Ch. 20

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Jules POV
Dixie decides to drive us all there so we all got in her car and headed to crossroads So I called Jaden to see wear they were
Yo wassup
Where u guys at
I just picked up Nikki
Alr see u in 5 then I wanna talk abt the song I wanted u to do with me
Yeah fs see u in a bit
Alr bye
C: who was that
C: oh
C: when r u and ness releasing your song
"Idk yet, should I play it for dix and addi"
D: what
"U wanna here the song I made with ness"
D: yeah I've only heard the bit u put on Tiktok
" alr let me see aux"
I plugged in my phone and played the song from my files

D: k we know who that's abt
C: "I though u were gonna play the other one?
A: there's another one?
A: ness popped off in the ending
" she rlly did as she should anyways I'll play hit ig this one might be and ep to the album tho"

D: dang my friends r stepping it up and I'm still slacking with the music
C: your the pg music artist of the group
A: although she's quite the opposite of pg
" so it's a damelio thing cuz this one here is the same way"'
C:am not
" rlly why did i have to carry u to the car then"
D: ewwww
A:u did not
C: julessss
"Srry luv u "
C: mhmm
D: ok anyways don't wanna think abt that
A: wait so there both baby after then
"Yeah "
A: it's like u asked for it then u complain after
"Right thank you"
D:can u not
C: y'all r mean
"But u love us"
A:  obviously we can tell
D: ok enough already I pls we're here already and we're it continuing this conversation with our parents
"She's mad"
A:U think
We all got out of the car and the waitress lead us to a table outside with Mr. and Mrs. damelio. We all greeted each other with hugs and Nikki and Jaden got there same time we did.
Heidi: so are you guys dating yet
C: mom
J: haha
D: yeah they are
Mark: finally
C: rlly
H: yes he was so upset when you dated Chase before Jules
A: haha oh my god
Nikki: trust me he would tell me how much he want y'all to breakup
Jaden: rlly babe
N:not lying
H: yeah she's not
J: so mark am I the favorite out of your daughter signify the others
M: man don't do me like that cuz we both know the answer
A: I'm offended
M: no I love all of you guys, you guys all great my daughters very well and I love u for that
Jaden: they haven't even been dating for 24 hours tho
D: they acted like they did tho
H: yeah we just had to wait for it to be official
M: so how the music going for u guys the only one here who doesn't make music is charli and Addison
H: but they can dance
We continue to talk and we ordered the food and we cut paparazzi just filming us eat but eventually we were done and we'll set or buys and I headed back to Charlie's place with the D'Amelio's once dixie drop me off at my place to get my car. We were in her room and she decided to go live for a little bit and I was playing video games on her bed
C: hey guys
C: where's Dixie, she with Addison at her apartment
C:uhhh who's behind me... say hi luv
I sat up and looked at the like and smiled "hey"
I jumped on her live from my phone to read comments
User162: noticing how charli called her "luv"
Chunkinfanpg: ship 🛳
Simp4jules: Jules is so hot I can't
Jonathan is cool: ^facts
Tiktoknews: charli got scored a hottie
User783: y'all r making me cringe
Tiktokships: y'all would be the hottest couple on tiktok
Nessa Barrett : which out char imma still Jules 😈
Hollywood fix✅: charli ask Jules if she actually hung out with Kendall Jenner and Philz coffee in Hollywood
User684: damn to be Jules^
JulesDunn'swife: to be Kendall Jenner ^
Jaden✅: charli tell Jules to answer her phone

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