Chapter 10

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Jumping up in bed, I look down at myself, relieved when I don't see blood. I hope that was a dream, all those terrifying things I saw...

I begin to doubt it was a dream though when I realise I'm not in my room, but in some kind of medical room. I realise how tired I am, like I'd collapse any second. Lying back down, I try to recall anything after passing out, but nothing comes to mind.

I suddenly get the chilling feeling that I'm being watched by someone, and turn to see a pair of red eyes staring at me.

"You're awake" Ezra remarks quietly, almost making me scream. He quietly comes over and sits beside me.

"I recommend you be quiet. If they find out you're awake they'll start asking a bunch of questions and things."

"How do you know?"

"I eavesdropped when they thought I was passed out" he responds calmly.

"Why would they want to ask me so many questions?" I ask, Ezra merely shrugging.

"All I know is they've called classes off for a staff meeting about whatever happened to you"

I frown uncomfortably, not really knowing how to take that. My friend takes my hand.

"Don't worry about it... it'll be ok" he assures.

I nod, neither of us really saying much until he looks back up at me with uncertainty in his eyes.

"Grian? Is it... obvious I'm transgender?" He asks nervously, shifting uncomfortably in his spot.

"No... not to me at least. And I don't think it matters anyway. You're a boy, and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise can go shove themselves down a well for all I care."

Ezra can't help but laugh, hugging me tightly.

"Thanks Grian... I really need that kind of thing said to me after all the hate I've gotten"

"It wasn't just that boy?"

"No... Xisuma was the first person I came out to, obviously. Our parents were very accepting, but others didn't take it well. They kept calling me my birth name and addressing me as 'she'. I asked them to stop, but they just told me that I was being silly and-"

He's begun to cry, and I pull him close to me and let him bury his face in my chest. His soft, white hair is nice, it smells like flowers and trees.

"I miss my moms" he mumbles into my chest, voice cracking as tears roll down his cheeks.

"Moms?" I repeat

"Yeah, I have two moms. You got a problem with that?" He asks defensively

"No! To be honest that's even better then one mom!" I reply, smiling

"Yeah... it is" he yawns, quite tired from earlier. Before I can tell him to head back to his own bed, he's fallen asleep on me. At least he can't see my blush as I shake his shoulder.

"Cmon, you can't sleep here!" I giggle

"Why nooot?" He pouts adorably

"Because. Now get up!"

"You're mean"

"You're cute" I accidentally say out loud.

"Wait, I mean-"

But Ezra only grins at me.

"You're cute too"

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