Ch. 48

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Jules POV
We walked back to the car being met with the same amount of ppl as the last and then we got in
Jxdn: k so we still down to go shopping?
Nikki: yup
Charli: yeah
Dixie: mhmm
Jxdn: alr I was thinking melrose? Anywhere else u wanna go
" melrose is fine"
Jxdn: alr melrose it is

Jxdn.    Nikki.    Addison
Charli.  Jules.     Dixie

Jxdn started driving and char whispered to me
Charli: "Babe u sure your fine with melrose"
" I mean I guess why?"
Charli: it's just theres gonna be a lot of ppl Jules and you'll have crutches
"I'll be fine charli"

I rubbed her cheek, as she kissed my palm trying to bite my finger
She giggled as I nodded at her putting my hand on her thigh going on my phone
Dixie: haha I got that clip for the vlog
"Did you rlly"
Dixie: mhmm clickbaittttt watch me title it Jules and charli back togetherrr and no one knew!!!!!
Charli: shut up
Dixie: are u even dating again officially
Addison: dixie that's there business they're happy anyways
Dixie: fine fine

I shoved her shoulder but then whispered to me
Dixie: but rlly what r u guys
"I can't even tell u my self"

She nodded looking at charli on her phone and she was filming a tiktok

Dixie: ha she called u a idiot
"I mean..."
Charli: Oop
Nikki: teaaa
"Anywayss sooo"
Dixie: did u know that the paparazzi take photos of your license plate that's how they know your car?
Jxdn: Fr?
Dixie: yeah
Jxdn: damn that's kinda desperate at that point
Nikki: gotta do what u gotta do to get the job done
"True that"
Jxdn: that means he has all your license plates Jules all 3 cars
"Ok and?"
Jxdn: why do u even need three cars
"Why not?"
Dixie: you can't even drive right now and u bought a car
"Yeah.. your point?"
Dixie: bro wtf
Addison: I have 3 cars idk why that's a problem either
Charli: I can't legally drive yet cuz I haven't got my lisence but I have car
Dixie: charli dad got u a roles Royce I get it
Jxdn: bro rich ppl problems or what
Addison: anyways Jules what other cars do I have
"Oh yeah uh this Range Rover, jeep, and uris"
Addison: like Lamborghini Uris?
"Uh yeah"
Jxdn: when tf did u get that car?!? And why have I not been in it dude
"I got it like 2 months ago but it's being wrapped"
Addison: Ohhh my god that's so cool what color
"It's like a beige color"
Addison: nice
"What cars do u have Mrs Rae"
Addison: oh that Jeep the your Uber painted for me, a Tesla and a bmw but my dad drives it most of the time"
"Cool very nice I love your dad he's so funny"
Addison: don't let him hear you say that
Nikki: guys we are here, you rich ppl car talk is over
Dixie: yeah it's time to go buy rich ppl stuff now bo big deal let's go to Prada and Dior
"Your a dumbass Dixie a swear"
Dixie: hey watch your mouth
"Oh what Damelio, haha"

Dixie rolled her eyes
Addison: I was about to say charli would've killed us if u touched her
Nikki: no shit Sherlock

They continued talking while char helped me out of the car and I got back on my crutches and we all walked up the street to some of the popular stores and went in a got some stuff

~time skip~

We've been here for like over an hour and we decided we were done already cuz it was getting to crowded so we were walking back and charli stayed back with me as the others walked in front of course we got most of the swarm of ppl, charli held the bags and then out of no where some random girl walked by kicking my left crutch out from under me and I feel forward catching myself in push-up position not hitting the floor and laughed getting up
Pap: u ok
Fan3; Jules u good
Pap1: oh my god look
Fan: purrr
"Im gonna try not to loose my shit Rn, wait where's.."
I looked behind me seeing charli yelling at someone and I spoke my head laughing damn she's pissed
Fan2: idk
"Said that out loud"
Fan2:oh yeah can I get a picture tho Jules ?
"Yeah np"

~time skip~

So Dixie came back realizing we caused chaos and dragged her sister as I was already waiting in the car and now we're here.. dead silence in the car with music in the car
Nikki: so r we gonna talk abt it...
"I guess"
Nikki: who was it
"Good question idk, char?"
Char: no one
"You no ill see eventually on YouTube

She sighed

Jxdn: does she know her
Char: well yeah ig
Dixie: charli just tell her or I will I have no problem saying it
Charli: fine it was jordyn
Addison: sorry who?
Nikki: her ex
Addison: oh
Jxdn: toxic ex as a matter of fact
Dixie: clout chaser is what that bitch is, I never liked her sorry not sorry Jules but
"No your good, u were right anyways"
Charli: I hate her With a passion
Jxdn: ok can we change the mood, your mood is giving bad vibes
Nikki: shut up
Jxdn: haha that's how I saound all the time

I laughed at them and then went into thought. Jordyn was a toxic person in general we dated right before I met Landon at the party.she waisted my time, all she wanted was sex, money and anything That benefited her really. She tore me apart, mentally, physically when she didn't get what she wanted she was nice at first and infront of ppl but always had her lies. I feel apart cuz of her, she was a sociopath, she was abusive, manipulative, liar, she was your worst nightmare to say the least.

With that I didn't realize I let a tear slip in the car and charli whipped them away holding my face with her hand
Charli: u ok
"Mhmm fine"
Charli: Jules
"It's ok rlly"
Charli: ok

She held my hand as we drove back to my place listening to music and hearing the others talk

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