ch. 8

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Charli POV

After jules went with Dixie I took my second coffee and went up stairs. I called addi and she said she would pick up madi and vani. I went on Postmates and got us chipotle then I scrolled through Instagram and reposted som fan edits then found a tiktok to do. I heard Jules arguing with Dixie about dying in the game or whatever they were playing im assuming it's fortnight but anyways it  made me giggle and honestly I'm happy that she is best friends with Dixie and that we were friends before this. I feel like friendship before a relationship makes it so much easier if that makes sense anyways I just need my dumb sister to stop hogging her now before I didn't mind obviously she always been Dixies friend but when she did have time I loved being around her and then I realized why but then my thoughts were interrupted by loud ass knocking so I ran downstairs and opened the door to see the girls. I jumped and wrapped my  by legs around madi cuz I haven't seen her in soooo long, addi is always here cuz Dixies her girlfriend and vani is always here cuz she's in the three musketeers friend group, Dix, jules, and vani . Kate lives back in Connecticut cuz she goes to college but she's here this month, she's staying at a hotel instead of here cuz she didn't want to intrude for a month  idk she wouldn't let us convince her to stay but it's her first day here and we got her a rental car since she didn't want to stay here. 

Madi : "charli I swear to god you've been daydreaming since you've been in my arms 5 min ago"

" srry ya just thinking"

Madi: " about what ?"

" oh wait I forgot I have something to tell you guys k let's go to my room."

Avani : " tea what is it?"

" just wait until we get to my room"

Addison: " where dix?"

" she in her room playing video games with jules and Kate."

Addison: " oh "

"Avani, where's Amelie ?"

Avani: " I think with Blake, idk why?"

Then we all walk in and I plop on my bed, vani on the bean bag, addi next to me, and madi On my desk.

" just asking how are you and Anthony?"

Vani: "we're good he treats me the way a girl deserves to be and I love him for that."

" aww you're in loveeeee"

Avani: " oh shut it " then she threw a pillow at me and we giggled

Addison: " that's cute I'm happy for you guys vani."

Vani: " thx what about you and dix."

Addi : " we're good I mean girls know how girls deserve to be treated so I'm thriving but dix can be- she can be uh- basically she's always horny."

" ewww that's my sister you dumb fuck."

Addi: " I know thats why I hesitated but it doesn't matter now i already said it,  anyways how are you and Chris,  madi?"

Madi: " don't want to talk about him, what were you gonna tell us char"

"No, wait, why don't you want to talk about him? He's your boyfriend of over a year what's wrong?"

Madi: " he's a cheater that's what's wrong so I broke up with him two days ago, but don't feel bad, honestly I kinda lost feeling a long time ago but the relationship was just a comfort zone but I don't feel upset or sad about it I mean I know we it was gonna happen eventually I think I would of him rather broke up with me than cheated but it is what it is ya know."

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