Ch 1

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I woke up to the sun hitting my face and realize I'm not home, I look down to see charli laying on my chest knocked out. Idk how long she will be asleep for since we went to bed pretty late so I gently got out from under her and walked out. As I was closing the door gently I hear Dixie

D: "good morning Jules "
I jumped a little startled
" JEEZUZ Dixie you don't have to scare me"
D: "well why were you trying to be so quiet?"
I knew exactly what Dixie was doing she had the look on her face
"charli is sleeping"
D: " and why were you sleeping with charli you usually stay with me you know cuz your my best friend."
" because she asked me too"
D: " and you saying yes had nothing to do with you having a crush on my little sister?"

I just rolled my eyes cuz I knew she was gonna bring this up. So I just walked to her room to get some clothes from her closet.

D: " ok don't answer me then, why do you need clothes I thought we were just gonna hang out here."
"I wanted to go to dunkin."
D: " umm since when do u like dunkin?!? I know for a fact you like Starbucks better."
"I do but doesn't hurt to change it up sometimes." And I started looking at her clothes confused what to pick
"It doesn't but is there maybe another reason your going?"
"Ya im gonna get charli her coffee and some donuts for when she wakes up."
" I knew itttt! Your totally a simp but let me pick you obviously need help with your outfit." I just rolled my eyes and stepped aside
D: "K so what aboutttt this shirt


D: " and these jeans then my white high top converse."

"K thx Imma go change"
D: " k show me how it looks after so I can change something if I need to."
"Ughh fine whatever, I get to pick your outfit though."
D: "fine"

I came out and this is how it looked

D: "k it's looks fine you for sure won't be able o pick a better outfit

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D: "k it's looks fine you for sure won't be able o pick a better outfit."
"Watch me"
I went into her closet and I picked out some clothes and threw it at her
"Go change so that you can come with me."
D: " I was going to anyways but okkkk"
She came out at this is how it looked

" I totally won"
D: "only cuz of the shoes."
"Whatever you say, k let's go now."

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