Chapter 25

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Grian's POV

I bite my lip nervously, keeping my eyes to the ground and avoiding the gaze of others. It was certainly worth becoming an Admin just to be able to hang out here. The building is made of quartz, and a massive domed ceiling is above me, large windows lighting the room up. I love how the place changes when Minecraft does, this time it's filled with quartz and little Redstone contraptions to reflect 1.5, the Redstone Update.

I'm one of the youngest here, having only turned 18 recently. Most don't train to become Admins until about 30. There is one guy who looks about a year or two older then me, so I take a seat next to him. He's more focused on his phone then what's happening, but I can tell he's nervous.

"Hi" I say with a smile "You here to apply to be an Admin?"

The boy looks up from his phone, nodding at me with a smile.

"Yeah... I've wanted to start a server for ages" he tells me with a slight frown, playing with the strings of his lime green jumper. "I might not qualify because I wasn't born an Admin"

"I wasn't either... but I'm still gonna try" I respond, trying to stay positive despite my current circumstances. "I'm Grian by the way!"

"Dream" he responds quietly. There's a few minutes of silence, before I speak up again.

"Say you did qualify, completed training and started a server... what would you call it?"

"I'd name it after me!" Dream snickers "I did the work to start it, I'm getting credit"

This makes me laugh too, something I haven't done in ages.

"What about you?" he asks after another while. I think his question through.

"Well... I'm very behind with all the new updates. I'd probably start a server that goes through all the Minecraft updates one at a time to try get used to them." Then I pause, cringing "It sounds weird..."

"No, I get it. If you're on an old server for a long time you can miss a lot." Dream shrugs "At least I assume that's what happened"

"Something like that..."

There's another bit of silence, before Dream is called. Giving me a grin, he gets up.

"Good luck" I tell him

"I don't need luck!" He responds

Then I'm alone. I wonder once again how Ezra's doing. He's alive... I can tell. Wether he's injured or not, I don't know. I can only hope he's safe and with the others. I want nothing more then his arms around me right now, just to hear him say that everything's ok, to be able to kiss him and feel better...


I jump at Dream's voice, opening my eyes to see the blonde, green sweater wearing 19 year old waving a hand in front of my face. He frowns, face a mixture of confusion and worry.

"You were crying. You ok?"

"Yeah... I'm fine. How'd it go?"

"Great! The person there said I might be able to train to be a Silver Admin!"

My eyes widen in surprise. Silver Admin is great, only two ranks down from Platinum. Only two Admins at a time were able to have a Platinum rank, and they were known as The Prime Admins. Watchers are taught to steer clear of any Admins with Bronze rank or higher, Admins probably being their one weakness. This wasn't explained much further, but something tells me it was in that book we stole.

"That's great! I'll probably be Green at best" I reply with a sigh

Green is two ranks down from Bronze, which is just below Silver. Most Admins are Red or Bronze. If they found out I was a Watcher though, I'd be lucky to get Purple, two ranks below Green, and the lowest of the low. Heck, I'd be lucky if they didn't throw me in jail.

"Could Grian report to the main office?"

I feel my shoulders tense. Dream gives me a reassuring smile, which boosts my confidence a little. Getting up, I walk with trembling legs to a room with doors that could rival Demetrius's. Only they look a lot more inviting. I'm led inside by a woman who looks fairly nice, but that doesn't help me calm down.

She sits me at a desk, taking a seat at the other side with a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you Grian." She tells me.  "I assume you want to become an Admin?"

I nod. She reads through the form I filled out earlier, raising her eyebrows.

"Born 1st of January 1995... are you a born Admin?"

Oh crap. I forgot my birth date would bring up questions. Grian you fucking idiot.

"May I see your stripes?" Sh asks, motioning to my arm. Refusing will look suspicious. Showing her will cause trouble. I've really landed myself in a bad situation. My heart pounds in my chest, my head beginning to feel light and dizzy.

"Are you ok?" She asks, looking a little confused.

Biting my lip, I pull my sleeve up.

"I'm not" I mumble. The lady purses her lips when she sees the black stripes.

"This is going to complicate things..." she mumbles, taking a moment to think. "But I won't hold it against you for the time being. We'll just continue this as normal then take it into account at the end."

I'm very quiet after that, only speaking to answer her questions. After about 10 minutes she's done.

"Ok, usually I'd be able to offer you training for a Silver Rank, but due to unfair discrimination against Watchers the best I can do is Red, possibly Bronze with some negotiations."

I'm honestly surprised. Red is a rank up from Green, and fairly good. The fact I would have been offered Silver is amazing. I then realise I should probably respond.

"Th-thank you! That's better then I expected!"

The woman smiles

"I'll see if some strings can be pulled. It won't be easy though, you'll probably be assumed as a spy, and might get dropped to Green if things don't go well."

"Thank you so much! That's still amazing, I can't be grateful enough"

She nods.

"I'll contact you once your results are in, which should be between 3 days and a week." She informs me, before guiding me out the door.

That went better then I planned.

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