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She went in the shower as I grabbed my clothes off the floor feeling sore..... anyways I went to my closet and changed since I'm meeting with Travis at the studio to hear the last mix together of all of the songs cuz the album releases august 14 cuz 14 is my favorite number but anyways the fits I chose cuz I'm always drippy

Jules POV
"Srry I can't drive u I gotta meet trav rn, u can take one of my cars tho"
C: yeah that's fine when r u gonna be done

She walked out of the room into the kitchen with me as I was making coffee
"Uhhh not sure an hour plus going out to eat cuz since we made plans with Jxdn I'd say 3 hours maybe idk I'll call u"
C: ok, wanna meet at madi's shes having a party or chill day whatever she called it
C: k I gotta head out can I get the keys
"Yeah I'm taking the g wagon so u can take the urus or Range Rover"
C: range *grabs keys* Alr see u later call me, luv u *kisses u*
"Wait u want the coffee I'll make another one"
C: it's alr I'll pick something up on the way
"Mmk luv u too bye"
C: bye *closes door*

I ran upstairs grabbing a jacket before i leave, grabbed my coffee, keys, wallet and headed out locking the door

~time skip~ (studio)

Trav: alr i think it's good u wanna change anything
"Nah I love it the way it is"
Trav: yk it's funny I've only signed u and Jxdn and all he writes abt is breakup with that Mads girl and u writ abt luv with your girl charli
"Haha I've never thought abt it Bru and Jxdn has had a new girl longer than me"
Trav: charli's sister right?
"Yeah Nikki"
Trav: Nikki alr I gotta remember that
"Fs where'd u wanna eat"
Trav: idk I told Jxdn to pick
"Ur kidding"
Trav: no why
"He chooses canes or like Olive Garden"
Trav: what's wrong with canes
"Nothing it's better than chick-fil-a but like we trying to sit down at a restaurant yk"
Trav: aye boys... haha
"That's why I'm dating a girl
Trav: haha good one tell my son that
"Oh I have"
Trav: anyways hit up Jxdn where's he at

Charli POV
I drove off in Jules's Range Rover following my directions on my phone to Hailey's house but I went to Dunkin' before since I had time to spare. I pulled up to their nice house and security let me in and I parked heading inside as I knocked
*door opens*
Hailey: hi!
H: come in come in, Baby! Our guest is hereeee"
J: k give me a sec
H: he'll take a minute anyways Thankyou for coming to shoot with me
"Ofc Thankyou for having me"
H: would u like water or something ik u got your coffee but
"Im ok thankyou"
H: yeah no problem

Justin: Hello hello
Justin: we finally meet, I've heard nothing from good things from my wife and that girl of yours that's head over heels for you haha
"Yeah That would be my girl"
J: where is she
"Studio with trav"
J: oh yeah yeah the album comes out this week right?
"Yes It does"
J: I'm excited for her she worked hard plus that song she had me on, fireeee
"Common now there all fire"
J: u right
"But that one was my favorite"
J: haha I get why they luv u
"Thankyou haha"
J: anyways I'm a talker and Ik she's gonna kill me later cuz im wasting your guys time so fs gotta hang some time with Jules too but it wa since meeting u I gotta go to a meeting rn see u later babe
H: yeah bye love you
J: love you bye

H: alr let's go the crew is waiting for us In the restroom
"Oh where doing The Who's in my bathroom"
H: yessss your only the 3rd person
"3rd times the charm"
H: sure is

*Walks into room*
H: hi guys this is charli, charli this is the film crew, Jonathan on camera, Cameron on audio, Lauren on makeup she'll touch up inbetween clips, Monica on production so she has games and stuff and then Michael on tech stuff back there
"Hi guys nice meeting you"
H: alr let's do the infamous hiding in the closet

Jonathan: alr whenever your ready we are all set up already
H: ok thankyou here you can put your drink on the table and then pursue u can leave in my room if u want
"Ok thankyou"

I put my stuff down on a counter in her bedroom and ran back in leaving my coffee
"K I'll go in the closet then?"
H: yeah hit your already out of the closet..... haha"
"Uh- u rlly did me like that haha"
H: I got jokes what can I say but yeah I do your introduction rn
I walked in the closet closing the door hearing her speak outside

H: hey you guys welcome back to another episode of who's in my bathroom
And you may be wondering again why I have all of this in my bathroom and wondering who's coffee this is??? But I'll get to that in a second I want to introduce my special guest the one and only renagate wait is it renagade or rengate?


H: ok haha the one and only renagade queen Mrs. charli damelio

I walked out waving to the cameras

"Thankyou for having me i like what U did with your bathroom"
H: yes welcome welcome *hug*
Welcome to the bathroom
"haha I love your bathroom"

*sit dow*
H: Ok so while we made you hide in the Closet, Monica set up a game for us, I know your wondering why we got an expresso machine but that's apart of the game
"Ok I'm interested already"
H: figured, ok so we pick a card and it tells us what coffee we have to try to make with the ingredients listed and I guess will see who's coffee tastes better
"Ok can I grab a card now for the first ingredient"
H: yes I'll do the same but will be asked questions while we try to do this

Monica: first question what's the worse date you've been on and why

"     *cough*     "
H: she knows one ok was it Jules
" no she's perfect but I'm bot saying who it was but basically he picked me up and his car broke down half way to the restraunt and it was raining so we walked the rest of the way and then his ex showed up to the restraunt so"
H: I'm not sure if I have one gthat bad haha but maybe that he brought his best friend on our date
" dang"

Monica: next question how did you meet your current lover
"U go first"
H: no yours is cuter
"Yours is"
H: fine I was half asleep and my dad introduced me to Justin in front of this crowd swarming us and they got it on video but yeah I was like 11
"The videos cute"
H: k what abt u the viewers might not know this
"Ok so we grew up as next door neighbors and she was best friends with my big sister Dixie because they're the same age but yeah my sister is also the Cupid who got us together months ago"

~after coffee segment~

H: ok so now we will be playing never have I ever but since she's obviously underage we will be taking pickle juice shots

Monica- never have I ever had a song written abt me

H: dang
" we both date singers"
H: cheers

Monica- never have I ever kissed the same guy as my bestie

H: I have
" what"

Monica- never have I ever got back together with my ex

H: our current relationships

Monica- never have I ever been married

H: you've been married?!?
"Wait no wait I'm not married or even ingaged to .*dies laughing*
H: that not even alcohol ladies and gentlemen

Monica- never have I ever been in love

H: what she said


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Or if u got any ideas <3

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