Chapter 70

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Hels's POV

There's storm overhead, the rain beating down on me as I lash out at the blonde stranger in anger. Before I know it, I slip and fall. He's screaming a name... screaming MY name, barely legible through the sound of the thunder.

And as I fall, I realise what's going to happen, that I'm going to die and I couldn't do anything about it. I felt so horrible, I'd be gone forever, and the last thing I'd ever told him was that I hated him. I'd never be able to say sorry for what I'd said, for what I'd done to him.

And even if I was only falling for a few moments, it felt like hours. The stranger slowly getting further and further away, arm still outstretched like he could still somehow catch me.

When I saw the tops of the pine trees on either side of me, I knew I was close to the ground, I knew I only had about 2 seconds left in my life. So I whispered something I knew would never reach his ears, but still hoped that somehow, through some means, he'd hear it and know I truly meant it.

"I love you Wels."

I wake up with a gasp, looking around me to find Vali. Thankfully he's asleep by my side, and I carefully shake him awake.


"Yeah? You ok?"

"I just had a dream about the guy who attacked you... I... I think he's my brother."

"Wait, what? Are you sure?"

"I think so... I think his name is Wels."

He seems like he's think for a moment, and suddenly his eyes light up.

"Hang on, remember when I found a spare communicator last night? Maybe I can check the whitelist to try and find out more about him!"

He grabs the stolen communicator, scrolling through the list of people currently on the server.

"Doc...False... Grian... Etho... Ezra?"

Now it's my turn to be confused. 

"Ezra is in the Void, not here! That's literally why we're here, to help Xisuma get him back!"

"Well... clearly Xisuma was able to manage by himself." Vali mumbles.

"So... so was this all for nothing?"

"I mean, if we've possibly found your brother than clearly it isn't!" My friend (is he my boyfriend now?) admits. "Look, there he is! You're right, his name is Wels!"

"Do... do you think I could try and talk to him? Clearly he remembers me, because when you fought him he- OH MY GOSH YOU FOUGHT HIM!"

"Yeah, I did? And my injuries delayed the whole plan for about 3 weeks?"

"No, that's not what I mean! I tried to fight my own brother! I mean, I barely remember him, but I'm already a terrible sibling!"

"Well, you're a better one than I was." Someone sighs from behind us.

It's Wels.

Grian's POV

"And that is basically what's happened in the last 14 years." Ezra concludes, bringing our story to an end and leaving both his mothers in shock.

There's a solid 30 seconds of silence, until Edith speaks up.

"Do... Do you need a hug?"

"Well after spending the last hour and a half talking about our horrible series of traumas, yes." My boyfriend admits

The two of them scoot closer to us, pulling Ezra into a tight, warm embrace. I just kind of sit there, watching them, until my boyfriend motions for me to join the hug.

"C'mon. You need a hug too."

"... fine."

He pulls me in, and I suddenly find myself squashed between the 3 of them. Not that I mind, it's kind of nice.

"The fact that you're both still alive and somewhat sane is amazing." Aeryn mumbles

"Somewhat sane?" I repeat, making Ezra giggle

"Let's face it Gri, you're like, 90% chaotic demon, 10% actual human."


"I love you too."

I'm pretty much squished up against Ezra at this stage, seeing as his moms are holding us so tightly, but it's kind of nice. It was always just my mom and I when I was growing up, so I've never really been in a proper group hug before.

I like it.

"I hate to say this, but we need to go soon." Ezra mumbles. "We didn't really tell anyone we were leaving, and we don't want to worry them."

"That's fine!" Edith exclaims "Just make sure you and Xisuma visit at least twice a week, bring Grian around as much as possible, and never get yourself into a dangerous situation ever again, ok?"

"Yes mum, I will." Ezra laughs, before standing up and helping me to my feet. "I'll try at least for the last one."

"Don't worry" Aeryn assures him "As long as I live, which will be for a very long time, nobody will ever lay a finger on you. I promise."

We love you!" The two call in unison, before the door closes.

"Your moms are... interesting." I tell him as we walk back

"I know, they can be intense at first." Ezra shrugs "I think they liked you though."

I'm about to reply, when I notice something's in my sweater's pocket. Reaching in, I pull out a small bag of cookies, with a note attached.

'For the way home <3'

My boyfriend snickers, seeing my confusion.

"My mum's stealthier than you'd think. She probably slipped those in when she hugged you."

"I'm not complaining." I admit, passing him one. I bite into mine, and stop in my tracks.

"This is the best cookie I've ever eaten."

"I agree." Ezra responds, slightly muffled because of his full mouth.

"You have crumbs on your cheek." I point out, standing on my toes to brush them off when my lips suddenly meet his.

I'm caught off guard by the short lived kiss, and end up falling backwards with a yelp and landing butt first on the cold, hard endstone.

"Don't do that!" I snap

"What, don't kiss you?" Ezra asks innocently

"No, you can keep kissing me but-"

I'm cut off as he effortlessly lifts me into my arms and gives me another, proper kiss while carrying me bridal style.

"H-hey! Put me down!" I yell, trying to pull away while failing to hold my laughter in.

"Noooo! Lemme love youuu!" My boyfriend teases, giving me kisses on my cheek as I continue to try and squirm out of his arms.

The two of us eventually calm down, and I smile, relaxing in his arms.

"You're so small and easy to carry." He tells me, slowly walking in the direction of the End Portal.

"Rude." I respond, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Never said it was a bad thing. It's actually pretty cute." He continues

"You're pretty cute." I tease

"I know." He replies with a smirk.


"I love you too, Grian."

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