Chapter 61

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Trigger Warning: Self Harm

Ezra's POV

I feel like a toddler.

I can hardly stand up, let alone walk, and I'm being fussed over every moment of the day unless I'm asleep. What makes things worse is that I can't eat pretty much anything without throwing up.

Celeste said this was because I haven't eaten in so long, but it doesn't make sense to me. Why reject food when you haven't had it in ages?

I eventually figured out that this was some sort of training facility for The Listeners, like the one The Watchers had. It's an identical building, but instead of black and purple everywhere, the whole place is covered in white marble and gold.

There's something unsettling about being in a place so similar to the one I lost so much trying to escape, but I guess I'm just grateful to be here instead of the Void.

And from what I've seen out of the windows, the young children outside look happy to be here. Running around in white and gold robes, tiny wings on their backs as they excitedly practice their magic...

It's the exact opposite of what I had.

Once my legs finally decide to work after a week or so, I spend most of my time wandering along the halls. I never get lost, I know exactly where everything is and how to get there. It's almost scary, being in a place that's so different yet so familiar at the same time.

"You shouldn't be here."

"I'm aware."

I don't need to turn around to know Celeste is behind me. She's the only person who's spoken to me in a year and a half. It didn't take long to recognise her voice.

"I recommend you return to your room before someone sees you. The presence of a Watcher would not be taken lightly here."


"Doesn't make a difference to them. Whether you side with the others or not, you were born with that magic and you're stuck with it now."

"Born with it?"

"Yes. From the very moment you came into this world it was decided you'd be a Watcher. The same with your brother, and all other Admins and Watchers. We have a similar way of getting our Listeners too, only most don't know about it."

She motions to 3 white stripes on her left arm, in the same place I have mine. I'm surprised for a moment, but then I turn to her with a question I'd asked myself over and over.

"What is it with you guys and the whole white and gold thing?" I ask

"Good question." She laughs "It represents light and hope, the same way the Watchers have their black and purple to show power and darkness."

This makes me look back at my black wings, a little self conscious. I haven't had the strength to try and hide them. And they're like a fluffy blanket too, so I low-key don't want to either.

"Now you need rest, come on." Celeste insists.

I don't protest as she guides me back to my room, feeling very tired. I'm asleep almost the moment I'm in the bed again, which I'm honestly happy about. Though I kind of regret those words when I have a dream about Grian.

He's sitting alone, in a massive empty castle of sorts, holding my helmet in his hands. He's silently crying, the tears falling onto the ground as he curls up into a small ball. His hand moves to wipe the tears from his eyes, his sleeve shifting slightly, and I see the red scars on his wrists.

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