Chapter 26

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Xisuma's POV

"I'm leaving the server"


I gape at Generik in disbelief. He couldn't be serious. He started Hermitcraft! He can't leave!

"B-but Hermitcraft needs an Admin! You can't go!"

"Exactly. The server needs an Admin. And I think I may be looking at one"

This takes me a moment to comprehend. I'm the only one in the room with him, but he can't possibly mean me. Eventually though, it dawns on me that he DOES mean me.

"You'd be a perfect Admin Xisuma. I've been teaching you how to fix bugs and code commands for a reason."

I take these words into consideration. I'd always wanted to be an Admin, but never thought I'd get the chance. I'm honestly exited at the opportunity.

"I... I'd love to be an Admin!" I exclaim excitedly, Generik smiling warmly.

"I figure you would... which is why I made you this"

He hands me a shiny metal helmet with a purple visor.

"You'll be able to access the server codes with it, and it can easily be modified for your other needs" He explains as I try it on. It's very heavy, and makes everything look purple, but I love it. I make a mental note to make matching armour, thinking it would look really cool.

"Oh my god... you really didn't have to!" I gasp "Thank you so much!"

"It's no problem Xisuma. Now, I think I'm going to need to teach you more if you want to be an Admin."


I'm sitting alone in my tiny base, painting a chestplate dark green when a man who's name I think is Biffa comes in. I'd never spoken to him, so it surprised me that he'd bother to come around.

"Hi... you're Xisuma right?"

I turn, nodding. My helmet was on, as I'd been trying to get used to it. Generik said I'd need to wear it a lot once I was Admin. It felt nice to have my face covered, nobody could judge me this way.

"Well... Generik said to ask if you wanted to help kill the Dragon in the End tomorrow"

I raise my eyebrows

"The Ender Dragon?"

Biffa nods

"It's ok if you don't want to"

"No" I reply, smiling "I'll come help"

"That's great!" He exclaims, heading to leave "I like your armour by the way"

I smile, adding the last few details to finally finishing it. I think it turned out really well. It's a dark green chestplate and leggings, both made of sturdy metal, dark grey gloves and boots, and knee and elbow pads. It should keep me fairly safe, leaving only my arms exposed. Plus it looks very good with my helmet.

When Generik sees me the next day, all decked out and ready to kill a dragon, he can't help but laugh.

"What?" I ask "I don't look stupid, do I?"

"No, I think you look great. You'll definitely make a great Admin.

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