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Jules POV 
"Anyways imma shower and change"
C: can I join
C: why
C: then let me join
"Fine but no silly business damelio"
C: no promises you too stunning"
"Yeah right hurry up"
C: yayyy
I sat on the counter and she put the rest of the stuff away in the kitchen
C: done can we go shower now
"Mhmm "
She picked me up and we headed up stairs
"Ya know I like being a switch now that I'm thinking about it "
C: I like being a top for once
"Oh my I don't mind I guess"
We got to my bathroom in my bedroom and she put me down on the sink and turned on the water and then she took my shirt, sweats and under garments off and before she could remove her own clothing i took it off for her and we went in the shower, my shower has 2 shower head so we each had a side. I started washing myself off after I shaved when I felt hands sneak around my waist and her boobs on my back
"Bubba I need to clean myself"
C: but I wanna feel your skin against mineee
C: I'll clean u see there problem solved give me your sponge thingy whatever it's called luffa thing
I handed her the luffa thing and she washed me off gently and slowly all over my body taking her time in some areas.
C: yeah
"Can I wash your hair "
C: sure I like head scratches anyways
She hugged my front this time and I'm a little taller alr not a huge difference but I still couldn't see the whole top of her head
"Bubby turn around please"
C: fine
She turned around and washed her hair giving her head scratches and when we were done she dried me off and herself and threw me on the bed
"I need clothes"
C: no I like what your wearing
"I'm wearing nothing how give me clothes please"
C: fine
She went to my closet while I chilled watching her and she gave me and outfit and we got changed



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after letting our hair air dry we blow dryed the rest and straightened it, then charli convinced me into letting her do my makeup which took forever and we ended up deciding to hang out on melrose and go shopping but I called a friend first to acc...

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after letting our hair air dry we blow dryed the rest and straightened it, then charli convinced me into letting her do my makeup which took forever and we ended up deciding to hang out on melrose and go shopping but I called a friend first to accompany us

Bae🤝 🍌
Annaaaa shumateeee
What do u want
U said my full name
I wanted to see if u were free to come shopping on melrose
Oh with who
Me and charli
LOLLL u think I wanna third wheel hell no
Bring your girlfriend
I don't have one Hmm
Then bring dev if Eva ain't there idk
Fine we meeting there or where
Come to mine
Alr see u in like 30 min
Alr bye
Bye loser
C: who was that
C: is she coming
"Yeah she didn't want to third wheel so she's bringing someone probably dev, but we have to wait for them there coming here"
C: ok can we lay down and watch tv
"Yeah ofc"
We laid on the couch charli on top of me watching the kardashians again. About 40 min later boon showed up with ppl
"Dang y went from one friend to like 5 or something"
A: well I was just bringing dev then christian,Emma and zack wanted to come and now we're here madi is also there with Lauren and Cynthia so basically tiktok is on melrose"
C: madi is shopping already and she didn't tell me
A: yeah
C: rude
A: haha well can u luv birds get up so we can get going
"Someones mad there luvr ain't here"
A: shut up shes with Conner
"Aww poor boon"
Emma: u like Eva?
A: see what I started
Zack: just tell us
A: fine yes I fucken like Eva now stop interrogating  me can we go now
D: aww my sugarplum is simping for Eva
A: shut the fuck up dev
"Y'all r funny but let actually go I can only take 3 ppl so 
Christian: Anna your friends cooler than u
A:no she's isn't
"Ha yeah I am"
Charli: second that"
Anna: that doesn't count y'all r dating
Charli: and I'm valued to my opinion shumate
"Haha damelio scared u"
Charli hit my shoulder
"Sorry charli, charli my luv she scared u "
A: whatever can we go
Dev: yeah y'all talk for forever zack and Emma r making me fell single over being all cute n shit
Emma: sorry
Zack: my bad y'all r stuck with two couples so
"Ok everyone hallway now I can take three ppl others with Anna
A: I'll take the single ppl, dev and Christian
"Emma and zack with me then let's go now I'm tired of waiting"
Charli held my hand as we went down to the parking garage and I opened her door she was sitting in the passenger side and I went around to the drivers side, with Emma and zack in the back and we headed to melrose we got quite a few paparazzi when we started to park
"Before we leave r u out as a couple yet"
Z: yeah yesterday
"Oh alr"
E; yup what do we answer for your guy's question
C: just say they are happier than they've ever been and when they address the rumors they will
E: ooo she prepared
"Haha yeah"
Z: k let's go Anna said there and Koko LA already

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