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Noah POV
It's was nice talking to Jules it's been a minute since I've seen her. But we're all heading to the mall now mark and Heidi took their car so I drove us in dixies car.
J: "GuYsSsSsS"
" we can here u"
J:Wanna here this song I made that I'm debating should be a single or on the album"
"is that even a question"

D: yeah just play it
C: I've already heard it
D: charli we know you hear everything before us we get it
J:"Oof she's pressed get your girl bro"
D: what?
D: I am chill
"Your not"
J: ok I'm playing ittttt"

"Queennn Jules u rlly went off"
D: who's the other person?
D: how do U know?!?
"It sounds like him, it's him right"
J: yeah
"Told you"
C: I told her it should be a single
D: agree i think it deserves it own spotlight
"Same you killed it tho that might be my new favorite"

Jules POV

We got to the mall and these were the fits btw

Noah parked the car and we all got masks C: nooo paparazzi already here I'm gonna throw up "Hey hey it's ok it's ok, look at me"

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Noah parked the car and we all got masks
C: nooo paparazzi already here I'm gonna throw up
"Hey hey it's ok it's ok, look at me"

She looked in my eyes and I held her face
"Deep breaths, don't say anything if u don't want to and if you do say something don't feel pressured to say more than what u want to, ok?
C: ok

N: babe they're such goals
D: So are we
N: true but like

I laughed at them and looked back at charli and whispered
*don't worry ok I'm with u *
C: always
*always I love u
C: I love you more

We got out of the car on my side since It was closer to the sidewalk and I held her hand as she got out and she looked at the ground as we walked with Dixie and Noah and they started taking photos

Pap: hey guys how u doing
N: good good
Pap: where's nikki
"She's in new York with Jxdn"
Pap: cool cool whatch u guys been up to
N: just work
D: yeah shoots meetings calls
Pap: Jules 2 days until abulm drops how r u feeling
"I'm excited, it's not my first album but I think it gonna be my favorite it so different and i got creative control on majority of my stuff yk"
Pap: that's cool the fans r excited to are you planning a tour after
"We'll see gotta Wait to find out"
Pap: alr sounds good charli how u doing

I squeezed her hand as she shot her head up
C: I'm good
Pap: hows dance going
C: it's going I don't have much time anymore but I try
Pap: ok cool the fans want to know if we're gonna see you in a music video of Jules's
C: idk gotta wait to find out right
Pap: leave us hanging ok dixie how's your music going we saw on the pressave for Jules's album your on a song
D: I'm am my music is going good still finding my sound but I'm excited for Jules honored she had me on it
Pap: can't wait to hear it well have a good day guys

We all kept walking and went into this little cafe that mark and Heidi said they'd meet us
"U did good"
C: cuz u were with me
"Yeah right"
D: she's serious she's all stuttering when she's alone or with me
C: see
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as she laid her head on my chest and her arms around my waist
C: idk I freak out
"I'm sorry"
C: it's ok

I kissed her head and she smiled as I rubbed her back and scrolled through my phone as we waited

N: Jules how's Jxdn
"He's good, why"
N: idk haven't seen I'm him in a while
"Oh alr but yeah he's good"
N: is he coming Saturday?

"Yeah they fly in tomorrow, right?"
C: yeah they get here tomm morning
N: oh ok
"Aye I saw u with your new wippp"
N: oh haha
D: it so niceeee
N: not as nice as hers she has 4 cars
D: she has 3 charli always has 1
C: stay mad..

"Haha nah but remember when I first got the bmw that was. Like my dream dream car if feels like an accomplishment"
N: it really does, which cars your favorite tho like why your get them
"Idk I've always liked cars but the range and gwagon r like my everyday cars and the bmw and Tesla are just cool idk"

N: Sara's using the range?
"Yeah and char uses the Tesla usually"
N: that's cool doesn't you have a rolls Royce anyways charli
C: I do I'm just scared to drive it plus my dad loves the car and I rather him enjoy it

D: speaking of dad, mom and dad r here
Heidi : hey guys u wanna order or just walk alround
C: I wanna walk
D: same
Mark: jules, Noah?
"They said walk so walk"
N: yeah

We walked around and we all went shopping getting about her of clothes and got char some jewelry and Dixie and Noah got a lot of stuff too.

~time skip~
We got back to charli's house and we were in her room but she wanted to go live so I guess thats what we're doing. I was sitting next to her on the vanity as we listened to music and she answered questions here and there

C: yes I'm so proud of Jules her album is amazing....uhhh yeah she's right here

I looked at her phone as she pointed it towards me
C: Uhh post more tiktoks together, I know I try we are just genuinely busy all the time

Me phone was ringing and I answered the face time

JB big bro
JB:yo wassup
JB: u got plans tomorrow?
"Uhhh, babe do we have plans?"
C: Uhh u have that photo shoot at 12
JB: check with the girl I see a show should haha
"Haha got to bro"
JB: anyways did I wanna come to the house tomm morning, we're gonna play basketball with some ppl u can bring charli and A friend or something
"Alr cool fs I'll text"
JB: alr sounds good Hailey said she'll text charli
"Alr cool see ya"
JB: bye

C: she's on the phone with Justin

I put my head on her shoulder getting in the frame looking at the comments

C: yeah Justin Bieber
"Your so pretty bby"
C: Thankyou i love u
"Luv I more"

She kissed my forehead
"I should be text Sara I set up that meeting for her tomm"
C: u should she'll be excited

C: karaoke again? No I can't sing
"Cap, she can sing pretty good"
C: nuh uh not as good as you
C: anyways no karaoke

"I'm gonna shower"
C: ok well I'm always nice talking to u guys I'm gonn end the live now bye

She got up following me to her restroom as I started the shower
"Wanted to join me"
C: duh

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