ch. 11 (SRRY.. I BACK NOW)

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I kinda forgotten what I wrote but just go with it

Jules pov

I grabbed chars hand and started walking down towards the sand where Kate and dix helped set some things up for me

c: where are we going now

"you'll see"

C: "can u just tell"

"that would ruin the surprise Charli

C: wow no Bub or char ok thx (she let go of my hand and rolled her eyes)

"really your such a baby don't be like that"

C: maybe just call me baby and I won't be like that

"ok Charli"

C: "stop"

"stop what Charli"

C: " stop calling me thattt

" calling you what your name is charli "

C: Jules

"hey don't blame me your parents gave u the name not me

c: your being an ass

"hey now Charli is a beautiful name "

C: fuck you

"oh I will "

C: shut up

"make me " Charli rolled her eyes and grabbed my face by my chin, she leaned in but swerved me and whispered in my ear

C: I would but were in a public setting right now and we wouldn't want that video on tiktok room would we

I just bit my lip and stayed silent

C: I shut u up didn't i

"I hate u "

C: don't say that u love me

"ok mrs, damelio "

C: rlly Charli was better than damelio

"oh my bad srry master "

c: Jules if u don't stop I swear-

"you'll what, tell me "

C: "ill - ill uh "

"that's what I thought"

C: "I hate u "

"and why is that"

C: " cuz of the power u have over me Dunn"

"oh rlly idk I feel abt my last name "

C: yeah

"I like when your straight forward "

C: "I can be more straight forward than that but wouldn't want to get railed on the beach now would we "

"Charli grace damelio"

C: "what that me being straight forward "

"yeah and you will not be getting railed right now or tonight princess "

C: "then ill- never mind "

"you'll what "

C: "I said never mind"

"but I want to know "

C: too bad oh look is that a picnic

fuck I wanted to know but were here already. what was she going to say jeezuz she's all I think abt.

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