Chapter 20

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Nora's POV

When I wake up, I'm surprised to see it's morning. I've had insomnia since I was 8, I haven't had a full night's sleep in years. Looking around, I see the boys' beds are empty. This makes me frown in confusion. It's not like them to get up so early. I get dressed, before heading out into the hallway.

They could be outside, or in the library. It was a Saturday, so they obviously aren't in class. Usually they'd take the opportunity to sleep in on weekend, so they probably have something to do. Turning a corner, a hand grabs me by the neck. I don't even need to guess who it is.

"HOW DARE YOU LET THEM ESCAPE?!" Demetrius roars.

"I don't know what you're talking about sir" I calmly respond, hiding my worry.

"Don't lie to me Xerea! How could they have gotten out without you being aware?"

"Who?" I ask, before getting a hard slap to the face. I wince in pain, a bit of blood dripping from my nose.


My eyes widen in shock. They're gone. They escaped. I'm unsure whether to feel happy for them, or sad that I might never see them again. Demetrius seems to realise that I didn't know about this, his face softening slightly.

"When the New Year comes and the barrier falls, you are to go out and find them. Don't return until you do. And if you even think about running away, I'll see to it myself that Grian is killed."


Xisuma's POV

We escaped.

We actually made it.

My entire body feels sore as I sit up, looking around for the others. But I only see Joe. Could Ezra and Grian have gone off by themselves? No, surely not. Hearing footsteps, I whip around, only to be met by a man with a scraggly beard. Frowning, I gently shake Joe's shoulder. He sits up, squinting at the man through cracked glasses.

"Are you two ok?" The man asks. I can tell by his accent that he's American. He comes a bit closer, but I move back cautiously.

"It's ok... I won't hurt you." He tells me softly. I keep hold of Joe's hand, not sure wether or not to trust him as he extends his hand, smiling kindly. "I'm GenerikB"

"I'm Xisuma... that's Joe" I tell him, cautiously shaking his hand "Uh... have you seen another boy? He looks like me but he has white hair and red eyes."

"I'm afraid I haven't"

"Did you see a boy with blonde hair and a red sweater?" Joe asks hopefully

"No... if you've lost your friends I can help you find them though" Generik responds, helping us up. "For now, you look like you need medical attention"

He has a point. I'm fairly sure my nose is fractured. I'm beginning to trust this man, following behind him with my hand still in Joe's. After about 6 minutes, I speak up.

"Where are we?" I ask quietly

Generik turns, giving me a bright smile.

"You're in Hermitcraft!"


Ezra's POV

I'm alone when I wake up. Alone in a small cave up high in the mountains. My friends aren't here. A stabbing pain over my eye makes it clear I need to focus more on my injury then my current situation. Tearing a peice of cloth off my shirt, I hold it to my eye to try staunch the bloodflow.

Thankfully my eye isn't damaged, but I'll definitely have a scar. The pain dies down eventually, but still hurts like hell. Back to the subject of my friends. Where are they? Did they leave me? Why aren't they with me?

"Of course they left you."

I jump at the dark, echoing voice, that's nowhere but everywhere. Almost like it's in my head.

"I am in your head. And I saw them leave you. They don't care about you anymore, they think you're just a burden"

"That's not true... who are you to tell me this anyway?!" I snap

"You can call me Hels." The voice responds "I'm everything you've ever wanted to be. I can make you strong, powerful... side with me and nobody would ever look down on you again."

"No way am I trusting some voice in my head. I'm going to find my brother"

"Xisuma doesn't want you. He left you here on purpose"

"Shut up. You don't know him" I growl, getting up. Hels's voice seems to follow me though, still in my head.

"You're weak. Pathetic. Nobody loves you." It taunts. I try to ignore it, but it grows increasingly hard as he continues to tease me. I feel anger bubbling inside of my chest, a red hot fury I can't control.

"STOP IT!" I scream, and for a blissful moment, Hels is quiet. Slumping against the wall, I start to cry.

"There you go" the voice softly tells me "That's exactly what I want. Stick with me and you'll never have to cry like this again."

Hels's soothing words calm me, and I admit, it feels nice.

"I'm proud of you Ezra, you're already doing perfect." He whispers, and I swear I can feel a gentle hand stroke my hair. Opening my eyes, I see a boy in dark armour, with red eyes like mine and golden hair. Hearing his praise makes me happy. Hels tilts my chin up, making me look at him in the eyes with a devilish smile.

"I think I'm going to like you"

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