Chapter 69

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Grian's POV

Ezra's incredibly tense beside me as I lead him to the End Portal, and I'm guessing he's just a little nervous. I was nervous to see my mom for the first time after I was taken, so I understand.

"You know, I was worried when I saw my mom again too." I tell him comfortingly "She didn't forget me though, and now she insists I call her at least 3 times a week and makes me visit her at least once a month."

"It's been longer since I saw them though." Ezra points out "What if Xisuma told them about... about what I did?"

"I'm not gonna lie, he probably did tell them, but it wasn't you who did those things. A mother's love is unconditional, and they'll still love you, I'm sure of it."

I can tell he's still worried, so I suggest something.

"Here's an idea. How about we refer to you and Evil X as different people. He's not you, you're not him. Would that help?"

Ezra nods, smiling gratefully as we come up to the End Portal. He pales slightly, not looking too happy.

"How are we gonna find them?" He asks me

"I don't know. We'll figure that out later, let's just go through for now."

We enter the End, looking around. The place has been set up for an easy fight against the Dragon, and an enderman farm isn't too far away in the distance. I haven't actually been to the End all season, having no use for elytra and being able to buy shulker boxes from Scar.

There's two figures pacing back and forward about 20 feet away, seeming very concerned. Squinting slightly, I see it's a woman with white hair like Ezra's, and dragon wings and a tail like Xisuma's. The other is a woman with brown hair, holding her hand.

My boyfriend's gone very quiet beside me, and I turn to him. He's standing perfectly still, not even blinking, watching his mothers with tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

They notice us, pausing only momentarily to look at each other, then back at us, before disappearing in a puff of purple particles. And all of a sudden they're right here, the two of them holding on tightly to Ezra in a bone crushing hug.

"You're ok? We thought we lost you!" The one with the brown hair gasps. She sounds quite similar to the twins, and I notice her big, red eyes, identical to Ezra's.

"Is that really you?" The other asks, brushing some of the hair out of her son's eyes. "You're so different!"

"Yeah... it's me." He confirms, smiling as he dries his tears.

The three just hold onto one another, and I smile, happy that Ezra can be happy. That's when one of his moms sees me.

"Who's that?" She asks cautiously

"This is my... my boyfriend, Grian." Ezra tells her, cheeks a little bit red.

"Boyfriend?" The two repeat in unison

"Yes... I was also taken the same day as Ezra and Xisuma... so I've known him for nearly 14 years now." I explain, smiling awkwardly and feeling like I've interrupted something.

"Well it's lovely to meet you, Grian." The one with brown hair tells me warmly. "I'm Edith, and this is Aeryn."

Aeyrn isn't saying anything, simply staring at me with her head tilted to the side a little. After a moment, she looks around then says something.

"Where's Xisuma?"

"Oh... he couldn't make it, he's busy dealing with something importa-." Ezra explains, before being cut off.

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