Chapter 56

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Grian's POV


Someone calls my name from the hallway, and the loud bang seconds later, followed by the yelp, narrows it down to a tall person who's accident-prone enough to bang their head on the ceiling.

To be specific it's either Scar or Mumbo.

It turns out to be the former, and a small smile crosses my lips when I see him. I've been spending a lot of time with Scar since we moved to Season 7, he's good at making me feel better.

I'm not sure when, or how for that matter, but he has a whole Wizard phase going on at the moment. To some level it's actually kind of funny, seeing as he looks more like he just woke up then an actual wizard.

"Hey... need a hug?"

One of the things I like about Scar is that he doesn't ask stupid questions like "are you ok?" when someone clearly isn't. He instead gets straight to the bit where he offers to help instead.

Nodding, I lean my head on the Vexling's shoulder as he sits down beside me.

"Need to talk about anything?"

"No... can you talk to me?"

Scar nods with a sympathetic smile, before starting to talk to me about a plan he has for a village, and a massive tunnel to the Nether once The Admins update it.

Sometimes I like to listen to people talk to me. Even if it's Mumbo rambling on about redstone, or Xisuma talking to himself in frustration as he fixes bugs, there's something calming about it. Joe told me that the most reasonable explanation is that I'm distracting myself. Listening to someone else's voice really helps me ignore the bad voices inside of me.

Another thing I like about this server is how understanding the Hermits are. Everyone here has dealt with some kind of trauma, and always have patience with the others, or support them through whatever they're going through.

"Gri, you're half asleep" Scar gently tells me, and I notice how my eyes feel heavy. Letting out a small yawn, I close them.

"Want me to go?" He asks me

I weakly shake my head in response, which Scar takes as a no. I don't want him to leave. It's nice to feel someone hug me. It's nice, reminding me of N-

Oh no...

Not again.

It feels like a horrible stab in the heart when I think about Nora. Even a month after... she left, I can't think of her without feeling like my stomach just got dropped down an endless hole.

It feels the same when I think about Ezra. I don't even know if he's gone or not... I just want him back. But something in me knows he's gone. Abandoned in a place he'll never return from.

The pain is overwhelming now. It seems to surround me, blocking out Scar, Maui, Pearl... everything. I just want it to drown me, to take away everything else...

I just want it all to be over.

Hels's POV

"Ok, you ready?"

A strange mix of emotions bubble up inside of me. Fear, worry, excitement, hope... I just want to know that Ezra's ok.

"Ready" I tell BadTimes with a nod.

"Right... 3, 2, 1..."

I feel the same jolt of sickness I usually get when I teleport, like something just tried to yank my body in six different directions.

"Ow" I mumble, feeling grass brush against my nose before I sit up.

I'm on a pathetically small island in the middle of nowhere, and for a moment think I'm in the wrong place.

Looking over, I see BadTimes next to me.

"I think I'm gonna throw up" The Vexling mumbles


"Gimme a break, most of the time I teleport others, not myself." He snaps, standing up shakily. "My main concern is whether we're in the right place or not"

"Usually there's a lot of cool builds"

"They've only been here a while, there won't be"

"Could you not just have brought us straight to Scar?"

"Uhhh, no. My magic isn't as strong as I let on, this is the best I can do."

Turning around, I spot a very small boat.

"Guess that's our only way there then"

You know, when BadTimes described this to me, the last image that came to mind was the pair of us crammed into the one, tiny oak boat. The Vexling's currently sitting in my lap, with cheeks the same colour as redstone and a definite bruise to his pride.

"Can you give me a hand here?" I huff "You aren't exactly light as a feather"

No response.


Gently shaking his shoulder, I realise the Vexling is almost asleep.

"Hey... BadTimes!"


"You tired or something?"

"Yeah I... I just used a lot of magic back there, it's nothing"

But the second he's done talking he's nodding off again. Sighing, I realise we might have to rest before we get going with the plan. Teleporting two people into here must've been tricky.

So I let BadTimes sleep, taking my time to get to the nearest island. Pale moonlight shines on his even paler face as he nuzzles his head into my chest. It's almost amusing to see him so vulnerable like this, it's definitely a side of him that I like.

And maybe I like it a little too much.

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