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Jules POV
D: I need to step up my music dang Jules writes songs without even trying
"Hey now your music is good I've heard stuff that you wrote yourself"
J: dude just fuck your team put out what you want to
"Dix they work for you, you don't work for them so tell them what you want to do"
D: never thought abt it like that
"Yeah well when your dads a lawyer you learn a thing or two haha"
Charli: anywayssss when's everyone else getting here
Cooper: yooo the party has arrived for part 2
Jaden: yo long time no seee
Christian: Zack hurry  the fuck up and stop making out with Emma
Zack: Christian shut up all you and mads we're doing was Macking it in the back of my car
"Christian.. bro no I'm be likes hypocrites "
Christian: shut up
"Hey mads hi sabbbb"
M: hey
S: hey Anna is like 5 min away
"Alr she bring Eva"
S: uhhh
M: well yes and no
Emma: she did just not as a plus one
S: they are kinda doing there own thing even tho they like each other
M: they're basically playing jersey and Conner
"That sucks for them anyways so all the girls r coming"
Mads: yeah dev is bringing her girlfriend too
"How have you and Christian been"
Mads: good yeah I'm happy and glade we resolved the tension with Nikki and Jaden ya know
"Yeah I get that, it was a little rough for a sec but yeah takes a lot of maturity to not be petty about that stuff ya know"
Mads: yeah
Sab: when's ness getting here
"Don't know"
Sab: who is she bringing?
"Jaden smith"
Emma: Fr
Emma: I'm gonna fan girl what tf how does she even know him
"Well me and Jaden met a while ago and he wanted to come to the party Cuz i posted it and then those two clicked ig"
Coop: what r we talking about over here
"Nessa and Jaden"
Coop: which Jaden
Coop: yeah she told me apparently they hooked up last night
"They what"
Coop: I thought u knewww.... ok never mind I didn't say anything byee"
Emma: that's the tea y'all
"Right alr I'm gonna go Olivia just texted me they next extra hands"
I left the girls talking going to the beach parking lot meet Kaila, Olivia
"Dude why do you need so much stuff"
Olivia: we brought snacks and blankets and footballs, soccer balls games
K: someone was a little excited for there first official LA bonfire
"I can see that"
We walked back and everyone helped us and then we all chilled while the rest of the group arrived
"Look who funnily made itttt"
Ness: heyyy
Jaden: sup Jules
Jxdn: yo jaden I'm jxdn call me j so jo one get confused
Jaden: alr cool sup j
Jxdn: we need to talk later bout music bro
Jaden: fs
Jxdn: anyways for some reason they decided to bring a mini grill and I was in charge of cooking so gotta go
"Yo coop come meet Jaden"
Coop: sup
Jaden: yo I'm Jaden number two
Coop: yeah been waiting to meet you come on Imma introduce u to some of the guys

He took Jaden so that is taken care of
"So ness... nessa how have you been"
N: don't go there
"Oh I'm going there ya know you look a little glowy for some reason who knows"
N: shut the fuck up coop already told me he told y'all by accident
"I'm still offended he knew before me
N: well he's a dude I need his opinion on something
We walked over to the fire and I wrapped my arms around char char's waist
"Hi bubby"
C:hey luv
Olivia: dude why r y'all so perfect together I canttt
"Kailaaaaa your girl is feeling single"

She ran over and carried her
K: no ones single hereeee
"I swear  u guy are the cringyest cutest couple
Olivia: I'm gonna take that as a compliment?
Charli: anyways we were talking about how we would go to your guys soccer games together
K: idk why I didn't think of that y'all r friends too
"Your dumb"
K: i know shut up
Charli: you guys r too much when your together
"I know imagine on the fielddd "
K: power duo
Olivia: y'all should practice now I haven't seen you play together
"Down beach soccer is a vibe"
Kaila grabbed a soccer ball and we made goals out of water bottles to play 1v1
"First to 5?"
K: ya you have to win by 2 points ahead tho so 5 or 7
We played for a while both were out of breath being it's harder to run on sand, Kaila took of her shirt
"Dang ok then"
K: shut up
I did the same leaving us in sports bras playing the score was 4 to 3 I'm up by one Kaila was running and I Fr was even trying and tripped her a she did a dramatic soccer roll
"Haha I'm sorryyyyy"
K: u did that on purpose meanieeee
"Hahaha no I-I rlly didn't mean to even tho it was funny I didn't mean to"
I walked over to her and put my arm out and she pulled me down and climbed on top of me wrestling position
"Hugh why I'm not in the mood"
K: pk and? U started it
I flipped her over putting her in arm lock
K: ookayyy miss im not in the mood why tf did you go all jujitsu queen

I let her arm go and actually helped her up this time and we continued playing and I won

K: Finally I'm dead" Kaila was on the sand laying down
"Get up loserrrr"
K: I'm out of breath
Ness: damn she beat your ass
K: shut it I know already
I picked her up running to the ocean not to far away
K: julesss I'm politely asking you to put me down it's getting dark and breezy
"Uhhh no"
I threw her in and ran out being I was knees deep already in the water and she pulled me back And I was under water and I resurfaced the salt water dripping from my face
K: this is your fault don't get mad
Charli: you guys really had to do that
"Kailas fault"
K: nu uh it was you
Olivia: lucky we brought clothes knowing you two
Jxdn: I'm gonna joinnnn jwhgkchc
He ran in as well
Picking me up throwing me deeper into the ocean
"Jxdn you ass hole"
Nikki: jxdn the dogs r following you
"Juiceeee" (juice is a golden retriever)
K:picklessss(pickles is the tiny dog)
"Pickles could get lost in the water so  don't drop him Kai"
N: if y'all kill my dogs I'm after you two
" you see"
Larray: just get the fuck out with the dogs nikki scares me it's that damelio power sis
"Larray there is no such thing"
Larray: wtf they r all so intimidating

We walked out of the water the dogs following Nikki again
Jxdn: at first they are they have there tough front but then there not at all
"Ig nikki and Dixie"
Larray: Mrs renegade just was a shy queen
"Wait when did you get here anyways"
Larray: da swayyyy boys Noah specifically and Curtis dragged me here out third gay James isn't here tho
"The third gay"
Larray: yeah it's a group sis get with it
"Dang ok"
Larray: we got the lgbtq community group chat too girl even tho it's dead
"Forgot about that"
Kai: I'm not it
Larray: I still don't know you but I was pretending I did
K: Kaila
Larray: oh yeah Olivia's soccer girllll cute nice to meet you Kai, can I call u that
Kai: yeah fs everyone calls me Kai
Larray: I just wanna know
Kai: what
Larray: do u have been with kio
"Not personally"
Larray: interestingg whhh
Larray: paparazzi look there hiding over there who know how long
"Uhhh no privacy anymore"
Jxdn: what's going on over here
Kai: paparazzi spotted hiding watching us all
Jxdn: Fr sucks
Larray: flip them off on three?
Jxdn: 3..2...1
L: 🖕

Coop: who tf u flipping off there's no one
Jxdn: paparazzi hiding u see
Coop: yo Quinton, Bryce

They came and flipped them off
"Ok this is stupid they probably took the shot already"
Kai: yeah I'm cold so I'm gonna go change

Me Kai and Jxdn all changed I had clothe in the back of my car and charli gave me an extra hoodie she had

Anna: so we gonna do s'mores or not I bought all the stuff
"Right uhhh Blake can you tell everyone we're doing s'mores"
"That's taken care of you want one luv"
Charli: can we share
"Sure u wanna make it"
Charli: yeah!
" ok"

Everyone made s'mores and we talked and hung out around the fire

Everyone made s'mores and we talked and hung out around the fire

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