Chapter 53

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Grian's POV

We're still trying to mess with Xisuma and descend the meeting into chaos when I pause. Something feels wrong. Really wrong. X and Joe seem to sense this too, the Admin going tense and standing up.

The Hermits fall silent once they see this, looking worried. Scar places his hand on Xisuma's, green eyes full of concern.

"X are you-"

"GET DOWN!" The Admin screams, pulling Scar to the ground, The Hermits barely having 5 seconds to shield themselves before the building is blown to pieces.

I can't hear anything, my vision blurring. The faint sound of screams eventually reach my ears, and I see people running past. A piece of glass must've cut me, because I feel warm blood run down my cheek.

Somebody grabs my wrist, pulling me out of the way of a blast of magic.

"GRIAN GET UP!" A voice I recognise as Iskall yells, but I hardly notice. The magic that almost hit me. It was purple, and radiated with immense power...

Watcher Magic.

My breathing goes heavy, and I find myself back in Evo, holding Taurtis's dead body in my hands. Running past burning buildings, desperately screaming for my friends as I pass their bloody corpses.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Stress screams, eyes full of terror

"GET OUT OF HERE, ALL OF YOU!" Xisuma shouts to them "GET TO THE PORTAL!"


Iskall's still holding on to me, but I feel someone grab my arm, pulling me away from them.

I freeze in fear as I'm suddenly face to face with a Watcher.

"We've been looking for you Xelqua." They tell me with a smirk

Terrified, I try to wriggle out of their grasp, kicking my legs and trying to escape. The Watcher is much taller than me, and my attempts are useless.

"WOULD YOU EVER FUCK OFF?!" I roar, blasting them backwards with my magic.

I'm dropped to the ground, but someone grabs my arm, twisting it behind my back, making me cry out in pain.

"Sorry Grian." False whispers, looking genuinely guilty.

For a moment I'm confused, before I see the dark purple wings in her back, and feel her strong magic.

"You... you're a Watcher?!"

Her sad expression gives me the answer I hoped I wouldn't receive.

"I have him, Zeider." False tells a Watcher to her left, who grabs me by the neck, taking in every detail of my terrified face.

"So this is Xelqua, the one who's been causing us so much trouble. Once we get you backcourt to the End, I'm sure we'll do great things with your magic"


A fist is slammed into the side of The Watcher's head, before he's kicked in the back and knocked to the ground.

Looking up, I almost choke when I see who just knocked that Watcher out.


"Hey Gri"

I don't hesitate to throw myself into her arms, not caring that there's a fight on at the moment.

"I-I thought you were dead!"

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