Ch. 27

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Jules POV
These pictures will be for Instagram or potential album covers.... probably not but my creative team hasn't passed the idea yet but yeah if they say yes we'll probably plan a whole theme and concept
C: whose the photographer
"Bryant we're meeting at his place"
C: ok
We pulled up to Brian's and he gave us some ideas for spots
"I think we should just do candid photos while we drive around the city , the beach just hang out ya know"
B: I'm cool with that
C: yeah whatever u wanna do
"Ok then"
We all went in my car charli in passenger and we got coffee, walked down rodeo, stopped at the park and I caught a soccer ball so we played for a bit I even made a soccer tiktok

Then we took pics with fans, headed to Malibu to walk on the beach until 5ish and we were done and we dropped Brian off and he said he would get the photos to us as soon as there edited
"We off to your house for the YouTube video"
C: yeah my mom said 5:30
"U wanna get smoothies or something then before we go"
C: yesss
"Okay haha"
charli placed her hand on my thigh as I drove which was kinda distracting but still I mean... haha we listen to music and we went to Jamba Juice.

We drove back to her house and we're walking in C: wait "What"C: I posted that picture of u this morning not the one in the studio the one from this morning in bed U wee sleeping my mom texted me abt it sooo she might say something "Alr lucky u di...

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We drove back to her house and we're walking in
C: wait
C: I posted that picture of u this morning not the one in the studio the one from this morning in bed U wee sleeping my mom texted me abt it sooo she might say something
"Alr lucky u didn't leave any visible marks
C: we still had to cover your stomach tho
"Forgot abt that ok let's go inside
C: mhmm
We walked in and we said our hellos and then we hung out in the living room while the camera crew set up and heidi was directing them how she wanted it and mark was helping
C: u wanna check if Dixie or Nikki r here yet
C:k let's go
She took my hand as we walked up stairs where nikki and dixies old rooms were since they moved out, we knocked on Dixie's first no response so charli opened the door and they weren't in there but that was a given considering she always late no matter how hard Addison try's to keep her on time, we went to nikkis room and didn't even knock and her and jaden were there already
N: charli there's a thing called knocking
C: in my defense I didn't actually think u were here yet
N: mmk hi jules
"Hey nikki" I went up an hugged her
J: yo where's my hello
I jumped on jaden since he was laying on the bed
" hi jaden"
J: your heavy
" am not your to weak "
J: nu uh watch me
He threw me over his shoulder and ran out the door downstairs
"Put me down"
J: nope
Charli yelled from upstairs
J: I WON'T CHARLI but no promises
"Jaden put me fucking down"
J: nu uh
"Where r taking me"
J: the pool
"No jaden pls"
Nikki and charli followed us downstairs
He was abt to thow me in before Heidi yelled
"Put me down pls"
He put me down and Nikki hit his shoulder and we went back in and Dixie and Addison finally got here

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