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Jules POV
I lift her hair out of her face and grabbed her chin connected our lips again until the door busted open and we turned quickly seeing.... charli
And I locked eyes with her as her face dropped and tears formed in her eyes
Charli: fuck u
She slammed the door leaving and I got up quickly running after her
"Charli wait"
She kept walking down the apartment hallway until she ran to the opening elevator with jxdn and cooper exiting
Jxdn: what's happening wait why r u crying
"Shut up jxdn"
She got in the elevator and I ran in before it closed
"Charli I'm s-"
Charli: I don't want to hear it ok
Charli: no Jules you don't get to do that to me Landon and now Nessa great
"What about Landon"
Charli: don't even play dumb with me
"Charli I don't even know what your talking about"
Charli: oh yeah I forgot you were too blacked out drunk to even remember
Charli: yeah oh
"And what About chase? You don't think ppl told me abt that or texted me"
Charli: don't flip it on me
"Charli we are both in the wrong ok but that doesn't make it ok for you to be the only one mad"
The elevator opened quickly being met by paparazzi trying to get into the parking structure taking pictures
As she walked to her car me behind her
"Stop running from your problems charli egnoring me isn't going to make it go away!"
She turned around shocked at me raising my voice

Charli: and pushing me away won't solve your problems either, yet you did it and getting drunk won't solve them, and cheating on me won't either
"You *points at her chest* cheated on me first, you left me alone, you knew I was in pain and cheated on me!"
Charli looked so angry i didn't even recognize her like that she bit her lip before she slapped me across the face.

I looked down for a second as we heard ooo's
"Be like that then, when your mature enough to talk to me call me, for now we're over charli"
I turned around walking back to the elevator in the parking structure and the elevator opened

Charli: ok go run back to your new girlfriend then I bet Nessa would love to have u hugh

I flipped her off as the doors shut and I let out a sigh I didn't even know I had staring at the doors closing. I really loved her or thought I did I don't even know what's happening right now. The doors opened to the 17 floor of the la apartments and I walked back down the hallway to nessa's door and walked in passing my three friends who stared at me as I plopped on the couch face first into a pillow and sighed I felt someone sit at the edge of the couch and then a hand rub my back
Nessa: what happened
I pulled my face out and turned around, And she gasped touching my sensitive cheek
"She slapped me we can start there"
Nessa: why
"Who knows why she was upset, emotional ig"
Jxdn: what she say
"Well considering there was a bunch of paparazzi trying to record from outside they probably videotaped the whole argument so we can watch it in like 30 minutes I'm assuming"
Coop: that sucks
"Yeah well that's my life for you"
Coop: you want your coffee or bagel we got your favoriteeee?"
"No way you went all the way to Huntington Beach?"
Coop: we did
Jxdn: it was my idea
"Thankyou y'all know it's the small things that matter I'll take my coffee thx"
Nessa: bring the bagel too mrs.girls a little too skinny she needs it
"Very funny"
I sat up from the laying down postion and grabbed the coffee coop handed me as the boys sat at the kitchen island still
"So uh how's sab, coop?"
Coop: she's good
"What's she up to now a days haven't seen her in a fat minute"
Coop: haha well her music is coming along, then ya know normal sponsorships YouTube stuff like that
"Good for her"
Ness pulled me back to her, the back of my head was against her chest as we sat up on the couch

girls a little too skinny she needs it "Very funny"I sat up from the laying down postion and grabbed the coffee coop handed me as the boys sat at the kitchen island still"So uh how's sab, coop?"Coop: she's good "What's she up to now a days haven't...

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(That position kinda, u get the point)

Jxdn: what's going on here
"What do u mean"
Coop: *laughs* your a little more touchy than normal and you too are always touchy
Jxdn: she's lying
"No I'm not"
Coop: you looked to the right that means your lying
"Wtf does that have to do with anything"
Coop: I took a deceiving class or whatever it's called, look left u told the truth, the right then your lying
Jxdn: damn bro didn't know that imma do the opposite then
"Watch him forget"
Ness: u would Jxdn
Jxdn: they're changing the subject!!
Coop: just tell ussss
"Tell u what"
Coop: god y'all r annoying I give up
Jxdn: yo Hollywood fix just posted
Ness: damn they're fast they want them views

"Play it on the laptop please"
Jxdn pulled it up and we watch the zoomed in video of my argument with my bow ex-girlfriend and u could hear everything I looked at the boys when the video was ending seeing their reaction
Jxdn: wait so u two r a thing is that why's she's mad
"Not exactly why she's mad"
Ness: she kinda saw us kiss when she walked in the door

Then we heard a knock on the door
Ness: Coop can I get it please it's be probably my mail or something
Coop: sure
He walked over and then Dixie was standing there and i made eye contact with her as she looked at me and ness

Dixie: oh so she wasn't lying and I took your side Jules
Coop: uh u wanna come in
Dixie: sure Can I talk to you Jules in private
"Uh yeah sure, ness can we go upstairs"
Ness: ofc
She let go of my thighs I didn't even realize she had her hands on and then I walked upstairs with Dixie until we got a guest bedroom closing the door..... here's to an awkward conversation

Being honest when y'all comment I get motivated to write cuz I can never tell if y'all actually like my story or not

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