Chapter 36

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Grian's POV

"Um... hi"

I stare awkwardly at the crowd of about 20 people. Some look exited, others kind of bored, most just watch me.

"My name, as you know, is Grian, and welcome to the Minecraft Evolution server!"

I've lost all confidence, trying not to panic as I quickly continue

"You kinda get the point, we'll be working our way through all the Minecraft updates, starting with 1.2 beta, and... have fun?"

Most shrug, heading off to build a decent shelter. I lean my back against a tree and groan. That was awful. Weeks of practicing in front of a mirror and then this is the result. This didn't go how I expected at all, and now I'm in a server full of people I hardly know who probably think I'm an incapable dork.

"Hi. You ok?"

I look up to see a boy with dark hair and a blue hoodie. He's wearing blue and red headphones, and smiles shyly. I'm fairly sure his name is Taurtis

"You're kinda sad looking, you wanna stick with me?"

"Sure" I mumble half-heartedly, quietly tailing behind him

"I don't think you did too bad, I'd probably throw up if I were there" he laughs, trying to brighten the mood. It doesn't really work, and I don't say anything.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll get better once we all get to know eachother. I would never talk to anyone but my fish plushie until my parents made me go on a playdate with some other kid..."

"Oh! Maybe I could try build a community area or something!" I exclaim, turning to Taurtis. I notice he's suddenly gone really quiet though. "You ok?"

He looks up, putting on a smile I can tell is fake.

"I'm fine..."

I can tell he isn't, but I don't push it. I often do the same thing, pretending I'm ok when I'm not.

"What's your cats' names?" He eventually asks, looking at Maui and Pearl. I'd of course brought the pair with me, and they were tailing behind me as we spoke.

"Oh, that's Pearl, and this is Maui" I tell him, smiling as the pair perk up when they hear their names.

"Cool, someone here is called Pearl too" Taurtis remarks, beginning to punch a tree. "I don't know if she likes cats, but she's a very good builder!"

"I've never actually built anything by myself before" I tell Taurtis "This is my first time on a server"

"Really? Don't they teach you that stuff in school?" He asks "Like, basic architecture or something?"

"Oh... I didn't have a normal education" I mumble

"That makes two of us" He remarks quietly "Unless most kids deal with multiple murders in their school and being stabbed by their own best friend before they're 16"

My eyes widen in shock, and Taurtis seems surprised too

"Oh... that last part was out loud, wasn't it?"

"Yeah it was! Dude that's so messed up, are you ok?!"

He doesn't say anything, just hugging himself and holding back tears. I assume he might have been stabbed in the stomach, and that it's something he might unconsciously do when it's mentioned. Despite hardly knowing him, I hug Taurtis, and he gladly accepts the embrace.

"Wanna see how messed up I am?" I mumble, pulling my jumper off. I'm wearing a white t-shirt underneath, but the many scars on my arms are still visible. My sleeves hide my stripes, so I don't need to worry about them.

"I got all of these between 14 and 18" I admit, as Taurtis stares at my arms. He seems to be looking the worst visible one, the one I received when escaping.

"That looks like a sword mark" he observes. "How did... actually never mind. You don't have to tell me anything"

"It was a sword... one specifically made so that it would inflict as much damage as possible"

"Oh god... I thought only Watchers had those things"

Taurtis tilts his head a little, reaching to lift my sleeve and get a better view of the scar. I quickly yank my arm back, alarming him. I pull my sweater on again. That was too close. Maybe it's best to keep it on.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to upset you" he apologises

"It's ok... I'm just not too keen on people touching them"

"I get it... sorry"

"It's fine. Now cmon, the sun's going down, and I don't really like the idea of respawn very much"

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