what time?
Nikki🎤: ^
Jules💎: like 7ish
Anthony 🕺: who's setting up
Charli💅: me and Jules we're already here in Malibu
Jules💎: but if y'all want to do s'mores someone needs to bring the stuff
Anna👟: can we bring someone
Jules💎: if it's your girlfriend sure
Emma💁‍♀️: HaHA I'm deadddd someone add Evan to the chatt

          Jules added    Eva 🧚‍♂️

Madi👑: so I can bring jack
Jules💎: yeah
Madi👑: Jules u don't even know who that is?!?
Jules💎:oh sorry i took her phone since she's driving -charli
Nessa😍: so we are all aloud a plus one
Charli💅: Jules said ' tf what plus one ness?'
Ness😍: ...... I'll call her rn
Josh🥨: yo I'm still here too damn
Charli: .....
Lauren🍿: so I can bring gio
Charli💅 : Jules said she doesn't care who you bring it fine more the merrier
Lauren🍿: ok thx WAIT what about dogs 😏
Nikki🎤: yeah I can bring pickles and juice
Dev😌: ooo we bringing the pets
Anna👟: I can bring plutooo
Jules💎: and your girlfriend
Anna👟: she's not my girlfriend
Dev😌: sureeeee
Jules💎: she confirmed ittttt
Eva🧚‍♂️: confirmed what
Charli💅: oop
Emma💁‍♀️: Anna explainnn
Zack🛹: yo Evan
Eva 🧚‍♂️: hey Zack
Sab💋: me and coop r gonna go
Jxdn🎸: the bestie is cominggg
Cooper 🛹2️⃣: yes sirrrr
Quinton⛓: yo what's going on
Jxdn🎸: bomfire, Malibu @7
Quinton⛓: down is that what the plus one Stuff was about
Jxdn🎸: yeah who u bringing?🤨
Quinton⛓: Cynthia
Jules💎: I thought y'all broke up the paparazzi was asking me
Quinton⛓ : nah we took a break but were fine tho
Anna👟: what abt the pic she deleted of y'all
Quinton⛓: oh shes sponsored by Calvin clien they just signed or whatever and she was wearing Victoria secret or something so she had to delete it for the contract stuff
Charli💅: makes sense Hollister did that to me too  I can't say what brand I'm wearing or show tags stuff like that
Brycehall💪: yo enough abt clothes and shit who's coming I'm gonna bring food
Kaila⚽️: ^
Jules💎: ^
Cynthia💃🏻: ^
Anna👟: ^ +1
Bryce💪: idk who else is in the group chat but I'm assuming everyone is gonna go so
Charli💅: k see u guys later

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