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"Do u wanna carry me"
Char: I guess
"U guesssss?!? im offended"
Char:I'm kidding When do I not seek the chance to be clingy
"like Never"
Char: exactly

She got up quickly without even warning me
Char: how would you like me to carry you
"uh idk However you'd like I guess"

She tossed me over her shoulder so that my ass was like next to her face as she walked. We headed downstairs

Nikki: damn Jules ur actually thick
Char: excuse me.... *I felt her place two hands on my ass and she brought me in front of her again and my legs wrapped around her waist*
Char: She's is mine
Jxdn: ok who's gonna talk about how tf charli is strong like how come I never knew
Noah: Bru same here I thought u were a top Jules

Dixie: yeah Jules what's going on here
Char: uh- I'm allowed to be a top too
Dixie: it's just your very bottom vibes
"Hey hey hey- why r we talking abt this this? it is our private information although- ur sister is rlly good top like rlly g-"

Dixie: ok Ok Ok I get it shut up
Char:you fucken askeddddd

Charli put me down as she pecked me lips and she walked into the living room with Dixie and the boys and I went into the kitchen with ness a nikki

"So u two haven't said a word since charli came down"
Nessa: uh don't ask me I have no beef with anyone I was just observing the awkward conversation of tops and bottoms
"Ok Jeez I believe you and all your details
Nessa: oh shut up I just-"
"I know I get it I was mostly talking to This one over here"
Nessa: figured

"So miss Nikki u realize your gonna have to talk to her some point"
Nikki: yeah I know
"Why r u so upset tho want it like a minor petty argument"
Nikki: yeah it's just.... Idk
"Just what"
Nikki: idk I feel like the odd one out most of the time ig idk
"Why do U say that"
Nikki: I mean we're all fine Its just when petty things happen it's always them two of them against me And it's kinda tiring
Nessa: Why do u think it's always them two"
Nikki:idk maybe cuz they r always together if they have more in common, my job is different from theirs as well I don't do tiktok
"Yeah miss model I heard you doing Paris fashion week"
Nikki: yeah tomm
"Why didn't you tell me
Nikki: well u know now right
"I would've wentttt"
Nikki: I can get u in with Jxdn then
Nikki: yeah I actually I have four spots reserved
"Can I take charli"
Nikki: sure ig
"Can u invite her tho"
Niki: to civilize our relationship as sisters once again
Niki: I mean I guessss for you Jules

She walked off the the couch and pulled charli aside but I stopped staring and looked back at Nessa and she was on her phone smiling
"Who r u texting"
N: no one
"Sure I know who it is, I'm just waiting for you to tell me"
N: oh rlly who am I talking to then
"Hmmm starts white a S ends with A, this person lives with me back in California, grew up with me, your toxic ex boyfriend flew her out, shall I continue or??"
N: uh- she told you
"Yes Dumbass she asked for permission first
N: oh how sweet you said yes
"Yeah both of you deserve happiness and if you r happy together do as u wish ig but I do have one question"
N: what's up
"What ever happened to Jaden smith
N: we're just friends
"Oh ok he's chill tho still the homie"
N: yeah so how r u and char
"We're good"
N: she wasn't mad
"No she just needs reassurance most of the time like you, that is definitely a quality you two share
N: interesting
N: so r u ever gonna get the dog like we talked abt months ago
"U rlly think I have the time for a dog rn.... Absolutely not, would be nice but I'd never be home to be with my dog that would be so sad"
N: well not rn like after ur tour stupid
"Even then but ig i don't see why not after tour"
N: exactly

Noah: come here

Ness and I walked over to the living room and I sat on the couch next to charli but threw my legs over her lap
"U need me why?"

everyone got quite and I looked at ness and she looked as confused as me until I saw Jxdn get up and he stormed off and left the hotel slamming the door and Nikki got up going after him

"Can someone just say what the fuck is happening"
Dixie: um Sab just called
Dixie: they found coop dead in his car in a parking lot this morning
"Your serious?"
Dixie: yeah

All my emotions started to hit me at once as I felt like I couldn't even talk because ill start crying. I let go of charli's hand as I got up walking upstairs to our room. I walked into the bedroom locking the door as I sat against the door on the ground and sighed as I let tears escape my eyes. Coop was one of my close friends we hadn't been talking much cuz of how busy I've been but we literally got matching tattoos with Jxdn and ness. Like- I can't even believe that's he's gone. And then I suddenly remembered him and Jxdn were like brothers Jxdn wrote his whole album abt him. I grabbed the car keys and ran downstairs leaving the hotel room without talking to anyone. I saw Nikki and charli in the hall way

"Uh where's jxdn"
N: I have no clue he's not answering my calls idk what to do
" hey I'll find him ok don't worry abt it"
C: wait bubba r u ok tho
"Yeah I'm fine I just, I need to find Jxdn he's probably a mess I know he is I'll be back I luv u"
C: luv u too be careful pls
"I will"

I kissed her as I ran off to the elevator

Jxdn is a sensitive guy when it comes to the things that rlly matter to him and coop was one of them. Guys r also weird cuz they don't know how to process things and they act before thinking so idk where he is gonna be.

Charli  |   I Love You Forever & AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now