Chapter 5

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Lying restless on my bed, I let silent tears flow freely as I look at the photo of my mom. She's hugging a 10 year old me, the sun beaming down on our faces.

"Grian?" A soft voice whispers. I roll over to see Joe's awake, the twins still asleep, cuddled up beside each other. "Are you crying?"

I quickly try to wipe my tears away, but this doesn't go unnoticed by him.

"It's ok, I won't tell anyone. Trust me, it's better sometimes to just cry then to try hide it."

He comes over, sitting next to me and hugging me. I hardly know him, but I can already tell he's a lovely person. I hug back, letting the tears come.

And slowly, I begin to doze off, the sweet relief of sleep taking over my body.

Time Skip!!!

I stare at myself in the tall, looming mirror, wishing the person I see wasn't me.

The long, black robe makes me feel uncomfortable. Wearing it feels so wrong. Ornate purple symbols run down the sides and along the cuffs, the two colours reminding me of an Enderman, or the great dragon I'd heard stories of.

"You ok?" Someone behind me asks. I turn to face Joe, Xisuma and Ezra.

"No" I admit, not bothering to hide the tears in my eyes this time.

"We're all sacred" Xisuma sighs "We'll get through this though"

I give him a small smile

"As a team?"

"As a team" Joe confirms.

"This is gonna be one hell of a dysfunctional team" Ezra remarks, the four of us laughing.

The door then opens, a stressed looking Xerea poking her head in.

"You four ok?" She asks, and we nod in response. I take note of her black eye, hoping SHE'S ok too.

"Alright, make sure your robes are neat, your clothes aren't visible, and Grian maybe you should wash your face. I want you all lined up in the hallway in the next 8 minutes or so"

Again, the four of us nod, and Xerea quickly leaves again.

"Is she ok?" Joe asks worriedly "Please tell me y'all saw that black eye."

"I did." I respond quietly "I think someone might've hit her or something"

"They wouldn't do that" Ezra mumbles uncertainly "Would they?"

Remembering how Xerea was grabbed by the other Watcher yesterday, I believe someone did. I tell the other three about what I saw, their expressions slowly becoming fearful and worried.

"She did say they're crueler then they seem" Xisuma shudders "Didn't think it would be that bad..."

"I know, but if we wanna avoid that happening to us I suggest we get ready to go" I tell the other three.

Nobody speaks for the next while, all of us concerned for what the next six years could hold.

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