Ch. 2

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Me and Dix got in the car, she took aux and I started driving to dunkin.

D: " Jules I know I can be a little much sometimes about you and Charli but honestly I'm your best friend I love you more than anything and I'm happy for you if you get the girl or not but I'll ship it until I'm in my death bed."

"Awwww Dix rlly"

D: " ya I would love for you to be my sister in law one day."

"Ya idk bout that Charli is straight she would never like me."

D: " actually aboutttt that."

" what?"

D: "ummmm "

"Dixie what is it your scaring me "

D: "it's just Charli is actually bisexual"

" oh... "

D: " that's not all "

"Well what else is there? "

D: " she likes you Jules"

"Haha you funny where's the camera."

D: "no Jules deadass "

" bitch stop lying your gonna give me hope I don't have ."

D: " I'm not lying Jules!!!!"

" I don't believe u "

D: "so you want me to prove it to you ?!"

" uhh ya"

D: " k I have the perfect idea "

"K shoot "

D: " you egnore Charli for the rest of the day "

" what ?! What is that gonna do?"

D: " she's gonna think she did something wrong and try to get your attention eventually she'll ask me if I told you about the crush she has on you.she hasn't told you cuz she thinks you will hate her or something cuz you know you are closeted to sooooo."

" I think it'll work it's just Charli hates being egnored ."

D:" exactly why this works so perfectly "

We pulled up to dunkin and I parked

" so do I still get her something ?"

D: " I mean you can but you can't talk to her when you give it or I can just give it to her."

" ya ok."

We went inside and ordered

Time skip to when they get home

i pulled into the driveway and Dixie took the drinks and took the donuts.the Dixie stopped and stared at my car

" what ?"

D: "did you know this is my dream car "

" a jeep ? "

D: " ya a 2018 black Jeep Wrangler ."

" ha your tesla is my dream car ."

D: " wait rlly ?"

" I mean ya but if you wanted a jeep why did you get a tesla? Jeeps are cheaper or at least the one you want ."

D: " cuz my parents don't want me to pay for gas ."

" makes sense anyways I thought you were gonna say something important about me ignoring Charli."

D: " srry anyways r u ready to ignore her she's gonna be so pissed 😂 Good luck."

" I know she is that s why I'm nervous. "

We walked in and Charli was doing tiktoks in the kitchen, she was in the middle of doing the tap tap tap one but I just stopped and stared at her until Dixie nudged be and wishpered

D: " stop being a simp your supposed to be ignoring her now wipe your drool and hurry up ."

I just rolled and my eyes and gave her the middle finger as Charli finshed and i put the donuts on the counter and Dixie put down the coffees down too.

C :" so that's where you guys went."

D: " ya also all the drinks are the same so just grab one."

C: " alright thx pixie."

I went to sit down and pulled out my phone and Dixie went upstairs

C: " hey Jules"

Ughhh I already feel bad ignoring her
C:  "Thx for my coffee"
Damn that hurts a little
C: "Jules"
C: "Jules ..... Did I do something wrong I'm sorry if asking you to stay with me last night was to much you could have just told me."

I got up and looked at her, walked by her grabbed my coffee and went upstairs. This literally breaks my heart and idk if this is even gonna work. I walked into dixies room and she was laying down on her phone.

"Dixie I hate this alreadyyyy."

D: " what happened so far ?"

" well after you walked away she said my named and I ignored her then she said it again the continued with , did I do something wrong I'm sorry if asking you to stay with me last night was too much you could have just told me, then I got up looked her in the eye walked straight past her got my coffee and came up her."

D: " shes for sure upset now , it won't take long for her to talk to me now so it won't be that long."

" I swear Dixie if this doesn't work I'm gonna be so upset."

D: "It will trust the process just remember when she talks to me you have to be listening to hear everything she says then walk in when i walk out k ?"

"Shore kitty girl"

The Dixie mimicked me in a annoying voice

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