Chapter 43

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Hels's POV

"I knew this was a bad idea."

My voice cuts through the silence like a knife, and I glance over at BadTimes. He looks angry, guilty and upset, but doesn't say anything. I grit my teeth, nails digging into the palms of my hands as frustrated tears flow down my cheeks.

"Ezra's as good as dead, and it's all our fau-"

"STOP IT!" BadTimes snaps, glaring at me. "I feel bad enough right now, ok? No need to make it worse."

I go quiet, knowing he's right. It's not his fault for being a Vexling, or mine for being forced into the plan. Or even Ezra's for going rogue and getting himself banned.

"He might be ok." My friend admits. "He can survive the Void longer than most."

"It's still torture to be in there." I sigh. "We need to try and get him out."

"And how do you propose we do that?"

"Find his brother and help him unban Ezra... maybe explain and apologise while we're at it."

BadTimes stares at me like I'm insane for a few seconds, but pauses to think.

"You know... that isn't so much of a bad idea. But it's an incredibly secure server, Ezra only got in because he was whitelisted."

"Whitelisted?" I repeat. "Why?"

"Probably in the hopes that Xisuma could find him and bring him back." He shrugs. "But I guess it backfired. Kinda sad when you think about it."

It is sad, but that's why I try not  to think about it too much.

"You don't happen to know how to hack whitelists, do you?" I ask. 

"No... but if I convince the Vex that getting him back is a good thing, then maybe they could get us in?" BadTimes suggests.

"I don't want anything to do with them." I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"Neither do I Helsie, but you know what they say. No pain, no gain."

"...What did you call me?"

My friend shrugs, grinning a little.

"I thought you didn't like the name Hels."

"Yeah, but- I... uh... never mind, ok?" I sigh. "Let's keep going."

"Sure thing sweetheart."

"Shut up! This is a serious problem and we really need to-"

"Ok, sorry." BadTimes interrupts, looking guilty. "I thought making you laugh would make you feel better."

"I get it... but sometimes laughing isn't always the best way to deal with things." I sigh. "I do appreciate you trying to help though... it's sweet of you."

My friend smiles, glad I appreciated the attempt.

"Thanks Helsie." 

I open my mouth to protest, but decide not to. I don't mind the nickname too much... it's actually kinda cute. Well, not cute, just nice.

At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

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