Chapter 59

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Hels's POV

I wander through empty streets, lit dimly by the soft glow of lanterns inside buildings. It's not a good idea to stay here too long, but I can't help but appreciate the beautiful architecture this place possesses.

It's also such a mad, random bunch of shops that it's almost impossible to find what you're looking for.

"And it's also quite easy to get distracted" I mumble, pausing in front of an admittedly massive barge. I can't believe that someone actually had the time to build it. Poking my head inside, I see it's filled with all sorts of random, overpriced items, but not what I'm looking for.

I eventually find a tree with many glass bottles hanging from it, each a different colour. There's nothing in them, but they make for beautiful decorations. Spotting a chest next to the tree, I rummage through it until I find a healing potion.

"They won't miss one or two of these" I whisper, grabbing enough to help Vali, but not too many that they'll notice the missing stock.

Passing by the barge again, I snag a fresh roll of bandages and a couple golden carrots. It's tempting to grab an elytra, but they're the kind of thing you'd notice missing from a shop. And I'm only taking what I need anyway.

Once I get back to our sad little camp in the Nether, Vali is still asleep. I hate to wake him up, but he really needs this stuff.

"Hey... wake up"

I gently shake his shoulder, which makes him blink, opening his eyes and yawning sleepily.

"Where'd all this come from?" He asks, noticing what I've brought.

"I may have made a little trip to their Shopping District."

"Hels! Someone could've seen you!"

"It's the middle of the night, relax. And you need these anyway, I'm not letting you die, not on my watch."

"Stop being so dramatic." Vali giggles.

The two of us then stop, an awkward silence filling the air. It's been like that for about a day now, since he kissed my cheek. This is actually the first time we've properly spoken since then.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" I mumble, not really sure what else to say.

"You didn't. It's... it's fine."

I nod to his wound, realising it still needs attention.

"Mind if I..."

Vali nods, letting me unwrap the old, bloody bandages. It hasn't healed much, but the potion I took will help. Passing the bottle of pink, glowing liquid to him, I carefully wrap the white cloth around his waist as he drinks it.

"It's weird to not be in pain after I got so used to it." The Vexling admits

"S-sorry" I sigh.

"Why are you apologising?"

"I got myself into that fight with Wels."

"I'm the reason it happened."

Vali shifts uncomfortably, before starting to speak again.

"I... I owe you a lot of apologies for everything I've put you through. And there really isn't a way to truly tell you how much I regret it, or how much guilt I've felt over it. 'I'm sorry' is just a pathetic phrase at this stage for me. I never mean it when I say it."

Then he glances up at me.

"But this time I do, I'm truly sorry for everything you had to go through because of me. You deserve so much more than this, and I've pretty much ruined your life."

"I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you."

"That's no excuse."

"You don't need an excuse, we're both victims here." I remind him. "And you've changed, I know you don't want to help them anymore."

"I don't think I ever would've changed if it weren't for you." He admits

"You would've come to your senses at some stage I'm sure..."

"No. Even if I finished doing their work and got what I wanted I wouldn't be happy. Because... I don't think I could ever be happy by myself..."

Vali leans forwards and brushes some of the hair out of my eyes. Then his hand moves downwards, gently caressing my cheek. Then he gently presses his lips against mine, only for a moment, before pulling away with a smile.

"You're what makes me happy."

Grian's POV

The other night, as I lay sleeping

The faint sounds of music reach my ears, but I don't really care. Why should I?

I dreamed I held you in my arms

It's been 8 years since I lost you.

But when I awoke dear, I was mistaken

There's been so many nights when I dreamed I had you back. It was never real.

So I hung my head and I cried

I want you back.

You are my sunshine

That's what my mother used to call me

My only sunshine

And that's what you are to me.

You make me happy, when skies are grey

I don't think I've truly been happy since we were separated.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

If only I had told you how much you meant to me.

So please don't take my sunshine away

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