Chapter 1

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I stare at my arm, as if I can try to predict what I'll see in the morning, my stomach twisting into knots of panic and anxiety. I curl up into a small ball, tears filling my eyes.

I'm scared

A gentle hand touches my shoulder, and I jump, only to feel my mom's warm embrace comforting me.

"It'll be ok Grian" she soothes, running a hand through my hair as I rest my head against her chest.

"And if it's not?" I whisper, barely audible as the tears silently run down my cheeks.
"If th-the stripes are black and-"

"Listen to me. You know someone in our family was already taken, the odds it'll be you are almost impossible."

I nod, remembering my mother telling me about her younger sister who's birthday I shared, and how she was taken by the Watchers 15 years ago.

"Did you ever see Auntie Nora again?" I ask quietly

My mom sighs

"No, but don't you worry Grian, you'll wake up, and everything will be ok, trust me."

I doubt her, but decide not to argue, laying my head on my pillow and hugging the small teddy, one I've had since I was born, close to me.

"I love you mum"

"I love you too my little sunshine"

Sunlight fills my eyes, but no birds seem to sing, like they know the dark day it is.

I blink several times, still half asleep, when a sudden shock of realisation hits me.

I'm twelve now.

I'm scared to look at what's on my arm. I'm scared to see the stripes. They're probably Admin... they have to be Admin...

So I quickly turn and peek at my arm...

They aren't Admin.

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