Chapter 12

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My name is Grian. I am 13 years old. My mom's name is Rae. I'll get back to her someday.

I mentally repeat this to myself every morning when I wake up, not wanting to forget who I am or why I need to get out of here.

It's weird to think I've been here a whole year. A year since I woke up and saw those black stripes on my arm, a year since Xerea came for me, a year dince I met X, Joe and Ezra.

My gaze shifts to the stripes on my arm. They're still very much there, a sick reminder of how I lost my mother. They seem to have more of a purplish tint to them now, and I'm unsure if that's just me or not.

The topic of my magic was eventually dropped last year, with the conclusion it must be unusually strong silver. It's still closely monitored by Demetrius and some of the others though, just in case.

"Happy birthday and Happy New Year" someone yawns, and I turn to a rather sleepy Xerea, who smiles at me. Things had begun to look up for her, specifically because Demetrius decided not to bully her as much.

"Happy birthday and Happy New Year!" I reply with an identically bright smile, jumping out of my bed and over to her's. "Cmon! We should make the most of it while we can!"

"You're so much like Nora" she sighs, still beaming. I haven't really seen Xerea smile much, it's nice when she does. Something about her smile reminds me of my mom.

"How old are you today?" I ask curiously

"Rude!" Xerea laughs

"Oh come on, why is it rude? You can't be THAT old!"

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm only 28!"

"You were in the same class as my Auntie then!" I exclaim excitedly "She should be 28 too!"

Xerea seems to freeze at that comment before nodding slowly.

"Yeah... we were..."

I frown suspiciously. That's exactly what I do when I'm hiding something. I'm not sure if she is hiding anything, but something's definitely up with her. I can't tell what though... Deciding to try something later today, I leave it.


Seeing the terrified faces of the new children makes my heart break. They seem so small and scared, having just been torn away from their families.

As Demetrius has them line up so he can do a head count, one kid is shoved roughly into the girl in front of him, and a small stuffed animal falls from her arms to the floor. She can't step out of the line to grab it, so I quickly scoop it up before Demetrius can see it. Unfortunately, the children are led away before I can return it to her.

I decide to follow the line, watching as they assign rooms. I assume this was what happened to my class, but I was late and missed this. Eventually I see the girl follow three others into a room. Waiting until the line has gone, I leave the well loved rabbit outside the door, quietly knocking on it.

The same little girl opens the door, teary eyes lighting up as she sees the bunny. Quickly grabbing it, she looks up, only catching a small glimpse of me as I slip away.

I grin to myself as I turn a corner. Having no school today certainly worked out well. Had I not been aimlessly wandering around that girl wouldn't have her bunny anymore.

It's only when I stop abruptly that I realise I'm exactly where I intended to go. Looking up at the towering walls lined with pictures of previous classes, I wonder if I'll ever find Nora's year. Luckily, as it's one of the more 'recent' years (recent meaning anything in the last three decades) I spot it fairly quickly.

There are two photos for each class. One taken on their first day, the other taken on the day they graduate. Being the organised beings they are, The Watchers line the kids up in alphabetical order in each picture, meaning they're all standing in the same spot in both photos.

This makes my plan very easy for me. Looking at the first photo, and the one in my hand of my mum and Nora when the latter was eleven. I'm quickly able to spot her, a small, scared little girl who looks a lot like me.

Then I turn to the photograph taken six years later, looking at the Nora in this one. Standing in the same position she had six years ago...

I almost choke as I stare at the 18 year old girl. She looks exactly like...

Oh my god.

Xerea didn't know Nora...

She IS Nora.


I sprint down hallways and up staircases, not caring about getting in trouble. Bursting through the door of our dorm, Xerea is still there, the other three long gone.

"Grian! Are you ok?"

"You're Nora aren't you"

She doesn't respond, seemingly frozen on the spot. I glare at her, and her eyes fill with tears.

"You're too smart for me Grian" she whispers, voice cracking slightly.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I ask furiously, tears threatening to spill down my own cheeks.

"I'm so sorry! I wanted to so badly, b-but Demetrius threatened to kill me if I-"

I cut her off by hugging her tightly, starting to cry. She holds me close to her, as she starts crying too. I feel so happy and sad at the same time, it's confusing.

We stay hugging for quite some time, until we're both emotionally exhausted.

"I'm really sorry I had to lie to you Grian. It's been so hard knowing I can't hug you, or tell you I love you. Trust me though, I really do love you"

"I... I love you too Auntie Nora"

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