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Jules POV
After diner last night we got the normal paparazzi like we did on the way in, Jxdn drove us back to nessa's and we chilled played bored games had a normal night for us when we hang. I decided to leave back to my place and Nessa wanted to come cuz she wouldn't let me stay alone but I don't mind anyways. We walked out with the boys and Said bye and we drove off to my place and then went up to my apartment. We made our way up and I threw my keys and wallet on the counter sighing and went upstairs to my room ness behind me I took my shoes of and walked into the large bathroom starting the water and to my closet picking some new undergarments and clothes to wear to sleep.
Ness: hey
Ness: May I join or is this you time
"No can u join me pleaseee "
Ness: haha ok
She hugged me from behind
"I wish life gave me a break sometimes"
Ness: doesn't everyone
"Yeah I just, idk do I give up soccer even tho it was my dream before music or do Take it on ?"
Ness: I can't answer that for you
"Yeah I know"
She kissed my neck and then let go
Ness: ok common the hot water is gonna run out

~time skip~

Jules POV
Nessa found a air b&b and we are road tripping at the moment, the boys brought there girlfriends which was a little awkward with Nikki being charli's sister but it's alr I guess sab and coop were chill.

Seating arrangements

Jxdn. Nikki. Coop
Nessa. Jules.               Sab

Each couple shared a room and we all got dressed to go skiing and snowboarding. Me and Nessa haven't posted anything addressing the dating rumors but there out there, charli's been M.I.A on social media and ppl keep commenting I was mistreated by her because of the video of her slapping me, which wasn't true at all. Everyone was ready and I dismissed myself to use the restroom while they packed the car to go up the mountain to the slopes, I got to the restroom and pulled out my phone and called charli, I've tried calling and she hasn't answered so I doubt she'd answer me

Uh hey
Oh uh hi I didn't think you'd answer
Yeah sorry
No your good I don't blame you
Well I was calling to tell you I'm sorry an-
No I'm sorry Jules I should've never left you and I feel terrible for hitting you I was upset and I sho-
Hey,hey I get it ok but I except your apology for hitting me but I just want us to be on good terms and at some point address everything cuz idk why ppl keep saying you were mistreating me which was never true so
Yeah I would love that, for sure sucks getting death threats
Are you kidding 
Yeah people are harsh
I'm sorry
No I mean actions speak louder than words right
Well yeah but no one deserves to get death threats
Jules your too good for this world ya know
Haha well I got to go we will catch up later?
Yeah fs
Ok bye charli
Bye Jules

I put the phone down smiling and ran back out of the house to everyone in the car
Nessa: why r u so smiley
"No it's just charli finally answer my call"
Nessa: oh
Nikki: what u call for?
"I've been trying to call to apologize and talk but she finally answered and it went a lot better than I thought were on good terms and were gonna address the situation to the public Cuz of all the backlash she's getting from ppl who have no idea what's going on"
Nikki: that's good, well we're fine now  then
"Haha jeez ok u were making it awkwarddd"
Nikki: I'm sorry charli told me not to but
"It's a sister thing nah I get it"
Nikki: haha yeah
Jxdn: glade you two figured that out
Sab: I know I did not want to be a mediator for long
"Sorry sabbb"
Nessa: guys we can talk in the car Let's goooo
Coop: shes right the parking is gonna suck ass the longer we take
"Damn alright in the car then"

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