Chapter 62

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Grian's POV

I wake up with bandages on my wrists.

I don't remember putting them on me.

I think I passed out...

Maybe I did too many cuts this time.

But if I passed out, who put the bandages on my-


I sit up immediately, reaching under my pillow. There's nothing.

"Looking for this?" Someone asks me, my head turning without hesitation.

It's Xisuma, holding my small knife in his hands as he sits by the door. He looks upset, disappointed even. Great, it just has to be him who found out.

"Give that back." I snap.

"And let you keep hurting yourself? No."

I don't even think before I jump at X, tackling him to the ground and trying to take the knife back off of him. The Admin has quick reflexes, and throws it across the room, before rolling over and pinning me to the ground.

"Why do you have to intervene with everything I do?!" I yell, struggling against his firm grip on me.

"Because I love you and I'm not going to let this continue!"

"It's none of your business!" I snap "Just stay out of it and let me make my own choices."

"Usually I leave you be, but to think I'm gonna let you harm and injure yourself is pushing it Gri."

"Let me go, and get out of here." I growl

Xisuma looks like he's struggling, not physically but emotionally. Almost like it hurts him to do this.

"I won't." He tells me stubbornly, holding his ground. I glare at him, both of us knowing he's chosen the hard way.


I blast Xisuma with magic, slamming him backwards into the wall. I get up as quickly as I can, but he's already up too, irises glowing bright purple.

"Don't make me do this. We can get this over with the easy way, alright? I just want to help you."

"Leave me alone. That's the easy way." I growl

"I hate to do this." he sighs, snapping his fingers. And I suddenly can't move. I'm stuck exactly where I am, floating about 3 inches off the ground, and no matter how hard I struggle I can't budge.

"I HATE YOU!" I scream, lashing out at the Admin. Xisuma looks so hurt by those words, but I don't care anymore. "I HATE YOU! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!"

"I know you hate me. That's ok." X says softly, though he's unable to conceal the sadness in his voice.

This calmness, this lack of anger... It makes me furious. I want him to be angry at me. I want him to yell at me and lose his temper too.

But he just won't.

"But I want to keep you safe, and I'm afraid this is the only way to do it."

Still unable to move, I feel a dizziness come over me. My vision is going blurry, and I'm struggling to stay conscious.

I look up at X with one last glare, full of anger, hurt and betrayal.

"Good luck with that."

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