Chapter 42

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Grian's POV

Standing in front of the obsidian portal frame, I shudder as a cold wind blows past me. It was unusual weather for July, but I didn't question it, more focused on other matters.

Xisuma is about to leave Season 5, probably saying a few words beforehand, knowing him. Then he's gonna lead the Hermits who are moving to Season 6... and then it gets complicated.

Seeing as I only joined the server very recently, Xisuma had already confirmed no new members were joining Season 6. This lead to several complications with the Admins, who had to make some very last minute adjustments.

X hadn't really been on great terms with them in the first place, seeing as GenerikB never asked permission to train him. He then had to register himself officially before they could make the move to Season 2, which was already enough to piss the Admins off.

It didn't help when they found out he used to be a Watcher, and many thought it was a scheme between him and Generik to get a Watcher an Admin rank, especially seeing as they had no choice but to give it to him.

The portal in front of me suddenly lights up a beautiful golden colour. I feel my stomach do a backflip, and seriously consider backing out of this. Xisuma is the first through, smiling proudly as he looks around. He then sees me, giving me a quick thumbs up before more people come through.

The first pair through the portal, a blonde in a brown shirt and a brunette in pink, immediately see me, looking very surprised. Then two men with Vex wings, another brunette with what appeared to be a robotic eye, a man with wolf ears and a tail, and a man in medieval style knight's armour.

Then yet another brunette with an I on his t-shirt, a nice looking red creeper, and a terrifying green creeper cyborg stumble through, practically landing on each other. They're followed by a blonde girl with broken goggles on her head, a hyperactive blonde with red eyes, a man made of transparent blue slime, an old man who looks sick of everyone's shit, a red headed zombie I'm slightly scared of, and a man in a suit with a moustache I envy.

Finally Joe and a blonde in pink and yellow armour come through, and the portal closes. All eyes are on me. I find myself back in front of all the Evolutionists, feeling the same mix of terror, nervousness and slight excitement. That's when Xisuma takes my hand.

"Guys... this is Grian! He's officially joining Hermitcraft!"

Nobody says a word. Some look confused, others seem sceptical. Then the person with the robotic eye punches the air enthusiastically.

"Woo! Surprise Hermit!" They yell, with a very heavy Swedish accent

This seems to snap the others back to attention, and I suddenly find myself surrounded by curious Hermits, like they're all children and I'm some kind of puppy. Some shake my hand, most affectionately hug me, a few give me playful punches on the shoulder. It's slightly overwhelming, and X seems to notice this.

"Alright guys, don't crowd him. I know you're excited... but he doesn't really know anyone yet."

Then he looks around the small crowd, pointing to people in the order they came through.

"Ok, this is Zedaph, Stress, Cub, Scar, Iskall, Ren, Wels, Impulse, Python, Doc, False, Tango, Jevin, Tin, Mumbo, Joe and Biffa."

He says all this without hesitation, and all in the one breath. I must look surprised, because several people laugh.

"Want to say anything Gri?" Xisuma asks, nudging me forwards.

"Umm... hi" I mumble, smiling shyly

"How old is this kid, 10?" The one called Doc snickers. I cross my arms, sticking my tongue out at him with a pout. This makes him laugh even more.

"Dude I was kidding!"

"You don't look a day older than 13!" The man with the robot eye adds, trying to hold back laughter.

"If you're teasing him for being short, it's pretty rich coming from you, Iskall" Xisuma snaps, wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"He has a point mate" The mustached man quietly remarks, looking down at the brunette.

"Oh shut up!"

"You shut up!"

"Is nobody gonna talk about how Xisuma's holding Grian like that?"

If Xisuma was frustrated now, he was pretty close to losing it.

"WELCOME TO HERMITCRAFT SEASON 6, GO DO SOMETHING USEFUL WITH YOURSELVES!" He yells, not in anger but to make himself heard over the chaos. He then pulls me aside with a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry" he apologises

"For what?" I ask

"I- I don't know. I just want this to be perfect for you... you really deserve it after everything you've been through."

"Being with you and Joe makes it perfect enough Xisuma." I reply, hugging my friend tightly.

That's when we're interrupted by the sound of snickering once again.

"I KNEW IT!" The Zombie yells, before being tackled to the ground by the girl in pink.

"Shut up Cleo! They're clearly having a moment!" She hisses

"X HAS A BOYFRIEND!" Cleo yells to the others, catching their attention

Xisuma curses under his breath, a muffled groan coming from beneath his helmet as the Hermits come back over.

"Wait- what?!" The man with pink and yellow armour gasps, as the redhead tries in vain to hold back her laughter.

"X said he wanted everything to be perfect for Grian" She tells them, as The Admin tries to stop her "And then GRIAN said everything was perfect with him around!"

"It's not what it looks like! We're close friends and have been for a long time!" The brunette protests

"Little too close if you ask me" The guy with wolf ears observes

"Has he seen you without your helmet?" Someone else calls

"Have they not?" I ask, turning to Xisuma in confusion

"What?! How come he gets to see your face and we can't?" Another grumbles

"I just want to keep some things about myself private! Can none of you respect that?! Whether it's how I look or my relationship with Grian!"

"Guys! Just listen to him will you?" The one called Tin tells the group, ushering them away. Xisuma seems relieved, before the old man turns back and smirks "Besides, it's obvious Grian just saw his face when they were kissing"

"You little-" Xisuma gasps

"Language!" Tin calls

I can't help but laugh this time. It's pretty obvious I'm gonna enjoy being here. 

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